Looking at a group of disciples who looked wrong, Puxian Zhenren gritted his teeth and shouted: "Dong Quanxiu is going to be arrogant and look at the poor way to break your great formation."

When the words fell, Master Puxian directly took out his innate spiritual treasure, Wu Gou Shuangjian, and rushed in. Dong Quan sneered when he saw it, and then cast a spell to increase the power of the wind roar to the extreme, and he also took out a trace of chaos. Kamikaze.

This Chaos Divine Wind is the power of Zhao Gongming's origin, and even if there is only a trace of it, it is several times stronger than the original Divine Wind power of this Wind Roar Formation, unless there is a fixed wind bead that specifically restrains the Wind Roar Formation, or a standard Saint-level powerhouses take action, otherwise it is completely nonsense to break through this formation.

Although the real Puxian has the cultivation level of the late Daluo Jinxian, he is still helpless in the face of this wind roar formation whose power has been raised to the extreme. Although his top-grade innate spiritual treasure Wu Hook double swords is unparalleled, it is also facing the formation. The wind is helpless.

Under the attack of this gust of wind, his Wu hook and double swords were out of his control and lost their traces, which made Puxian Zhenren panic. The wind suddenly appeared and instantly shattered Puxian's body.

The only trace of true spirit left also directly entered the list of conferred gods, which shocked Guangchengzi and others outside the big formation. Just when they were helpless, ten monks suddenly appeared in the sky. It was sent here because he wanted to look up in front of Primordial.

It's a pity that they don't know that after a while, they will synthesize the teaching materials for pretending to be irresistible, and the boss of the ten people said: "Don't worry, fellow Daoists, I will wait for ten people to enter an array in the west. The trick is to break it down.”

After hearing this, Guangchengzi said: "In this way, please show the strangeness of Western magic."

That said, but Guangchengzi was secretly laughing in his heart. If the ten elite formations were so good, how could they have waited until now? But even if these people from the Western religion want to be cannon fodder, then he does not recommend that you use them as chess pieces, so that you can keep your own door.

The ten people from the Western religion were very useful by Guangchengzi's compliments, so they entered the ten-supreme formation without saying a word and prepared to forcibly break the formation. It's a pity that they overestimated themselves and underestimated the ten-supreme formation. Work together to strangle and make the list one after another.

And because they died too fast, Guangchengzi and others didn't find any flaws at all, so Guangchengzi and others couldn't help but curse, can't you all die later? When pretending to be forceful, he is faster than anyone else when he is dead.

If the ten monks from the Western religion knew that they were evaluated like this, I am afraid they would be extremely unwilling, and what is even more tragic is that none of their true spirits are on the list, and because they have done too much evil, they are all reincarnations. dissipated dissipated dissipated.

This makes Yingyin and Zhunti who have been observing here deeply saddened. You must know that these ten cultivators have reached the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and they have also given each of them a top-quality acquired spirit treasure. I just hope that they can promote the illustrious reputation of Western religions.

But the final result was that not only did these ten people perish, but also the top-quality Houtian Lingbao in their hands was completely destroyed. You must know that this is a top-quality Houtian Lingbao. It is not a mess. They have spent countless years searching for the Western Church to get together. Hundreds of pieces, how can they not feel distressed if they lose ten pieces this time?

But now it's useless to regret, they can only smash their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs. They originally wanted to grow eyes in front of Lao Tzu Yuan, but now they have become embarrassing in front of the two of them.

However, Guangchengzi and others outside the Shijue Formation had no intention of breaking the formation after complaining, but turned around to discuss countermeasures one after another. The immortal Puxian real person, even brought in two third-generation disciples.

What's more critical is that the Wu hook double swords Changhong lock and so on of the real Puxian failed to get back, these few spiritual treasures are enough to break the head of Daluo Jinxian, and the quasi-sage will be very moved.

Seeing that Guangchengzi and the others retreated in embarrassment, Shi Tianjun couldn't help laughing.

"Actually, it's your own efforts," a voice suddenly sounded in the air, followed by Zhao Gongming, who was a quasi-sage cultivation base.

Among them, Zhao Wan asked, "Senior brother, what should we do next? Guangchengzi and the others will definitely not give up."

Zhao Gongming said with a smile: "The next step is to respond to all changes with no change, Yao Bin, you immediately launch the Soul Falling Formation to worship Jiang Ziya's three souls and five souls within eight days. Fight for these eight days, if the quasi-sacred burning lamp on the opposite side dares to take action, the poor road will not give up."

"Follow the orders of the senior brother!" Ten Tianjun responded at the same time after hearing it, and then Yao Bin, the leader of the Soul Falling Formation, began to worship Jiang Ziya, but Jiang Ziya in the camp just felt uncomfortable at first, and did not When I noticed any abnormality, plus it was getting late, I went back to rest directly.

At this time, Guangchengzi and others couldn't imagine that they would never wake up after waiting for Jiang Ziya to fall asleep, because within eight days, Jiang Ziya's three souls and five souls would be taken away.

In the Yuxu Palace of Kunlun Mountains, the original did not do anything after discovering that Puxian had fallen. After all, he would not be able to get on with it. Moreover, Puxian was not valued by him. It was a big deal that he owed Haotian a favor to remove him from the gods. It is canceled in the Conferred God List.

However, Yuan Yuan also has a bottom line in his heart. Those disciples who are not valued on the list will also be listed. But if Guang Chengzi and others are hurt, then he will directly take action regardless of his face. This is from the original trajectory. It can be seen that Chengzi and the others have been cut off and cultivated to be primitive.

And in the heavenly court, Haotian is also paying attention to the battle between the two sects here. After all, even the true spirit of Puxian has been included in the list of conferred gods, can he not pay attention?

And under the concern, he also had to appreciate Zhao Gongming's wise and decisive, because Zhao Gongming has no Chaos Pearl and no system, it is not easy to get to this point, if he is now a sectarian, he plans to He took in heaven for his own use.

After secretly saying a pity, Haotian put away the Haotian mirror and turned his eyes to the west, because he knew that if this consecration of gods continued, then the sect master of Tongtian would definitely set up a sword array and a sword array under the gate. Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, in order to fight against Lao Tzu Yuan Shi Ying Ying Zhun Ti four people, then it is time for him and Nu Wa to take action.

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