Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 97: Xuanyuan asks for help

Latest website: In the Xuanyuan camp, the atmosphere is very heavy. From the great sages to the soldiers, none of them are sad.

Repeated defeats, repeated defeats, repeated battles, this is the current situation in the Xuanyuan camp.

Not only the Daxian at the top had opinions, but the soldiers at the bottom were all talking.

Their banner was to eliminate Chi You's rebellion, but now that Chi You has gained the momentum, otherwise, why would Xuanyuan's faction keep failing?

In the camp, the atmosphere was heavy, and the words of a great sage caused everyone to fall into contemplation.

Xuanyuan sat in the first place, and there were a dozen great sages sitting below, all of whom supported Xuanyuan's becoming a co-master.

But now, Xuanyuan has lost every time, while Chi You, who was said to be rebellious, has won one after another.

This has to be said to be a fatal blow.

What can Xuanyuan say?

He couldn't say anything.

At this time, there is no need to argue about what, as long as it is to win a war, it is far more important than saying 10,000 words.

"We occupy the righteousness, Chi You is just rebellious, what is there to be afraid of? How can we care about a momentary defeat when the two sides are fighting?" A great sage helped Xuanyuan to rescue.

Otherwise, Xuanyuan would really be speechless, because the fight was too awkward.

In 20 battles, Xuanyuan Zhengying only won once!

Suddenly, at this time, a great sage said: "It is useless to say anything, only to win a game, otherwise, the military will be in chaos, and then it will fall short!"

After hearing this, Xuanyuan stood up slowly, and after discussing for so long, one of them finally said that this issue has come up.

At present, what Xuanyuan camp lacks is this battle. As long as one wins one, then this is worth a thousand words.

"This is reasonable. Chi You relies on a strong army to do its best, but I, Chen, are not a wooden man, let them kill!" Xuanyuan's is better than tenacity and vigor, his eyes have seen every great sage present.

Some Daxians wanted to refute these words, but they suppressed them. After all, in front of so many people, they said too much and couldn't do it.


A great sage said: "The Yellow Emperor, Chiyou is rampant now. If you let it go on, I'm afraid it won't be long before my army of Chen Capital will be exhausted. By that time, it doesn't matter what justice is not. "

This sentence can be said to be a stone thrown into the lake, causing waves of waves in the hearts of all the great sages present.

They support Xuanyuan. If Chi You really wins, will their end be good?

So many human races are dead, will Chi You let them go?

Thinking of this, these mighty hearts trembled involuntarily. The hearts of the people were originally uneven, but now they are all gathered together.

They won't think about other things. The only idea is to help Xuanyuan win. Only if Xuanyuan wins can they survive, and they will gain both fame and fortune in the future.

"In my opinion, I would like to ask the Yellow Emperor to inquire about the demon lords of the Demon Dao. The reason why Chi You's army can be on the battlefield is precisely because of those eighty-one heavenly witches!"

"Yes, those eighty-one sky witches played a role on the battlefield, which can be said to be far better than the army of Jiuli!"

These great sages are not fools, as long as you think about it carefully, you can understand the real power of the Jiuli army.

Eighty-one sky witches can set up a large formation, control the army of Jiuli, and deal with the army of Chendu!

Originally, the army of Chendu was weaker than the army of Jiuli, and now with the addition of eighty-one sky witches in the formation, the army of Chendu is even less opponent.

The only way now is to ask Demon Lord for help.

Xuanyuan nodded, this time, it can only be so.

After the meeting, Xuanyuan went to the camp where Yuan Hong was located.

"Disciple Xuanyuan, please see Uncle Master."

The reason why Xuanyuan came to Yuan Hong first was because Yuan Hong was the one with the highest level of Demon Dao in the Xuanyuan camp.

As long as it was Yuan Hong's words, then in the Xuanyuan camp, no other demon king would have any opinions.

Yuan Hong knew why Xuanyuan had come. He came here to let Xuanyuan be the co-master, so there was no need to hang Xuanyuan.

"come in."

Xuanyuan came to the camp and gave a slight salute to Yuan Hong.

"Uncle Shi, every time the Nine-Lei army has played a combined battle, there are 81 Heavenly Witches. I, Chen Du's army is defeated, and we have lost 19 times in a row. If this continues, I am afraid that Chen Du's morale will collapse.

Uncle Shi is the power of the magic way, and I also asked Uncle Shi to give some advice to his disciples. "

Said it was pointing, but in fact it was asking for help and let Yuan Hong take the action.

Even if Yuan Hong didn't make a move, then let the other demons make a move.

Yuan Hong chuckled and said: "Under the general trend, you are a co-master, so don't worry too much. Since the Jiuli army has 81 heavenly witch formations, there must be corresponding monks in the Chendu army. That's fine."

Hearing this in Xuanyuan's ears, it was a great joy.

Because of that, even Yuan Hong is about to make a move.

"Please give advice from Uncle Master." Xuanyuan quickly asked for advice.

"Xumi Mountain's line, discussing the formation path cultivation base, Tongtian brother is the best, so those disciples who cut the teaching are all formation masters, you can go to the Duobao place and seek their help." Yuan Hong said lightly.

Xuanyuan was overjoyed, with Yuan Hong's words, then the people who had been taught would definitely help him.

After leaving Yuan Hong, Xuanyuan didn't dare to stay, and hurried to the place where it was rich.

Duobao Demon Lord, Our Lady of Turtle Spirit, and Ten Heavenly Lords all meditate in the camp.

When Xuanyuan came, everyone woke up and smiled at each other, knowing why they came. After all, the Xuanyuan faction had been defeated repeatedly, and they were also watching it.

"Uncle Master, please see Xuanyuan, disciple." Xuanyuan said respectfully while outside.

Duobao, Gui Ling, Shi Tianjun, etc. all came out, they were only one generation higher than Xuanyuan, and Xuanyuan was the future co-lord.

Naturally, they couldn't be like Yuan Hong, UU reading sat and summoned Xuanyuan.

"The Yellow Emperor is here, can something happen?" Duobao asked with a smile.

"The disciple came here to ask for help, and I also ask the uncles for help!" Xuanyuan said, kneeling down.

The Virgin of the Turtle Spirit hurriedly stepped forward, helped Xuanyuan who was about to worship, and said, "I don't have to say anything about it, don't pay such a big gift."

"So that the uncles will know that the Nine Li army fought with our army more than 20 times. They relied on the power of the 81 heavenly witches to form an array and won 19 consecutive victories. The morale of our army was low. The army must be completely wiped out.

This time the disciples came to ask for help, just to ask you uncles to come forward to help Chen Du's army set up a formation and save the defeat. "

Xuanyuan's words were all from the bottom of his heart. He knew the terrible monks and the power of the formation.

In a few big battles, I'm afraid Chen Du's army will lose more than half. By that time, the situation will not be restored.

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