Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 89: Chi You asks for help

Kong Xuan was shocked. He knew Luo Hu's character and good things. He would never let him out. What happened this time?

Why was it let out?

But since Luo Hui had already decided, he naturally wouldn't say anything.

When he returned to Chendu, Kong Xuan began to wonder when he would become a quasi-sage first.

He is now the pinnacle of Da Luo Jinxian, only one step away from becoming a quasi saint.

Kong Xuan had a hunch in the human race this time that the cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian might not be able to change the situation.

There are still a few quasi-sages within the Witch Clan, even if Xingtian doesn’t make a move, there are quasi-sages.

So Kong Xuan was hesitating whether he should become a quasi saint now.

After so many years of cultivation, Kong Xuan could cut off his desires and become a quasi-sage.

Moreover, Kong Xuan created another method, which is not entirely the method of seven emotions and six desires. He used the method of seven emotions and six desires to combine with his five-color divine light.

What is cut out is not the desire of the devil, but the desire of the five elements, all the five elements are cut, Kong Xuan can prove Tao Hunyuan!

Over the years, Kong Xuan has been suppressing his own cultivation base, and he also wants to become a quasi-sage in one fell swoop, even the peak.

Ready to go, this is something that Kong Xuan has planned for a long time, otherwise, as the second generation chief of the magic road, how can he still be a big Luo Jinxian.

There are two quasi-sages in the Xumi Mountain line, among the disciples of the second generation, Xingtian and Duobao.

Of course, the quasi-sage Xing Tian is a veteran quasi-sage, even if it is the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, I am afraid it is not its opponent.

Although Duobao was newly promoted to the quasi-sage, he could obtain the true biography of the master of Tongtian, and the teaching of the Taiqing Taoist ancestor and the original Tianzun, and his combat power was extraordinary.

After thinking for a while, Kong Xuan thought that it was not the time to make a breakthrough. Once he made a breakthrough now, it would be the Quasi-Saint mid-term at best.

But if you wait until Xuanyuan's merits are consummated, then with the help of merit, Kong Xuan can directly become the later stage of the quasi-sage, and even the pinnacle of the quasi-sage.

Kong Xuan is aloof, he doesn't want to be surpassed by his junior, Xing Tian's cultivation base, but the pinnacle of quasi-sage.

Although Kong Xuan knew that it was impossible to surpass Xingtian at once, he could not be exceeded by Xingtian too much.

Compete among the tribes.

Chi You talked with the leader of the Zhulu tribe many times, but the leader of the Zhulu tribe did not agree to fight Xuanyuan with Chi You.

Of course, he would not support Xuanyuan's campaign against Chi You, and would remain neutral.

Moreover, the leader of the Chailu tribe said that in the near future they will all migrate the entire tribe, which is considered to make room for the next two sides to fight.

The leader of the Zhulu tribe is also a great sage, he is outside, and he can naturally see the battle between Chi You and Xuanyuan.

Even if Xuanyuan was seated in Chen Du and made the voice of conquering Chi You, he knew that this was just a strategy.

He is loyal to the human race, the co-owner, not two power contenders, as long as they win or lose, then he will be loyal to the winner.

Chi You didn't make it difficult to compete with the deer tribe, he was also a human race, and he now needs prestige and can't make his reputation bad.

On this day, Chi You and the 81 Heavenly Witches were in the camp to discuss countermeasures, and now the Xuanyuan army has arrived.

It won't take long before we will reach the Yellow River Basin. At that time, there is bound to be a big battle.

What Chi You is worried about is not the battle between the army, but the battle between the monks.

Eighty-one celestial witches, each of them are Taiyi Golden Immortals, there is only one Taiyi Golden Immortal in the human race, and Xuanqing Palace will not interfere in this matter.

But Chi You already knew that many cultivators from the prehistoric land had gone to Chendu, and they all wanted to help Xuanyuan to crusade against him.

These monks want to divide merits.

Merit is a good thing. It can make a person's cultivation by leaps and bounds. This is just one of them. You must know when a person's merit reaches a certain amount.

Even if it is not a saint, then it is definitely an immortal existence in the predicament, because for people of great merit, heaven is protected.

Even if a saint kills the generation of great merit, he will be backlashed by the heavens, so merit is above the prehistoric, which every monk wants to get.

Nowadays, above the predecessors, no one knows that the human race is the gathering place of merit, and Nuwa is sanctified by the human race.

Taiqing Daozu became holy by virtue of human race.

Fuxi became the most saint by virtue of his human race. Although he was a little worse than the previous two, he was not inferior in terms of status.

