Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 130: Life and death

Next to the Eight Treasure Merit Pool, Amitabha looked at the Buddha Burning Lantern and said, "The catastrophe of the human race is also a chance for the human race!"

"Brother, this is not a chance for the human race, the human race is afraid it will no longer exist!"

Burning Lantern Buddha looked in the direction of Origin Valley, since they can't get the human race from Buddhism!

So the disappearance of the human race is not a good thing.

The emergence of the Human Race has caused a lot of things to happen to the Primordial Race, and the Human Race has too much merit!

The disappearance of the human race will restore the original appearance of the major forces.

"Don't you understand it yet?" Amitabha looked at the Buddha.

At this time, Amitabha was a little helpless. The Buddha of the Lantern was still better than to mention it. If it is possible to mention it here, as long as it is oneself.

Then you will know what happened.

Obviously, the match between the Buddha and Amitabha is not good.

"Is there any secret?" asked the Buddha.

"The human race is full of disasters, but the human race still survived, and every time it goes through the disaster, it will grow greatly, don't you feel strange?"

The words of Buddha Amitabha caused the Buddha Burning Lamp to ponder for a while, but he did not feel strange.

Every time Human Race paid a heavy price!

This time is different, this is Heaven's attack on Human Race!

Isn't it all because of the blessings of heaven that the human race is so popular in the prehistoric land and gains so many merits?

Now without the blessings of heaven, can the human race survive?

The answer is obvious!

"Brother, if the human race dies, then the East is bound to be disrupted. It is a great time for me to spread Buddhism to the east!"

Said the burning lamp Buddha.

Amitabha shook his head helplessly, this is not to preach, but to die!

Let's talk about everything waiting for the human race in the past!

I hope the Buddha can see through!

I am afraid that Buddha Burning Lamp still has some doubts in his heart, but Amitabha is too optimistic about Human Race.

But Amitabha was not optimistic about the human race, just because he believed in Luohu!

Terran is the race that Luo Huo valued!

In Kunlun Mountains, the Primitive Tianzun sat alone in Yuxu Palace. At this time, the Primitive Tianzun knew that there was no Taiqing Daozu, and he didn't even have a person to believe!


Why did you drive away Taiqing Daozu?

Why is there a calculation for Taiqing Daozu.

Primitive Tianzun was complaining about himself, he drove away Taiqing Taoist ancestor, and calculated Taiqing Taoist ancestor.

When Taiqing Daozu left, he understood the importance of Taiqing Daozu!


Before I knew it, I remembered Taiqing Daozu.

Primitive Tianzun stood up, walked out of the Yuxu Palace, and looked at Origin Valley. At this time, the Human Race actually confronted the Heavenly Dao!

Human race is no longer Taiqing Daozu's.

Moreover, it has nothing to do with the interpretation of religion, the Primitive Tianzun hopes that the human race will perish!

"The survival of the human race will only benefit the magic way,"

So for the human race, the original Tianzun's attitude is to perish soon!

But now the situation of the human race is in crisis.

Fuxi's merits are incorporated into the sky!

But it didn't have much effect, it just delayed the demise of the human race!

One after another, the purple sky divine thunder bombarded the sky, and after the bombardment, the sky was dim!

"If this continues, Human Race is really going to be over."

The monks who still existed in Origin said in sorrow, originally thinking that they could get merit from the human race!

Looking at it now, don't think about it this way, it's better to leave as soon as possible.

A large number of monks have left the human race. These monks are the creatures of the prehistoric races. They came to the human race because of the battle.

In Chendu.

Thirty-six great sages were all crying and crying. They saw the panic of the human race and the riots of ordinary people!

Had Chen not been from the Human Race Central, I am afraid it would have caused a riot long ago.

"The Emperor, your Majesty, is the Human Race really doomed?"

The thirty-six great sages all showed heavy expressions.

The survival of the human race is in crisis, and all they can think of is doing the last thing for the human race.

"Whether the human race can survive, it depends on our human race's own will, not the ability of someone!" Emperor Fuxi said.

At the beginning, their human race was able to expel the demon race's mighty power, for what?

At that time, the human race was united, lit the human race's salaries, and gathered the human luck, and finally it was Ao Zheng's help!

The things Human Race is facing now are more dangerous than last time!

This is the pressure from heaven.

It's Heaven who is about to do something to their human race!

Under heaven, their human race is like ants, how can they be blocked?

Rumble! ! !

Another burst of thunder in the purple sky fell!

The sky curtain has already begun to crack, and if this continues, the sky curtain will definitely be broken by the heaven's punishment. At that time, a single purple sky divine thunder will be enough to destroy the entire human race!

Having given 60 acres of merit, Fuxi has now become the Golden Immortal of Daluo, and is no longer the supreme holy!

And Xuanyuan was only Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Da Luo Jinxian, who had taken Huang Zhongli at the beginning, regressed because of his injuries.

"The human race is in distress, how can we retreat!"

A voice sounded!

But it was the three ancestors in the fire cloud cave who came.

The prohibition that Fuxi left on them was not permanent, so after it was lifted, the three ancestors came to the human race as soon as possible.

See the three ancestors coming.

The human race in Chendu was calmed down from panic!

The third ancestor of the human race, this is the spiritual pillar of the human race!

It was also the beginning of human civilization.

Their arrival stabilized the human race in Chendu.

Although there is fear in my heart, there is hope.

In the next moment, the three ancestors of the human race also gave all of their merits and merged into the sky curtain, making the cracks that appeared in the sky curtain disappear instantly!

Seeing this scene, Chen Du's human race has stabilized.

But the human race is not limited to Chen Du, the entire origin human race is still in panic.

Fuxi looked at the three Suiren clan, showing helplessness.

"Three Patriarchs, you shouldn't come. If Human Race is fortunate enough to survive, I will have no deterrent power. If you are like this, Human Race will have no power at all!"

There was helplessness in Fuxi's voice.

He knows that nothing can stop the third ancestor from coming, because the third ancestor values ​​the human race more than them!

Their feelings for the human race are even deeper!

Rumble! ! !


The sky curtain has cracked again and more and more!

At this time, even the human race in Chendu began to riot, hiding in Tibet, hoping to survive.

But Fuxi, Xuanyuan, and the three ancestors all frowned!

Can't stop it?

It would be great if Cangjie had created words at this time, since then, everything is straight!

"Go to Cangjie quickly and see if Cangjie is affected. Regardless of the human race, make sure that Cangjie can write characters safely!" Fuxi said to the 36 great sages quickly!

Thirty-six great sages know that this is the time for the survival of the human race.

Maybe the human race will die in an instant!


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