Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 105: Yaoji goes down to earth

The Xia Dynasty, the first dynasty in the world, finally declared its demise after 4,000 years, and was replaced by the newly established Shang Dynasty. The unstable qi fortune of interception began to gradually stabilize.

However, at this time, the great saints in the prehistoric wilderness have discovered that the calamity in the sky is getting more and more concentrated. This is a sign before the coming of the festival. This discovery shocked the saints, because the previous Lich robbery has not Not long after, a new calamity will appear again.

Just when the saints were worried, the Heavenly Court above Buzhou Mountain also experienced a lot of changes. Among them, Haotian had a feeling for the Primordial Realm, so after the fall of the Xia Dynasty, he announced the retreat, and even Yaochi was also because of Haotian. The reason for the retreat is to prepare to break through the peak of the quasi-sage.

As for the affairs of the heavenly court, Haotian and Yaochi's good corpse jade emperor and mother are jointly in charge of the two emperors and the four great emperors. Before the retreat, Haotian and Yaochi also handed over some top-quality congenital spiritual treasures to the two, including Shang Tan. The Haotian Mirror of the Nine Heavens, the Haotian Mirror of Jiuyou, the attacking Lingbao Haotian Sword and the Central Apricot Yellow Flag and other superb spiritual treasures.

As for Yaochi, he also left some top-quality congenital spiritual treasures such as the Western Cloud World Flag and the Golden Hairpin of Yaochi Lake, in order to prevent accidents in the heaven. Having these spiritual treasures can also greatly enhance the strength of the two.

It's just that sometimes natural disasters can be prevented but man-made disasters can't be prevented. The Jade Emperor who finished his official duties that day came directly to Yaochi to relax. Because of the relationship between the deity, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are also very good, so the Queen Mother is in the After learning the news, the banquet was prepared in advance.

However, a crane in the periphery of Yaochi suddenly plucked a spiritual flower around Yaochi. The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother did not care after the investigation, because this crane was transformed by the canopy, in order to gain the heart of Ruoshui. .

Although Buzhou Mountain has not collapsed, this weak water still exists in the Tianhe River of Heaven for some reason. Playing around together, even without checking, they came to the highest part of the world of desire.

Just when the two of them were having fun, countless words of Heavenly Dao suddenly appeared on the tower of Desire Realm, and then Yaoji, who was in charge of guarding here, suddenly appeared and asked, "Tianpeng, you are so bold to move Desire, and Ruoshui, you can go back to Tianhe soon."

Ruo Shui disappeared instantly after hearing it. Although she and Yao Ji had a good relationship, she also knew that this was not the time to joke, and Tian Peng was very nervous. After all, it was no fun to be caught by the eldest princess at this time. matter.

However, Tianpeng also has a problem, that is, when he is nervous, he can't speak clearly, and what he explains to the eldest princess is not right in front of the ponytail. Yaoji, who has a serious face, can't help laughing, but she will soon laugh. I put it away, but the canopy didn't notice this, but accidentally spilled a drop of sweat.

Zhunti, who was in the west, showed a slight smile after seeing it. He directly cast a spell to strengthen the sweat bead and let the sweat bead penetrate into the dragon ball in the center of the Lingxiao Palace, and awakened the three sleepy songs. Jiao.

"Roar!" The three Jiaojiao who were awakened by the sweat suddenly fell into madness and rushed out of the dragon ball. After circling around the Lingxiao Palace, they rushed out of the Lingxiao Palace to escape from the heaven and flew into the distance.

After the three Jiaojiao escaped, Zhunti cast spells again to blind the heavens and cause the heavens to vibrate, and the vibrations here could not help but affect the Yaochi fairyland.

Feeling the vibration of the heavenly court, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother looked at each other immediately. They knew that a saint had begun to plot against them. In order to prevent the eyeliner buried in the heavenly court from discovering their abnormality, the two still pretended to be puzzled.

The loyal roller blind held the crescent shovel and shouted to let the surrounding heavenly soldiers and generals **** him, while he himself stood in front of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, so that the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were very satisfied after seeing it.

Although the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother did not need their protection in the late stage of their cultivation, and even if they really fight, maybe they have to find a way to protect the roller blinds, but this loyalty is very valuable, but it should be played. The play still has to be played, otherwise it will only make those people suspicious.

I saw the Jade Emperor holding a wine glass and pretending to look at the people around him and asked: "What happened, why does the heavenly court keep shaking?"

Tiannu, who had just arrived at Yaochi, hurriedly reported after hearing it: "Your Majesty is not good! The patron saint of Lingxiao Palace will report in the future, and the three Jiaojiao, which were sealed above Lingxiao Palace, took advantage of His Majesty's move to Yaochi to escape from heaven. already."

When the Queen Mother heard it, she pretended to exclaim: "What? The Lingxiao Palace is guarded by a formation. How could these three Jiaojiao escape from the Lingxiao Palace?"

"Little slave doesn't know," Tian Nu lowered his head and said carefully after hearing this, but did not notice the cold light flashing in the eyes of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother.

After putting away the killing intent in his eyes, the Jade Emperor said to the rolling shutter, "Rolling Shutter Tian will go and check the situation of Lingxiao Hall immediately."

"Little God obeys the order!" The roller blind responded after hearing it, and then left Yaochi and rushed to the Lingxiao Palace. After he rushed to the Lingxiao Palace, the vibration of the heaven suddenly stopped. Many immortals responded to this. Are wondering what is going on?

Only a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the Taishang Laojun of the Tusita Palace, because the deity told him that there was a sage to plan the heaven, so he should not intervene in this matter for the time being and wait and talk.

At the same time, not far from Heavenly Court, the three Jiaojiao who had just escaped from Heavenly Court were directly intercepted by Yaoji, and they fought with Yaoji. Among them, Yaoji suppressed the three Jiaoji with the innate spirit treasure in her hand, In terms of cultivation, Yao Ji and the three Jiaojiao are both half a catty and eight taels, but just by Yaoji's ability to suppress the three Jiaojiao throughout the whole process, you can see the importance of Lingbao.

Although it is said that Lingbao is not omnipotent, it is absolutely impossible without Lingbao. Some powerful innate Lingbao can not only leapfrog the challenge, but even directly challenge the realm. Yao Ji achieved this by virtue of the power of Lingbao. .

The two fought various spells along the way and greeted each other desperately. They even hit the mortal world directly from heaven, attracting a lot of people. Some great supernatural powers are still curious about how the eldest princess of heaven made a move in person? What are the other Heavenly Court Immortal Clan doing? It's just that no matter how they think about it, they never think that this has a lot to do with the saint.

Boom! Yao Ji directly knocked the three dragons to the ground with one palm, and asked the other party to hand over the dragon ball that was swallowed in her stomach. If it was an ordinary dragon ball, it didn't matter, but this dragon ball was a quasi-sacred powerhouse from the dragon race after the fall. The transformed Dragon Ball is naturally extraordinary.

However, the situation suddenly reversed at this moment. Three Flood Dragons suddenly took action and grabbed Yao Ji's heart and fled, while Yao Ji, whose heart was broken, fell unconscious on the ground, but was discovered by a young man and led When he went back, this young man was Yang Tianyou.

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