In today's prehistoric times, who doesn't keep an eye on the human race.

Going down to the Jinxian and going up to the saints, they are all staring at the human race closely, and they must be clear about every move, and then gain merit from it.

This time the Terran Civil War was the easiest time to gain merit.

Of course, this is also the most dangerous time.

The monks stand in the team, and once they stand in the wrong team, they will lose their lives.

But in the face of merit, the great creatures still dare to gamble.

If you don't fight, you will be left behind by fellow monks. Who wants to be an ant?

Although there are ants under the saints, being a bigger ant is still very free and easy on the land.

Chi You's face was deep, he was thinking about things, the eighty-one Heavenly Witches below, looking at Chi You's expressions, were all wary.

As long as Chi You said a word, they would dare to kill Chen Du directly.

With their eighty-one Taiyi Golden Immortals, it was easy to destroy Xuanyuan.

"Brother, Xuanyuan has gathered three million troops. It looks like a mighty force, but in fact it is vulnerable. Our 800,000 army can reach Xuanyuan's army eight million!"

"That is, the good children of my Jiuli tribe are all elites with one enemy and one hundred!"

"I heard that many cultivators have taken refuge in Xuanyuan, but at most they are Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation base. It shouldn't be a worry. If we form the Jiujiu Capital Tianshen Array, how can we even be a Quasi Saint?"

Eighty-one Sky Witches are all in their hands, and they are not afraid of the menacing Xuanyuan.

Chi You was naturally not afraid, but Chi You was not worried about the three million army, nor was he worried about those casual cultivators.

These are just shrimp soldiers and crabs, and they are vulnerable. What Chi You is really worried about is the magic way!

Once Mt. Xumi takes a shot, then this matter is hard to say.

Looking at the eighty-one sky witches who were chattering endlessly, Chi You raised his hand and said, "Okay, don't talk about it."

Hearing Luo Hu's words, the eighty-one Heavenly Witches stopped immediately, and they were all waiting for Luo Hu's instructions.

But then, Luo Hu didn't give them any orders, but raised his voice and said, "Let Huang Long come to camp quickly."

The messenger outside the camp, Dang even left quickly, went to the camp of the real Huanglong, to convey Chi You's message.

Real man Huang Long heard of Chi You's invitation, and he was immediately overjoyed. After all, it was the first time that Chi You invited him like this since he became a teacher.

This gave Zhen Huang Long a sense of being a master.

Busy immediately followed the messenger to Chi You's camp, and arrived in a moment.

Entering the camp, Real Huanglong frowned, and eighty-one heavenly witches were there!

Every time he saw this scene, Huang Long was a little embarrassed, because these days the witch's cultivation base was Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he was also Taiyi Golden Immortal.

In this way, he is so ordinary as a master.

Chi You hurriedly walked down and stood in front of Real Person Huang Long, respectfully saluting: "The disciple sees Master."

"Trainer, get up quickly." Huang Long was very happy in his heart.

How about Da Luo Jinxian? How about being an ancestral witch from the witch family in the previous life?

Now it's not the same to salute him. Thinking of this, Huang Long real person feels that his sense of existence has risen a lot in an instant.

Among the twelve golden immortals of interpretation, he is the one with the lowest sense of existence.

"I really don't know why the eldest brother worships a Taiyi Golden Immortal as a teacher. This level of cultivation is just like my brothers." A Tianwu said with disdain.

Madam Huang Long's face changed, a little bit ashamed, but he didn't dare to say anything. After all, the other party was right, and the other party was crowded.

Chi You looked at the expression of Real Huang Long, and sneered in his heart. This was what he wanted.

Immediately, Chi You turned around, looked at the sky witch who had just said something, and uttered a deep voice: "I am presumptuous, how can you compare my master? Why don't you admit my mistake to my master!"

Afterwards, Chi You said to the real Huang Long: "Master, forgive me, the servants don't understand etiquette."

Real Huang Long saw Chi You come forward to help him out, and his confidence instantly became full.

Snorted coldly.

That day, Wu received a secret transmission from Chi You, and immediately bowed down to the real person Huang Long and said, "The real person forgive me, and the villain is just a momentary slip of the tongue."

"Well, in terms of Chi You's face, Poor Dao is not as knowledgeable as you." Huang Long said proudly.

At this time, the real Huanglong was a little ecstatic, after all, he had enjoyed such treatment there!


Chi You sighed, frowning.

Seeing this, Huang Long asked quickly: "Tui'er, why sigh?"

