Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 129: All four saints are on the list

But it was said that after Jiang Ziya's side was defeated, Jiang Ziya secretly left the barracks and came to Kunlun Mountain, ready to meet Teacher Yuan.

Looking at the respectful Ziya below, Yuan Yuan said lightly: "I already know your purpose, and I will hand over these four dislikes to you as your mount. As for the Four Saints of Nine Dragons, I will send your senior brother to go there. Get them on the list."

After Jiang Ziya heard it, he even sat back to the Xiqi camp, looking at Jiang Ziya's figure leaving quickly, Yuan immediately ordered Manjusri and Puxian to go down the mountain immediately to assist Jiang Ziya.

Manjushri and Puxian, who received the original teacher's order, did not dare to neglect and immediately went down the mountain to assist Jiang Ziya. Shortly after Jiang Ziya had just returned to the Xiqi camp, the two of Manjushri and Puxian also felt the same.

"I have seen Senior Brother Manjushri and Senior Brother Puxian!" Jiang Ziya said respectfully looking at Manjushri and Puxian.

Although I have long heard that these two are not treated by the original teacher, but no matter what, they should be treated respectfully by their senior brothers.

Manjushri said with a smile: "Ziya doesn't need to be too polite. This time I came here just to send the Four Saints of Kowloon Island to the list. After success, I will go back to the mountain to practice."

"It should be like this," Jiang Ziya nodded and then ordered his subordinates to prepare a place for the two of them to live, but the two of them shook their heads and refused: "Junior Brother Ziya, don't bother, I will send the four saints of Kowloon Island to the list as soon as possible. It's good to go back to the mountain to practice."

Jiang Ziya was no longer reluctant after hearing this, and then ordered the rectification of the army out of the city to fight. At the same time, Shen Gongbao also had a big chance. It turned out that after Shen Gongbao was dissatisfied with the primitive, he wanted to join other forces, but Haotian knew what kind of temperament Shen Gongbao was. He did not accept him into the heavenly court, and Zhao Gongming, who intercepted the teaching, also avoided Shen Gongbao.

In desperation, Shen Gongbao had to go to the West to seek refuge with the Second Western Saints, which immediately made Zhunti excited, because Shen Gongbao had the way of cause and effect and was the most suitable successor for him, but before that, he needed to be used for some planning. , it's better to let the Xuanmen three religions fight to the death.

Therefore, Jieyin Zhunti was not stingy with Shen Gongbao, and began to teach Shen Gongbao's various methods and abilities, and even gave Shen Gongbao a low-grade congenital spiritual treasure, which was already considered an extremely heroic performance. They are all in urgent need, and it is very rare for Shen Gongbao to get a low-grade congenital spiritual treasure.

On the other side, the two of Manjushri and Puxian also confronted the four saints of Kowloon Island, but the four saints of Kowloon Island were still quite flustered, because their cultivation base was not Taiyi Jinxian, and a few people added up to only a set of top grades It is only innate spiritual treasures, and each of Manjushri and Samantabhadra is a Daluo Jinxian, and he has one or two high-grade innate spiritual treasures in his hands, so he completely surpasses himself.

But they remembered the words said by the elder brother Zhao Gongming of the outer sect, they were born as sect immortals and died as sect sect ghosts, they suppressed the fear in their hearts, and looked at Manjushri and said: "I have seen two fellow Taoists. I don't know why the two fellow Daoists do not retreat and practice, why do you want to help Xiqi against me?"

After hearing this, Puxian Zhenren said with disdain: "We should ask this question, right? You and other sectarians are all hair and armor. Can't make the list of gods?"

The four saints of Kowloon Island were blushing, because they really couldn't stand the insult of Manjushri and Samantabhadra. Even if they knew that the gap between the two sides was huge, they planned to co-author Manjushri and Samantha to compete.

Soon the four saints of Kowloon Island shot directly and sacrificed their own spiritual treasures, but how could the two of Manjushri and Puxian be afraid? After a few rounds of fighting, I saw Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun took out his magic shield dragon stake, directly locked Gao Yougan among the four saints, and tied Li Xingba not far away with a demon rope, and then used magic to tie up Gao Yougan. The two beheaded, and the true spirit flew directly into the list of gods.

Puxian Zhenren is also not bad. First, after letting Sibu scare the mounts of the four saints, he repelled the powerful attacks of Wang Mo and Yang Sen's Kaitianzhu Hunyuanzhu, and at the same time sacrificed the Changhong lock to bind the two of them. He also used Wu hook double swords to kill the two of them. The true spirits of the two were also included in the list of conferred gods. So far, the first batch of outer sect disciples who had intercepted the teaching were on the list.

As for the innate spiritual treasures left by the four people after their deaths, they were put in place. Although these were only ordinary low-grade innate spiritual treasures, they were also somewhat useful to him.

It's just that what happened next is destined to be too beautiful for them. Just when the two of them were about to collect these spiritual treasures, they saw that these innate spiritual beads were directly pulled to heaven.

Immediately afterward, a cold voice said, "It is the will of the Great Heavenly Venerate that these four image beads will be the Four Holy Spirit Treasures of the Nine Dragons Island that will be conferred gods in the future. When things are returned to their original owners, you must not be too greedy."

The two of Manjushri and Puxian heard the toothache of the back gas, but they had nothing to do about it. In the end, they could only turn back to their dojo very depressed. Before leaving, they gave their spiritual treasure shield dragon stake and Wu hook double sword to Jin. Zha and Mu Zha asked them to assist Jiang Ziya in fighting against Donglu.

The defeat on the four sides of Kowloon Island naturally caused the morale of the East Lu army to plummet, but the old lady Wen Zhong, you are not a good person, you directly transferred the four generals of the magic family stationed in Jiamengguan. Although he is also a disciple of the Outer Sect, his cultivation base exceeds that of the Four Saints of Nine Dragons Island. Everyone's cultivation base has reached the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and the spiritual treasure in his hand is not bad.

It's just because their potential has come to an end, and they want to prove Da Luo is also far away, so they are also selected as people on the list, ready to use the heavenly luck to break through Da Luo, and at the same time, the spiritual treasures in their hands are not bad, Possessing Qingyun Sword, Jasper Pipa, Hunyuan Umbrella, and Purple Gold Flower Fox Sculpture Although this last piece looks like an animal, it is actually a spiritual treasure with wisdom.

The four of them joined forces and the innate spirit treasure in their hands could be captured in the mid-term of Daluo. It can be seen that the strength of these four people is definitely not ordinary, otherwise they would not be able to defend such an important place as Jiamengguan.

And Zhao Gongming, who was in Luofu Cave of Mount Emei, also sensed that the Four Sages of Nine Dragons Island were on the list. He did not act except for the impermanence of the world. After all, the potential of these four people is limited, and it will be difficult for them to break through Daluo all their lives. It is a good thing to be listed as a god.

The same is true for the four generals of the Demon Family with higher cultivation levels, because they have little hope of breaking through the Great Luo Jinxian, and it is also a chance for them to be listed as a god.

But Zhao Gongming is also very clear that he can ignore these outer disciples, but once the direct disciples and entry-level disciples are threatened, then he must take action. People are not afraid of falling when they are still intercepting teaching.

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