Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 78: Above heaven

Latest website: Da Zi is in the sky, Luo Hu sits on top of the twelfth-grade extinct black lotus, with golden light in his eyes.

This is a bit sudden!

At that moment, Luo Hu felt the aura of Houtu, and could clearly feel that this was the aura of the deity of Houtu.

In other words, it is not the breath of the incarnation of the netherworld.

However, Luo Hu only felt it, that is to say, after that moment, he could no longer feel the breath of the earth.

It seems that Hou Tu has never come back.

No, Luo Yu clearly felt the aura of the deity of Houtu, appearing on the land, this must be Houtu's return, otherwise, it won't be the case.

Otherwise, there is only one possibility to prove that Hou Tu has not returned, and that is that Hou Tu has realized the art of incarnation of the Great Dao to Consummation.

Only the separated avatars will have the aura of the deity. If not, how could Hou Tu only show the aura for that moment?

Is it possible that Houtu really realized Consummation?

Luo Hui has only realized the triple level now, and is still a newcomer. I don't know how long it will take to reach Consummation?

Hongjun and Destiny should have also felt the aura of Hou Tu. If Hou Tu realizes Consummation, then this makes sense.

Houtu was probably warning Hongjun and Destiny to ask them to consider whether they could bear her anger when dealing with the Witch Clan.

"What realm did Houtu have reached?" Luo Hui was a little confused, because Houtu was afraid that he already knew everything about the prehistoric.

Otherwise, it is definitely better to warn like this, this time the calculation of the Witch Clan may really succeed.

Luo Hui definitely wouldn't make a move. He would no longer care about such trivial matters now. He understood that the fusion of the art of the incarnation of the Great Dao and the simulation of the 36th Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian was the top priority.

Once the art of incarnation of the Great Dao is completed, Luo Hu can directly project the heavens and the world, which is much stronger than the candle dragon sent in the past.

Sure enough, after the aura of Houtu appeared, both Hongjun and Destiny cut off their thoughts on the Wu Clan.

Naturally, the calculations of the Witch tribe are hard to hide from the two of them. This Witch tribe is thinking of calculating the human race and snatching the co-lord of the human race.

Originally, Hongjun and Destiny were planning to punish the Wu Clan, but the breath of Hou Tu made them dispel this idea.

At that moment, the aura that appeared in Hou Tu had already been stronger than them, that is to say, the Hou Tu above the wilderness had returned.

Before, Houtu became Pingxin and broke off relations with the Witch Clan, but now Houtu has become so powerful that it is no longer Pingxin and has become Houtu again.

As the ancestors of the Witch clan, naturally they would not sit back and watch. If they dare to move the Witch clan, then Hou Tu will definitely come forward.

They had never fought with Hou Tu. They were not sure about the power of Hou Tu and did not dare to try easily.

In fact, it was not Luo Hu, Hongjun and Destiny that was the most surprised, but Lu Ya Daojun who enlightened Buddha in Lingjia Mountain in the west.

"What a strong aura, there is such a strong presence in this remote place, why haven't you noticed it before?" Daojun Lu Ya was shocked.

"Compared to the breath of Dao Zun, huh~~"

Daojun Lu Ya took a deep breath. His heart could not be calm for a long time. Although such a realm could not kill him, it could exile him.

At present, Lu Yi Daojun has only recovered to the middle stage of the Dao Realm (Heaven Dao Realm).

He has no power to fight back against the power of Shang Dao Zun realm, he can survive with his hole cards, but he cannot fight against it!

The Buddhism above the wilderness has just started. This is an opportunity for Lord Lu Ya to restore his cultivation. As long as he seizes this opportunity, he can use the fortune of the wilderness to quickly recover from his injuries.

As long as it is restored to the peak period, even the existence comparable to Dao Zun is not in his eyes.

You must know that Dao Sovereign is also strong and weak, and although he is not the strongest among Dao Sovereigns, he is not weak either.

Judging by his aura just now, this prehistoric mysterious powerhouse is just a newcomer to the realm of Dao Venerable.

If this is known to Luo Hui, I am afraid that his mind will be hit. Listening to the meaning of Daojun Lu, it is obvious that Dao Zun is stronger than Zheng Dao.

The Zheng Dao realm is already comparable to the prehistoric Heavenly Dao realm, and Dao Zun is still above the Heavenly Dao realm. This is too terrifying!

Luo Hui is now only the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, not even the heavenly realm!

Of course, even if Luo Hu knows, he will be ready to go as he thought before!

He wants to suppress his own cultivation base, and when the opportunity comes, he will soar into the sky!

One year, three years.....

Time is precious to the human race, because the human race has a short lifespan, and the life of the human race is generally only fifty years.

In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

The Lieshan clan was frowning in Chendu. In ten years, the Jiuli tribe and the Youxiong tribe had changed too much.

The Jiuli tribe took on the heavy responsibility of the human race to open up the territory and expand the territory. Within these ten years, Chi You didn't know what method was used, and even opened the way out of Origin Valley.

It has directly opened up an area of ​​20 million miles, and from then on, the human race can go to the prehistoric places without being blocked by the mountains of Origin Valley!

This is a great feat!

It directly solved the problem of the shortage of human living area. With this feat alone, the Lieshan clan can summon Chi You to Chendu and let him gradually take over human affairs.

But some bear tribes have also undergone drastic changes.

After Xuanyuan was born, the strength of the bear tribe began to increase dramatically, and this Xuanyuan was also born with a vision. By the time he was five years old, he had already looked like an adult, learning arts under Kong Xuan's seat.

Kong publicizes the core exercises of Mount Xume, the Nine Turns of Magic!

Perhaps this technique was tailor-made for Xuanyuan. In just five years, Xuanyuan had cultivated to the Golden Fairy Realm!

Moreover, Xuanyuan invented the car and ship, which was a big step forward for the civilization of the human race.

Moreover, vehicles and boats are extremely useful to the human race.

Not only that, Xuanyuan also improved the clothes and invented the clothes crown, which also promoted the development of human civilization.

Xuanyuan took over as the leader of the bear tribe when he was eight years old. Under Xuanyuan's leadership, the bear tribe developed in an all-round way.

Not only has agriculture become the strongest tribe of the human race, UU reading www. uukanshu. com even the military is second only to the Jiuli tribe.

This made Xuanyuan a great sage alongside Chi You in one fell swoop. Many leaders in the human race guessed that the next co-master might come from among these two.

There are bear tribes.

Xuanyuan stood respectfully behind Kong Xuan, watching Kong Xuan fishing quietly.


The fish was hooked, Kong Xuan flicked his fishing rod, but caught a goldfish.

"It seems that the Lieshan clan is about to complete its merits." Kong Xuan said lightly.

"Master is saying that the Communist Party has become an immortal god?" Xuanyuan rejoiced.

The Lieshan clan was a human race all his life, and now he is about to become a **** and saint, Xuanyuan is naturally happy.

Kong Xuan did not answer Xuanyuan's words, but said, "Human internal fighting will also begin."

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