Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 122: Xuanyuan Tomb Three Demons

However, while he was troubled, Zhao Gongming also thought of a way, that is to go to Heavenly Court and pull Heavenly Court to their side, because as long as Haotian knows that his sister is allowed to be charged, even if Haotian does not personally help them, You can also help them as much as possible.

But before that, he had to meet the Tongtian sect master. After all, the Tongtian sect master was his own teacher. If he went to the Heavenly Court and didn't talk to the Tongtian sect master, it would be a bit rude.

Thinking of this, Zhao Gongming left his dojo, Mount Emei, without the slightest hesitation, and rushed to the Golden Turtle Island where the Tongtian sect master was. He was going to tell the Tongtian sect master about going to the heavenly court. And advised him to take precautions in advance.

After all, the Tongtian sect master in the original trajectory never believed that the two brothers would unite with outsiders to deal with him, so he was caught off guard and the sect was destroyed, and the four swords of Zhuxian were also taken away. Never allow things to happen again.

Not to mention that Zhao Gongming went directly to Golden Turtle Island. At this time, Queen Jiang, who was in the human dynasty, decided to contest the beauty of King Zhou for various reasons. The old man is yellow, even if he wants to comfort King Zhou, he may not be able to do it.

Thinking of this, Queen Jiang issued a decree to Fei Zhongyouhun, asking them to choose some young women from among the 800 princes to enter the palace, which made Fei Zhongyou very happy. After all, this is a beautiful job. The oil and water that can be caught on the road can be imagined.

Therefore, the two of them left Chaoge and embarked on a journey of seeking beauty. After a thousand choices, they settled on Su Daji, the only daughter of Jizhou Hou Suhu, because this Su Daji can really A stunning beauty.

And Jizhou Hou Suhu did not refuse after learning that his daughter was selected. After all, this was not the will of King Zhou, but the will of Queen Jiang, who is known for her mother's grace in the world, not to mention that he also hoped that his daughter could Like Queen Jiang, assisting King Zhou to reform his evil ways.

Queen Jiang, who was far away from Chaoge, was also very satisfied when she learned that the selected woman was Daji. After all, this Daji was passed down as divine, maybe King Zhou would really feel better after seeing it.

Therefore, after some consideration, Queen Jiang issued a decree for people to select a batch of gold and silver treasures to be transported to Jizhou as a reward.

But what Queen Jiang didn't know was that Su Hu didn't care about these rewards. Instead, she was telling her daughter that after letting her enter the court song, she must persuade King Zhou to be kind, and don't be obsessed with Wenrou Township and ignore the government.

But he didn't know that his precious daughter had been targeted by the three demons of Xuanyuan Tomb, and shortly after he left, the nine-tailed fox of the three demons suddenly appeared, and wanted to take the house.

"Beast!" At this moment, Lin Hao, who had been observing secretly, suddenly appeared and knocked the nine-tailed fox to the ground with a wave of the nine-song whisk.

And the nine-tailed fox also knew that he had met an expert, so he didn't dare to resist at all, instead he kowtowed and begged for mercy: "I beg the immortals for mercy, I beg the immortals for my life! The little demon is forced to do this, and all the sages are forced to do so. Ours!"

"Sure enough, it's him," Lin Hao snorted coldly. He blocked the secret while the nine-tailed fox begged for mercy, so when the nine-tailed fox said Zhunti's name, Zhunti didn't react at all.

Looking at the trembling nine-tailed fox and the other two monsters, Lin Hao said indifferently, "Why did you ask the three of you to come here? Don't worry about him finding out that this immortal has blocked the secret, even a saint will not. Find out what you said."

Xuanyuan Tomb's three demons were shocked when they heard the words, and they were not afraid to say the name without fear. Even if they were not saints, their cultivation would be almost the same. Thinking of this, the nine-tailed fox pressed down the fear in his heart, and put the cause and effect of the matter like a bean. speak out.

"Sure enough!" Lin Hao snorted coldly. He was very contemptuous of Zhun's approach, but he had to admire Zhun's calculations.

Thinking of this, Lin Hao looked at Su Daji and said, "You know what's going on now, what are you going to do next?"

Hearing Xuantian's words, Su Daji knelt down and said sincerely: "Please save the little girl's life. The little girl is grateful and willing to serve the Shangxian for life."

Lin Hao shook his head and said, "Why don't you understand it now? Your identity as Su Daji must be handed over to the nine-tailed fox, but you can survive as another identity. I wonder if you are willing?"

"Little girl is willing!" Su Daji hesitated after hearing it, but nodded anyway, and Xuantian didn't hesitate after seeing it, and directly cast a spell to take Daji's soul out of his body, and let the nine-tailed fox fuse with Daji's Body.

After doing all this, Lin Hao used great magic power to recreate a body for Daji, and looking at Daji's soul state, he said, "From now on, there will be no more Su Daji in the world, only Su Mei can you know?"

When Su Mei heard it, she immediately knelt down and said, "Little girl, keep the words of Shang Xian in mind. From now on, there will be only Su Mei in the absence of Su Daji."

"Good!" Lin Hao responded and then looked at the nine-tailed fox who looked at Rong and Daji's body and said, "This immortal will not interfere with your mission to Chaoge, but if you let me know that you are disturbing the world, I will definitely infiltrate you. The land of perpetual redemption cannot be reborn forever, even the so-called Zhunti can’t keep it, do you understand?”

The little demon followed the instructions of the immortal, and the nine-tailed suit or Su Daji said a word tremblingly, and then watched Xuan Tian and Su Mei leave here, and she completely let go of her heart and began to formally adapt to the identity of Su Daji. But she also took Lin Hao's warning to heart, because she knew that the saint would not care about the life and death of a little demon like her.

If it wasn't for the saint who raised her cultivation to Da Luo Jinxian, she would not have done such a thankless thing. After all, the cause and effect of bewitching a king is not something she can afford.

Not to mention that the nine-tailed fox is adapting to Su Daji's current identity, Zhao Gongming had already left Golden Turtle Island and flew to heaven, although the leader of Tongtian seemed extremely disbelieving and reprimanded when he heard that Laozi and Yuanyuan would plot against him. He paused for a while, but Zhao Gongming already knew that he had doubts from the expression on the face of Tongtian Cult Master.

Otherwise, the sect master of Tongtian would not let himself go directly to the heavenly court. Obviously, Tongtian also knew that if the two brothers really plotted against him, he would have to recruit some help, and now the powerful heavenly court is undoubtedly a good target to win over, even if We can't let Heavenly Court help them directly, and we can also make the brothers and sisters on the list feel better.

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