Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 87: Xuanyuan Expedition

Above the heavens, who dare to stand up?

After all, this is something that offends people. Whether it can please one party is one thing, but it will definitely offend the other two forces.

Therefore, when Haotian's voice fell, no deity came out of the huge Lingxiao Hall.

But just when Haotian and Queen Mother thought that there would be no gods going, a beautiful shadow came out.

"Your Majesty, the minister is willing to go." The voice was as sweet as Yingluan's crowing.

Both Haotian and Yaochi were stunned, and then they were relieved that the goddess who came out was the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, a disciple of Queen Mother Xi.

Speaking of it, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl was only sent by the Queen Mother to the Heavenly Court to practice, and she would still leave the Heavenly Court after some time.

So for the Nine Sky Profound Girl, Haotian and Yaochi were not too restrictive, and they also gave the Nine Sky Profound Girl a high priesthood. Of course, there was no real power.

"Xuannv is willing to go, Dashan." Haotian said happily.

If the Nine Heavens Profound Girl goes to the Human Race to help Xuanyuan, the Heavenly Court will not offend the Xuanmen and the Witch Clan. After all, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl is a descendant of the Demon Dao, and it is reasonable to go to help Xuanyuan.

Moreover, if the Nine Heavens Profound Girl goes to the Human Race to help, Xuanyuan will get close to the Heavenly Court.

"Divine Soldiers, take out ten sets of warfare and let the Nine Heavens Profound Girl bring them to the human race." Haotian said majesticly.

When even a deity walked out, knelt down and took his command.

Not long after, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl prepared everything in the Heavenly Court, and went straight to Chendu for nine days.

Chen is the capital of the human race and is the orthodox place of the human race.

When she was in the Lower Realm, Jiu Tian Xuan Nu was not optimistic about Chi You, and even Chen Du could lose this important place. She wanted to win Xuanyuan, for fear of wishful thinking.

Nowadays, Chen Du has gathered a lot of monks, not only the monks of the human race, but also the monks of foreign races.

Xuanyuan accepts Xian and conquers Chi You.

The reason is that Chi You led the army of the Jiuli tribe to Chendu with intent to rebel.

In this way, Xuanyuan could be said to have fought on the right side, and the entire human race only knew that Xuanyuan was in charge of Chen Du.

Then they all accepted Xuanyuan as the co-master. As for whether the Lieshan clan had set a co-master, it didn't matter anymore.

After all, for so many years, Chen Du has been giving orders to rule the human race.

Now, Chi You has become a thief of treason.

Xuanyuanyou uttered a sound, as long as Chi You was arrested, he would not die, and the Jiuli tribe army was innocent.

But in the eyes of discerning people, this is simply nonsense, after all, the Communist Party has not yet separated it.

But ordinary people don't have so many thoughts, whoever is in power in Chen Du, they will listen to whom.

Suddenly, there was a sound of condemnation in the human race, the voices were all scolding Chi You to provoke a civil war in the human race, and Chi You was arrested.

Naturally, this word also reached Chi You's ears, which made Chi You furious, never thought Xuanyuan's children were so mean!

"Big Brother, Xuanyuan is in Chendu and spread the rumors that my Jiuli tribe is rebelling. Now there is no co-owner. How did we rebel?"

The eighty-one sky witches were also furious, all yelling at Xuanyuan for being mean.

Chi You shook his head. He took a step slower, and the other things were no longer useful. The only way now is to drive Xuanyuan out of Chen Du, or kill Xuanyuan.

Otherwise, he would not be the co-master.

"Xuanyuan's children are only three or two little cats and little fish. How can we fight with my Jiuli army? As long as the bear tribe is killed, then the world will be our brother." Chi You raised his voice.

The eighty-one sky witches were not as deep in their minds as Chi You, when they heard this, they all nodded and said yes.

"Where are you now?" Chi You asked.

A few generals came in outside, and said respectfully: "Leader, we have reached the bank of the Yellow River and compete with the tribe."

"Well, you don't need to go forward. Just set up a camp here. Remember, you must not harass the people who are chasing the deer tribe." Chi You commanded.

"Brother, why don't we take the Chalu tribe and fight Xuanyuan together?"

"Brother, what are we doing here? There is still a distance from Chen Du."

Chi You is confident, as if everything has been calculated, and said lightly: "We are here to wait for Xuanyuan child. If he wants to be the co-leader, he will definitely attract the army to come and fight me to the death."

What Chi You said is really good. Xuanyuan’s slogan is now shouting loudly. If you don’t launch a crusade, you will lose all your prestige. You don’t need to do anything by Chi You. The tribes around Chendu will Xuanyuan became isolated.

Chen Du, in the palace, Xuanyuan hovered with his hand, he was waiting!

The bear tribe army has not yet arrived in Chendu, Xuanyuan wants to fight against Chiyou as soon as possible.

The more time delayed, the more disadvantaged Xuanyuan was.

Looking at the previous five co-lords, which one started by talking about it?

Ta Ta Ta~~~

A messenger quickly entered the main hall and respectfully said: "Your Majesty Huang, there are millions of bear tribes who have arrived outside Chendu City!"

"Haha, okay." Xuanyuan's expression changed quickly, and he yelled okay, and quickly walked out of the palace.

When the army came, Xuanyuan wanted to go to the camp as soon as possible. He wanted to inspect it, then take care of it, and prepare to set off for the tribe!

Three days later, Xuanyuan ordered that a million bear tribe army would go with him, and two million other tribes would join him.

However, the forces of other tribes were too weak. Xuanyuan didn't want to go, but couldn't bear the pleading of the leaders.

Army travel, three million!

Xuanyuan personally took command, and beside him there were many monks, monks of all races.

Just after leaving Chendu, Xuanyuan met a woman who was the Nine Heavens Profound Girl who came down to earth.

"Following the emperor's decree, I will bring ten sets of battle formations and ten sets of art of war to help His Majesty the Yellow Emperor conquer Chiyou." Nine Sky Profound Girl entered the Xuanyuan Tent and said directly.

Hearing this, Xuanyuan was immediately overjoyed. Even the Heavenly Emperor of the Heavenly Court helped him, so this conquest is bound to succeed!

" Thank you for the help of Heavenly Emperor." Xuanyuan said neither humble nor humble, after all, he had already regarded himself as a co-master.

The co-lord of the human race is not inferior to the heavenly emperor, he naturally does not need to be respectful.

Furthermore, he is a direct descendant of Demon Dao, a disciple of Kong Xuan, and he does not need respect.

But seeing the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, Xuanyuan felt a little dazed, his eyes shining.

Such a beautiful woman, Human Race has never seen it.

"I don't know the name of the fairy?" Xuanyuan asked.

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl did not hide it, after all, it was just a name, and immediately said: "This Nine Heavens Profound Girl follows the Queen Mother in the heavenly court."

These words made Xuanyuan startled, not because of the Queen Mother, but because of the name of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl!

Xuanyuan once heard that Kong Xuan had said that under the seat of the Fourth Master, there was a disciple named Jiu Tian Xuan Nu!

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