"Master, you don't know something, hey, forget it, don't add a blockage to Master." Chi You showed a feeling of speaking but saying something.

Real Huang Long's face sank, and he said, "What's the matter, let's talk about it quickly, I will relieve your worries for your teacher!"

The fluttering Huanglong real person already felt that his cultivation was more than the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he was complimented to Chi You.

Chi You sighed helplessly, and said, "Xuanyuan led an army of three million to come, presumably Master already knows."

"This is known to the teacher, but the three million army is like a child's play in the eyes of the army of the Jiuli tribe, there is no need to worry about it." Huang Long laughed.

The strength of the Jiuli tribe's army, Huanglong really knew exactly.

"Master, the disciple is not because this is worrying, but recently many monks have joined the Xuanyuan camp, come to compete, and fight to the death with the disciples.

Even though the disciple is here to help, there are eighty-one brothers, I am afraid they are not their opponents!

This co-lord position is really going to be taken away by Xuanyuan. "

Chi You shook his head helplessly.

Madam Huang Long can't stand anymore, he can listen to anything, but if this co-lord cannot sit still, he can't listen!

"Don't worry, I will help you find a monk as a teacher, so I must sit on the position of the co-master!" Huang Long said firmly.

"Oh, Master doesn't need to worry about this. It doesn't matter if this co-master is allowed to go. After all, Xuanyuan also said that the disciple will still be the leader of the Jiuli tribe in the future." Chi You said.

The real person Huang Long has the heart to cry at this time, give way, how is this possible, why did he come out? Not for the merits of the co-lord!

Chi You can be the leader, what about him? In the end there was nothing.

"Apprentice, you can rest assured, I teach the twelve golden immortals, although they are all Taiyi golden immortals, but they all have the treasure of Zhenshan, even if it is the big Luo golden immortal, we can fight!

As a teacher, go to Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace and ask for your master's help. "

"Master, how is this like? How can I trouble Master with the disciple's affairs!" Chi You Lian stopped again and again, which obviously meant that it was the co-master not doing it!

But the more so, the more anxious Huang Long was, and he left without saying anything with Chi You, heading to Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace.

"Brother, this Huanglong is really a lie."

"It's not that he's cheating, but the merits are too attractive." Chi You smiled.

Immediately, Chi You said again: "You are here to guard, I want to go to Pangu Temple."

Now Chi You has no bottom in his heart. After all, he can't figure out whether the magic way can be shot or not. Once he shots, it will be too late for him to move the soldiers.

Chi You first went to the underground palace, after all, he was closer to the underground palace, and then with the help of the power of the Ten Temple Yama, he went directly to the prehistoric north.

When I arrived at Pangu Temple, it happened that the backbone of the Wu Clan was here.

Xing Tian, ​​Jiufeng, Feng Boyu Master...

"Chi You, you're not competing, what are you doing here? Don't the Communist Party do it?" Xing Tian smiled.

"Big Brother Xingtian joked. The younger brother came here to ask Brother Xingtian whether Mount Xumi would intervene in this war. If he intervenes, I will lose." Chi You said straightforwardly.

"Xumishan will intervene." Xing Tian also said directly.

"If that's the case, then don't I have to lose." Chi You was a little frustrated, just one step away!

Chi You didn't think that Xuanmen could do the magic way, not to mention the number of saints, and the existence of saints, Xuanmen was not as good.

Unless the Profound Sect can gather those casual cultivators, how can this be possible?

"But don't worry, no power above the quasi-sage can appear, my master will already stand on the side of the witch race." Xing Tian gave Chi You a dose of reassurance.

Chi You was overjoyed when he heard that, if the demon ancestor is too help, then under the quasi-sage, who is he afraid of?

"Furthermore, even if it is a quasi-sage, I will send two brothers, Feng Boyu, to help Tian said again.

"Haha, with the words of Big Brother Xingtian, this co-master, I'm sitting down, and my witch clan will return to the top again, just around the corner!" Chi You said overjoyed.

Xing Tian smiled and said, "Now you can go back with peace of mind."

Chi You nodded hurriedly: "The little brother is leaving, everyone, farewell!"

After Chi You said, he left Pangu Temple.


One year, in a blink of an eye, the Xuanyuan army has arrived in the Yellow River Basin, and it can reach the Chalu tribe within five days at most.

In the meantime, many primordial monks joined the Xuanyuan camp to fight Chiyou together!

But along the way, Xuanyuan took the opportunity to get close to Jiutian Profound Girl many times. The intention was very clear, but the relationship between the two made Xuanyuan feel unsure.

(End of this chapter)

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