Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 104: Lu Yashou 5 Ancestor

Latest website: Within the Xuan Palace, the four ancestors of Jinmu, Water and Fire have made up their minds. As long as there is no progress on the Dao ancestor side, they can only ask the Demon ancestor for help.

The five most sacred, want to come to the devil ancestor should not be turned away.

After all, as long as five of them are allowed to confuse the Dao, they will become disciples of the Demon Ancestor.

Five Hunyuan powers out of thin air, when they want to come, the Demon Ancestor will never refuse.

But how can they know that their discussion has been learned by another person.

There was no fluctuation in the space, but a figure slowly walked out.

"Who is it!" Jin Zu said solemnly.

Being able to appear suddenly in front of them without the slightest fluctuation, even a saint can't do this step.

I am afraid that above the entire prehistoric ancestors, there are only three people: Demon Ancestor, Dao Ancestor, and Fate Ancestor.

But the white-clothed youth in front of him was not any of the three.

There was some panic in my heart. Obviously, the people who came were stronger than them, and they should have reached the level of Dao Ancestor Demon Ancestor.

Of course, they also have a fluke in their hearts. After all, this is Dao Xuan Gu, their home court, even the saints are not against them.

Perhaps this young man in white is just a treasure with a hidden breath?

Lu Ya didn't pay much attention to Jin Zu's actions, but slowly walked to the seat of the main seat and looked at Jin Zu next to him.

After sitting down, he said, "I, Lu Ya."

"Lu Ya? Taiyi's nephew?" Jin Zu said suspiciously.

The other ancestors were also shocked. They all knew Tai Yi and had a very strong cultivation base, but they still didn't look at them.

Outside, perhaps they are not Tai Yi's opponents, but within Dao Xuan Gu, they can definitely kill Tai Yi.

After knowing the identity of Lu Ya, they all despised it, after all, Tai Yi and they were not afraid, let alone Lu Ya.

It's just that Taiyi disappeared in the prehistoric land. No one knew where Taiyi went, nor did Taiyi's current cultivation base.

They are still a little afraid of too.

"You are Tai Yi's nephew, so you should know Tai Yi's whereabouts, where did he go?" Jin Zu asked in a deep voice.

For Lu Ya, they had completely ignored him.

When they thought about it, Lu Ya should be a treasure with a hidden breath.

After all, Taiyi doesn't necessarily preach, so his nephew is even more unlikely to preach.

"You care about Taiyi? Hehe, you should think about yourself.

Intervening in Luo Hu's affairs, and wanting Luo Hu to help you preach, this is like a pipe dream. "

Lu Ya said lightly.

Lu Ya seemed to be talking about an understatement, but it was different when he stopped in their ears.

Luo Hu, this is the taboo of the demon ancestor, and there are only two people who can speak out the name of the demon ancestor.

All the predecessors who thought of the name of the demon ancestor would be known by the demon ancestor. This Lu Ya dared to speak so bluntly and had not yet been punished, which shocked them.

"You are not Taiyi's nephew, who are you!" Huo Zu asked.

At this time, if they believed that Lu Ya was Taiyi's nephew, would they be confused?

Being able to speak out the name of the demon ancestor without punishment, this strength far exceeds them.

They don't think that by speaking out the name of the Demon Ancestor in the Middle Thousand Worlds, they can escape the perception of the Demon Ancestor. At that level, as long as they are willing and only need a thought, they can be pinched to death by countless time and space.

"I, Lu Ya, is Taiyi's nephew, not Taiyi's nephew." Lu Ya smiled.

The Fourth Patriarch was a little confused, and wanted to ask something more, but Lu Ya said.

"The battle of the human race is a game between Luohu and Hongjun. You intervene privately. When the war ends, your end will come."

"We helped Dao Zu side, how can Dao Zu abandon us?" Jin Zu sneered.

They were thinking that Lu Ya was alarmist and deliberately frightened them. Although they didn't know what Lu Ya's intentions were, they didn't believe that Dao Ancestor didn't care about them.

"Hongjun? Hehe, he can't take care of you." Lu Ya smiled lightly.

"Since Fellow Daoist is here, let's explain why you are here, and you don't need to map something like this." Jin Zu said.

"There are six sages under Hongjun's seat, and there will be nine sages under Luohu's seat. There should be five great mixed elements under my seat. You are transformed by the innate five elements and you should enter my door." Lu Ya said.

After speaking, a powerful aura gushed from Lu Ya's body, a powerful aura comparable to Haoyue, ancient vicissitudes of life.

"Do you want to accept us as disciples?" Jin Zu's face sank.

If the Demon Ancestor and Dao Ancestor said this, they immediately bowed, but they didn't know the details of Lu Ya.

Even if the breath is strong, that doesn't mean that the strength is strong.

Lu Ya knew what they were thinking, and with a big wave of his hand, Jin Zu and the four were instantly fixed in place, unable to move.

"Being my disciple, your qualifications are not enough, you are just a disciple when you join my sect." Lu Ya was proud.

You must know that Lu Ya also has disciples in the heavens and myriad worlds, and his disciples are all stronger than the current Luo Hu and Hongjun.

So, how is it possible to see the Five Patriarchs?

"Just a disciple?"

When Lu Ya imprisoned them, they already felt the fear of death, and they had compromised in their hearts. It was nothing to become Lu Ya's disciples. After all, Lu Ya also said that there should be five Hunyuan in the seat.

But now Lu Ya said that he would accept them as disciples, which is totally insignificant to them!

However, seeing Lu Ya's strength and being able to prove Hunyuan in the future, they were not resisting either, they all bowed down.

"I don't know how I should call senior in the future?" Jin Zu asked respectfully.

"There are eight hundred disciples under my seat. You are the weakest among them. From now on, you can call them Daojun."

Lu Ya thought that when he was in the heavens and ten thousand realms, the top ten disciples and eight hundred disciples under him could be regarded as a big power.

"The fifth brother has already gone to compete, do you call him back?" Shui Zu asked.

"No, after this matter is over, I will talk to Luo Hui." Lu Ya was fairly satisfied with this trip.

The admission of the five main disciples can be regarded as the foundation completely laid in the prehistoric land.

Although the monks of the prehistoric monks were low in cultivation, Lu Ya felt a sense of mystery in the prehistoric world that the heavens did not have.

It seems that there is a detached secret behind the prehistoric land.

Above the heavens, the Supreme Demon Ancestor opened his eyes, and the final battle was on.

He is also going to make a move, not to frighten his fellow juniors and sisters, they all think that his senior brother is a decoration.

With a big wave of his hand, the endless gathering of Heaven's Punishment formed a new Heaven's Punishment Eye, and Taishang would use the Heaven's Punishment Eye to intervene in this battle.

On the other side of the heavenly court, Haotian had already sent an army to help Xuanyuan.

With only Nine Heavens Profound Girl alone, it seemed that Heavenly Court didn't value Human Race, so Haotian planned to add more staff.

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