Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 141: Our Lady of Fire on the list

Early in the morning, the Virgin of Fire Spirit brought the army to Xiqi Camp. Not only the Virgin of Fire Spirit Nezha also came here, as for Li Jing, he led the follow-up army to prevent Jiang Ziya from sending troops to surprise attack, otherwise the front would win. It's embarrassing when the rear loses.

But speaking of the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit, it is also unlucky. Although Zhao Gongming had already discussed with the Master Tongtian, he informed all the disciples to beware of Shen Gongbao. However, at that time, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit was breaking through the realm of Daluo and did not receive this news. I met Shen Gongbao, a big fool, and was fooled here without careful investigation.

This also greatly satisfied Shen Gongbao's vanity. After all, this was his first successful Daluo Jinxian. After all, this was his first successful Daluo Jinxian.

On the other hand, Jiang Ziya, who was revived on the Xiqi side, sat directly on the four sides and came forward, and reasoned with the Virgin of Fire Spirit. However, although the Virgin of Fire Spirit was highly cultivated, she was not as good at speaking as Jiang Ziya. Jiang Ziya retorted and turned pale with anger. He simply stopped talking nonsense and rushed forward to kill Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya was shocked when he saw it. Just when he was about to sit down and escape, he was hit by the Holy Spirit of Fire. Poor Jiang Ziya almost died after being hit by the Holy Mother of Fire. He finally woke up and fainted again. past.

Looking at Jiang Ziya who was hurriedly carried away by the Xiqi soldiers, the Virgin of Fire Spirit smiled coquettishly and then sacrificed her innate spiritual treasure, the Golden Xia Crown, and directly summoned 3,000 fire dragon soldiers to rush to the Xiqi army. Each of them has reached the initial stage of the Golden Immortal. The body is even more refined by the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit from the Lihuo, which is not weaker than the three thousand grass-headed gods under Yang Jian.

Even from a certain point of view, the Fire Dragon Soldiers of Our Lady of Fire Spirit still faintly restrain the three thousand grass-headed gods under Yang Jian's command. When dealing with most of these soldiers who are only human beings and immortals, they kill chickens and dogs. It can be said that they are completely absent. After all, these Fire Dragon Soldiers obviously received orders to only wound but not kill.

Even some monks recruited by Ji Chang wanted to come forward to block them, but they were only stabbed in the eyes by the golden light of the golden rosy crown, or they were suffocated by the fire and couldn't cast spells. The Madonna of Fire Spirit is just a kindness. This generation has no intention of making more murders.

However, even so, Madonna of Fire Spirit is still unavoidable to be on the list, because she is destined to die under the great seal of Guangchengzi.

Just when the Xiqi army collapsed for thousands of miles, Guangchengzi suddenly appeared and blocked the attacking Madonna of Fire Spirit. Seeing Guangchengzi, the Madonna of Fire Spirit was shocked, and she never thought that it was Guangchengzi who came to deal with her relatives. . You must know that although Guangchengzi's cultivation is not as good as that of his master, it is also the peak of the old-fashioned Daluo Jinxian, and he is only one step away from the quasi-sage. Heavy treasures such as the sweeping robe and the acquired treasure of the day.

Seeing this, the Madonna of Fire Spirit cupped her hands and said, "It turns out that it is the master of Guangcheng's son, Huo Ling, who is polite."

After hearing this, Guangchengzi sighed softly and then looked at Our Lady of Fire Spirit and said, "Huo Ling, you are not in the cave dwelling in peace, but you have to run out to be robbed, so it's no wonder that you are a poor Taoist."

The words fell to Guangchengzi and rushed to the Lady of Fire Spirit, which made the Lady of Fire Spirit not say anything more after hearing it, because she knew that this matter could not be avoided, and now she can only confront the other party head-on.

Thinking of this, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit directly transported the main mana to Guangchengzi, and Nezha, who had been behind, saw it and said directly: "You are such a good person that you are bullying senior sister with a high cultivation level, senior sister, don't worry about Nezha coming to help you. "

When the words fell, Nezha held a fire-pointed spear and stepped on a hot wheel and rushed towards Guangchengzi. At the same time, Nezha also knew that Guangchengzi's cultivation was so deep that he didn't dare to take care of himself. He took out the innate spiritual treasures such as the Yin-Yang Double Sword Gold Brick Universe Circle Huntian Ling.

However, even with one enemy and two Guangcheng, he can be said to be completely unafraid. Before, it was somewhat unreasonable for him to bully the small. Now, with Nezha, a person who is full of treasures participating, even if he is now bullying the small, it will not be too much. Too embarrassed.

"Kill!" Li Jing below saw that he couldn't help, so he pulled out and shouted.

Soon hundreds of thousands of Donglu troops followed Li Jing and rushed over, and the Jiuxiao Linglong Pagoda in Li Jing's hands suppressed one monk after another. In terms of power, it was no worse than Guangchengzi's Heaven-shattering Seal.

Although the morale of the Xiqi army is low, after seeing the Donglu army rushing over, they can only grit their teeth and fight. However, the battle situation is one-sided. The low morale of the Xiqi army is not an opponent at all. .

Ji Chang, who was not in good health, fell into a coma under his anger. Before he fell unconscious, he asked his eldest son, Boyi Kao, to inherit the title, and his second son, Ji Fa, assisted Boyi Kao to continue to attack Donglu.

At this time, although the Xiqi army was defeated, Guangchengzi had the upper hand above. I saw the Holy Mother of Fire launched the golden rosy crown to shoot bursts of golden light, but it was cracked by the sweeping clothes on Guangchengzi's body. At the same time, Guangchengzi took the opportunity to sacrifice the sky Yin smashed the Virgin of Fire Spirit alive from above and below, and directly injured Nezha with the Falling Soul Bell.

The reason why he did this is also Guangchengzi's consideration. He could kill the Madonna of Fire Spirit because both sides of the teaching and interception had already killed him, but Nezha's previous life was Lingzhuzi or the mother of Nuwa. It's not very good for Nezha to hate Nuwa Niangniang because of this.

Looking at the injured Nezha, Li Jing directly took out the Jiuxiao Linglong Pagoda to block Guangchengzi. In fact, Guangchengzi didn't even think about chasing him with all his strength. After seeing Li Jing using the Jiuxiao Linglong Pagoda, he directly turned back to Xiqi Camp.

The Donglu army did not pursue the victory, but reorganized the defense line to prevent the Xiqi side from re-launching the attack. After all, the fall of the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit this time can be said to be a great loss, and it is impossible to pursue the victory.

Looking at the golden rosy crown left on the ground, Guangchengzi did not choose to take it, because he knew that Heavenly Court would take it back soon.

Sure enough, just as Guangchengzi thought, a divine light suddenly appeared in the sky and took back the golden rosy crown, a middle-grade innate spiritual treasure left on the ground, and Haotian was not coveting this spiritual treasure. The Heavenly Court takes care of it.

After all, Haotian, a mere middle-grade innate spiritual treasure, is really unattractive. With his current state, only the top-ranked innate spiritual treasure can make him attractive, and the top-grade innate spiritual treasure can only make him a little bit. Pay attention, as for the high-grade congenital spiritual treasures, it is of no use to him.

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