Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 115: The Six Monsters of Meishan

As soon as the night was over, the hundreds of thousands of shrimp soldiers and crab generals under the command of the canopy took the lead to attack, and the dense screams resounded throughout Meishan. However, although the number of shrimp soldiers and crab generals was large, the grass-headed gods in Meishan were not vegetarians. Hundreds of thousands of shrimp, soldiers and crabs, each with one enemy and one hundred dozen, will lose their armor and discard their armor.

This made the Four Seas Dragon King's face have a gloomy expression. After all, if 100 people can't beat one of them, what else is there to do?

As for Tianpeng, he directly ordered the Tianhe Marines to attack after seeing this situation, but what shocked Tianpeng was that even the Tianhe Marines he had trained by himself could only rely on numerical superiority to suppress the opponent. In the case of a shot.

Once the six monsters of Meishan take action in person, even the Tianhe navy that he has trained by himself will not be able to please and retreat. It is certain, but managing weak waters is something that cannot be sloppy. His lover, bah! It was the Taoist goddess Ruoshui who returned to heaven, but she had to pass through Meishan.

Otherwise, even the Weak Water Goddess would not be able to mobilize all the Weak Waters to return to Heaven. Once some Weak Waters remain in the human world, the harm to the human world can be imagined. Maybe the Three Realms of Desolation and Desolation will become two realms with unimaginable consequences.

Thinking of this, Tianpeng decided to take action in person, only to see Tianpeng holding a nine-toothed nail rake and bringing his two big Luo Jinxian cronies into the battle, fighting with the 1,200 grass-headed gods, and the Tianhe Navy saw his coach taking the lead in the charge. The morale was boosted, and with the advantage of numbers, he began to suppress the grass head god.

However, the good times did not last long. The six Meishan brothers who found that the situation was not right took action one after another. Among them, the eldest, the second, and the third entangled Tianpeng and others, and the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth took the grass head **** to fight back against the Tianhe Navy. The balance is no longer tipped to the Tianhe Navy.

If it weren't for the Four Seas Dragon King consciously losing face, reintegrating the defeated Shui army and re-entering the battlefield, containing some of the grass-headed gods, I am afraid a defeat is inevitable.

As the time between the two sides is getting longer and longer, even the canopy with the mid-term cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian and the help of the innate spiritual treasure can't stand it. Pon quickly gave the order to withdraw.

After all, there will be no result if the fight continues. The most urgent task is to find a better solution first. Otherwise, once the Jade Emperor is to blame, everyone present will not be able to eat and walk away.

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, said with a wry face: "Marshal Tianpeng, how can this be good? After this battle, not to mention that the marine army under your commander suffered a lot of losses, even the marine army under Xiaolong and others lost 80,000 people. Much!"

"Why doesn't this commander know that this loss is heavy? But what can I do?" Tian Peng also said helplessly. "

report! At this moment, a celestial soldier hurried over to report: "I tell you that there are a few talented people outside the marshal's camp who are willing to help us in the crusade against Meishan."

After hearing this, Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, said: "Marshal, this is a good thing. Now that we are lacking in combat strength, why not do it with the help of capable people who can enhance our combat strength?"

Tianpeng nodded and said: "It makes sense, let them come in, oh, and what are their names?"

"There are three of them named Yang Jiao, Yang Jian, and Yang Chan," Tianbing reported. "

Oh! Tianpeng nodded and was about to sit down, but suddenly agitated: "Are you sure that they are called Yang Jiao, Yang Jian and Yang Chan?"

"It's absolutely true!" The Heavenly Soldier responded after hearing it. He didn't understand why the marshal, who had always been calm in the face of danger, was so rude?

In fact, I don't blame Tianpeng for being so rude. After all, these three are the three children born to the Jade Emperor's sister Yao Ji and a mortal. Although the Jade Emperor did not admit them, no one dared to beat them impatiently. After all, maybe one day the Jade Emperor's mood improves and he asks what should be done about their situation?

After suppressing the shock in his heart, Tianpeng barely kept his composure and said with a scroll: "Then what? You just let them in, why are you still standing here, why don't you hurry up?"

"Yes!" Tianbing replied and then left. He had planned to remind the marshal that he had taken the book backwards, but after seeing the marshal's urging, he didn't say it.

Ao Guang, who was on the side, was also a little shocked. After all, he had heard of these three people, and each of them was the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian, which also made Ao Guang very envious. Until today, it has only been at the level of Da Luo Jinxian. Although it is expected to break through the quasi-sage, isn't it yet?

"Then Marshal Xiaolong will leave first!" Ao Guang hurriedly left the place after the words fell, without giving Tianpeng a chance to speak out, jokingly, this is the Jade Emperor's relatives, even if it is not recognized by the Jade Emperor, it is the Jade Emperor's family affair , Tianpeng, the Jade Emperor's cronies, may be able to participate in one or two, but what's the matter if he stays here? "

Not long after Ao Guang left, the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family also came to Tianpeng's residence, but after seeing Tianpeng, a smile appeared on Yang Jian's mouth, and even Yang Jiao and Yang Chan were stunned when they saw it. Can't stop laughing.

But Tian Peng didn't know about it at all. Instead, he looked at the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family and said, "I heard that the three of you intend to help this commander fight against the Six Monsters of Meishan?"

Puff! Yang Chan couldn't help but burst out laughing. Even Yang Jiao and Yang Jian laughed out loud. Looking at the three of them, Tian Peng was embarrassed and couldn't understand what was wrong with her words? It made the three of them laugh so much.

"Your book...haha! Your book is reversed hahahaha." Yang Chan, who laughed like a copper bell, said while laughing.

Tian Peng was very embarrassed when he heard it. He didn't expect his dignified Tianhe Marine Marshal to make such an embarrassing mistake. If the rest of the Tianting Xianjia knew about it, he would not laugh at himself.

After embarrassingly holding the book in his hand, Tianpeng repeated the previous question, and Yang Jian, who knew that he had stabilized his smile, said: "This is not only natural, but we also have a way to send all the weak water more quickly. Going back to Heaven, I just don’t know if what the Jade Emperor said was true.”

After hearing this, Tianpeng said with dissatisfaction: "What's the truth of what you said? The Jade Emperor is in charge of the Three Realms and Six Paths, and he is a quasi-sacred supernatural power. How can he go back on his promises and become the kind of person who doesn't count?"

Hearing this, Yang Jian breathed a sigh of relief. There are two reasons for the relief. One is to confirm that the Jade Emperor will not break his promises and become fatter, and maybe there is a real hope to save his parents by then, and the other is to confirm that the Jade Emperor will never get rich. It's not the Jade Emperor who has no mana in the play, but a real quasi-sage supernatural power.

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