Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 121: Dialogue with Heaven

Make words!

Xuanyuan looked at Cangjie with a solemn look in his eyes. If successful, this would be the foundation of the human race!

Xuanyuan still knew that the merits of making characters far surpassed others' imperial merits.

And the most important point is not merit, but Human Race has its own words, then it can continue the inheritance and immortalize the human race!

"it is good!"

Xuanyuan stood up, came to Cangjie's body, shouted, his eyes excited!

This is a character creation!

This is for the continuation of the human race's foundation, this is a great merit!

To say something disrespectful, even Emperor Fuxi did not have great merit in writing characters!

I am afraid that among the three emperors, only the Lieshan clan of the earth emperor can compare with one!

Cangjie saw that he had been approved by the co-owner, and even bowed down.

"Thank you for your support!" Cangjie doesn't care about merits or positive results. In his heart, the human race has no words and it is hard to last!

Although Cangjie is not a great sage of the human race, he is not a great figure of the human race, but he cares about the human race and is willing to contribute his all to the human race!

"Cangjie, today, I call you literature and history, and I am in charge of the human character creation!

This matter is currently the top priority of the human race. No matter what you ask, I will promise you and support you with all my strength! "

Xuanyuan expressed his determination that it was also for Cangjie to be able to make characters with all his strength and not want other chores.

There is no need to worry about why, let alone anything!

Thank you Cangjie.

After leaving the Xuanyuan Xing Palace, Cangjie visited the great sages of Chendu. With Xuanyuan's cultural history, he was much better for Cangjie's actions!

At the very least, he will not be rejected for anything he asks for!

After three years in Chendu, Cangjie left.

Cangjie knows what those great sages have learned and thought. Then he has to walk his previous path and travel all over the human race before he can create words according to the requirements of the human race.

The news of Cangjie's writing could not be concealed, and he did not deliberately conceal it!

The great power above the prehistoric, learned that Cangjie made characters, all of them were disdainful.

How can a mortal person accomplish such a major event as writing characters?

You know, the demon text was created by the ancestor Kunpeng.

The Malay script was created by Xing Tian.

This also shows the reason why Xing Tian is so powerful. Although he did not get the merits, he got the blessing of Pangu!

On Mount Xumi, Luo Hu sat cross-legged on top of the twelfth-grade extinct black lotus and looked at the gourd stand above. After so many years, this gourd stand has not sprouted again!

This made Luo Hu very disappointed, after all, so many resources have been smashed down, this gourd frame is still like this!

"Master, Cangjie is Kunpeng?" Xiong Ba hurriedly came to the pool of Sanguang God, under the gourd frame.

"I am impetuous, when can I get Hunyuan!" Luo Hui reprimanded.

"Master, don't talk about disciples, but Cangjie is Kunpeng?"

It's no wonder Xiong Ba would ask like this, after all, the ancestor of Kunpeng hasn't appeared in Honghuang for a long time.

Now there is another Cangjie in the human race, which is obviously the reincarnation of the ancestor Kunpeng.

After all, ancestor Kunpeng has experience in making characters!

Luo Hu nodded: "What about him?"

"Then it's broken. Cangjie made the characters, the merits are very high, and coupled with the demon writing, the two are in harmony. This Kunpeng cultivation base is afraid that it will be upgraded!"

Xiong Ba didn't want to see a saint in the profound door again!

Now there is the original Tianzun, the Eastern Prince. Although the Taiqing Dao ancestor is gone, the fifth ancestor has appeared!

Seven saints!

If Kunpeng is added, then there are nine saints, which is more than their magic ways!

Thinking of this, Xiong Ba couldn't calm down.

"Or, the disciple went to destroy this Cangjie, anyway, he is a reincarnated body, there is no resistance."

"Come and see."

Luo Hui waved his hand, and the Kunlun mirror appeared. In the picture was Cangjie, but around Cangjie, there were five Taoists!

"Five Ancestors!"

Xiong Ba said in shock.

Unexpectedly, in order for the Kunpeng ancestor to prove the truth, Hongjun sent the fifth ancestor to protect the safety of Cangjie.

It seems that there is no way to kill Cangjie, only a long-term plan.

"Master, do you want to do it?" Xiong Ba smiled happily. If Luo Hui went out, then this Cangjie would definitely die.

Luo Hui glared at Xiong Ba, isn't this a joke? What kind of existence is he, and how can he do something to a mortal?

If this were to be spread out, he would need Luo Hu's old face!

"Hehe..." Xiong Bagu laughed.

"Rather than worrying about Kunpeng's becoming a holy, it is better to work hard to obtain Hunyuan as soon as possible and share the worries for the teacher." Luo Hui reprimanded.

Xiong Ba's boring Zhabaza put his mouth, then bowed, and left.

Thinking about it this way, he is also worrying too much. He has those brothers and sisters!

They are saints, they don't care if they are the most holy, what do they care about?

With this in mind, Xiong Ba was relieved.

Luo Hui shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that this stupid bear could still think about the devil's way, but he was just too lazy. Otherwise, he would have preached the way long ago.

Luo Hu slammed into the great freedom.

The Heavenly Demon Ancestor had left for so long, and it was time for him to act.

Using the world tree, Luo Hu communicated with the demon ancestors of the heavens among the heavens.

"Second brother, what's going on?" After all, he is in a foreign land, and Luo Hui is still a little worried!

Moreover, there are countless great abilities in the heavens and ten thousand realms. Just to say that the great world where Hong Yun is located, there is an existence stronger than the heavenly demon ancestor!

"Now, the four of them are all Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Only after a hundred years, when a Venerable Xiaoyao leaves the dojo, we will snipe him, and it will definitely become popular!" said the heavenly demon ancestor.

Luo Hui pointed out that the centuries of political popularity among the heavens and worlds are just a few months before they have been!

From the mouth of the heavenly demon ancestor, Luo Hu also knew the name of the great power in that great world.

Venerable Xiaoyao.

Ha ha!

Xiaoyao, what realm, how dare you call yourself Xiaoyao!

Even he didn't dare to say Xiaoyao, even in the predicament, Luo Hu never really had a happy life.

Real freedom is great detachment, great freedom!

Beyond everything Overwhelming the infinite world, only to be happy.

"Well, be careful, when you are in trouble, crush that leaf." Luo Hui said through voice.

The Celestial Demon Ancestor knew that Luo Hui was caring for himself, and immediately said with relief: "Brother, don't worry, in this vast world, there is only this one who is higher than my cultivation base, and the rest are ants!"

"It's so good." Luo Hu nodded.

The Innate Fifth Master uses the Innate Fifth Master and Five Elements Array, and it should be able to compete with this Venerable Xiaoyao.

But Luo Hu was still thinking that after they came back, let the Xiantian Wutai and the Xiantian Five Elements fight.


Is this complete abuse?


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