Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 124: Happy Venerable with Infinite Brain Supplement

Venerable Xiaoyao asked two questions in a row what he wanted. From this, we could see the tension in Venerable Xiaoyao's heart. Looking at Luohu, he began to think about it.

If he can seal himself easily, his cultivation must far exceed himself!

Because Venerable Xiaoyao knew that even in his heyday, he couldn't seal his badly injured himself!

I am afraid that only the leaders of the five realms of the alliance have this ability!

And which leader above, heard that he is already at the pinnacle of the Dao Realm!

Could this be the one in front of him is also the pinnacle power of the Dao Realm!

If he were to know that Luo Hu's realm did not even have the Proving Dao realm, wouldn't it be a breakdown!

"Senior, if there is anything offended by the younger generation, please forgive me, there is Venerable Ancient Sword behind the younger generation, please be merciful to Senior!"

After some random thoughts, Venerable Xiaoyao persuaded him. He felt that Luohu's cultivation base could be compared to Venerable Ancient Sword in the Five Realms of the Alliance. That was the pinnacle power of the Dao Realm!

Luo Hu didn't speak, but looked at Venerable Xiaoyao quietly. This guy can really make up his mind, and he didn't say a word.

It is shocking to be able to change his face several times based on his own imagination!

In the next moment, Luo Hu said: "Venerable Xiaoyao."

"Senior can call Xiaoyao." Venerable Xiaoyao said respectfully.

Now it was confirmed in his heart that Luo Hu was the power at the pinnacle of the Dao Realm.

Facing such power, what needs to be maintained is respect and respect!

Respecting the strong is not only popular in the prehistoric times, but also in the heavens and all realms!

"Well, don't be so nervous, I am not bringing you here to punish you, but to give you a chance." Luo Hui said lightly.


Venerable Xiaoyao was stunned, what's the situation?

Give yourself a chance, this is not right!

It seemed that he had captured Hongyun and injured the fifth congenital fifth wife. Judging from the scene where Luo Huo shot before, it was obvious that they were all in the same group.

Luo Hu did not avenge them, but instead gave him a chance. This is a bit wrong!

"Senior, don't make jokes with juniors. In the hands of seniors, juniors don't want to run away. I only hope that seniors can see the face of Venerable Ancient Sword and give them a way of life." Venerable Xiaoyao once again said Venerable Ancient Sword. .

Luo Hu frowned. This Ancient Sword Venerable seemed to be very powerful, and could be mentioned by Xiaoyao Venerable many times. It should be his backer.

"Who is Venerable Ancient Sword?" Luo Hu said.

Venerable Xiaoyao was taken aback, and even Venerable Ancient Sword didn't know it!

The prestige of Venerable Ancient Sword is not only popular in the five realms of the Alliance, even in the surrounding hundreds of great worlds, they all have a high reputation.

Then I thought, Venerable Xiaoyao was relieved, this place is prehistoric!

In a closed world, I don’t know that Venerable Ancient Sword is also normal.

But what makes Venerable Xiaoyao helpless is that such a kind of existence will appear in a closed world!

"The world in which the younger generation lives and the four surrounding worlds are collectively called the Five Realms of the Alliance, and the leader is the Venerable Ancient Sword, who is famous in the surrounding hundreds of thousands of worlds and proves the peak cultivation of the Dao Realm."

Venerable Xiaoyao explained the details of Venerable Ancient Sword, hoping that Luo Hu would let him go!

But Luo Hu didn't care about the ancient swordsman, because the heavens and the realms could not enter the prehistoric, only he went out!

It's just a pinnacle of the proof realm, and in the midst of the predicament, there is still a power that is more powerful than the pinnacle of the realm!

Luo Hui knew that before Lu Ya Daojun was injured, his cultivation was absolutely far beyond the pinnacle of the Dao Realm.

"Do you know the top ten worlds?" Luo Hu asked.

The ten worlds originated from Lu Ya's mouth, and Luo Hu wanted to know what the ten worlds were.

"Top Ten Worlds!"

Venerable Xiaoyao took a step back, showing a look of shock, looked at Luo Hu, and thought crazy in his heart!

Luo Hu didn't know the ten worlds, but Venerable Xiaoyao knew!

Among the heavens and all realms, only those who reach the realm of the realm are qualified to know the ten worlds!

Below the proof realm, there is no qualification at all!

The heavens and the worlds are respected by the ten worlds. It is said that the heavens and the worlds are the great worlds created by the ten worlds.

"How did the predecessors learn about the top ten worlds!"

Venerable Xiaoyao began to think about it, Luo Hu is a native of the wild, how could he know the ten worlds!

Is it possible that the cultivation of the senior in front of him is far away to set up the Dao Realm!

Venerable Xiaoyao couldn't even think of the realm above the realm of Zen Dao!

how is this possible!

Absolutely, it's no wonder that the great power in front of him doesn't care about the ancient sword, it seems that it must be the great power above the realm of proof!

"You don't have to worry about how I know about these ten worlds," Luo Hu said calmly, but with an irresistible majesty.

Venerable Xiaoyao has already made up for Luohu's supreme cultivation realm, and he naturally regards Luohu's words as an imperial edict!

"Senior, the younger generation is weak in cultivation, and are not familiar with the ten worlds, but I heard that the ten worlds are the core of the heavens and the world. Although the ten worlds dominate the heavens and the world, they generally do not care about the heavens. ..."

From the mouth of Venerable Xiaoyao, Luo Hu learned that the ten worlds are the upper realms of the heavens and the world.

Although it also belongs to the heavens and worlds, its status is detached!

If the monks from outside want to enter the heavens and the world, they need their cultivation base to reach the pinnacle of the realm!

This is like ascending, the pinnacle of the proof realm is qualified to ascend to the top ten worlds.

Of course, not all of the ten worlds are powers above the pinnacle of the Dao Realm!

Among the ten worlds, there are also monks with low cultivation bases, but the ten worlds have more powers, and there are many powers above the Dao Realm!

It seems that Daojun Lu Ya's background is really not small, he came from the top ten worlds, and he still exists above the Dao Realm.

"Well, in the future, you will stay in the prehistoric land and practice the prehistoric Taoism. When you prove the Dao Hunyuan, I will unlock your seal." Luo Hui said lightly.

Without giving Venerable Xiaoyao a chance to speak, he waved his big hand, and a demon wind swept Venerable Xiaoyao and left Da Zi Zai Tian.

I don't know what land boundary it fell on.

Luo Hu said he would give him a chance, so give him one!

Let him practice Taoism in the prehistoric This is a great opportunity. When he proves Tao Hunyuan, then unlocking the seal will surely make rapid progress!

And the combat power surged.

"This Venerable Xiaoyao is also funny, he actually regards me as a supreme power." Luo Hu can see the respect in the eyes of Venerable Xiaoyao, which is respect for the strong.

The power of the heavens and worlds is really a bit funny.

Da Zi flickered six rays of light in the day, and the congenital fifth wife returned with red clouds.

Hong Yun quickly walked to Luo Hu's side.

"Hongyun worships the Demon Ancestor."

"Get up! Consolidate your cultivation in Da Zi within a day. After a while, I will send you to a more advanced world, where...

I don't seem to be powerful! "

List of chapters of the high-speed text hand-type prehistoric Luohu asked questions

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