Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 156: Hongjun's marriage

Thinking of this, Primitive shook his head helplessly, and then directly followed Lao Tzu to the Yaochi Wonderland, and then asked the disciple to hand over the prepared gift to the etiquette officer on the side.

The etiquette officer who received the gift immediately said: "The Sanqing Saint presents a congratulatory gift of a nine-turn golden elixir and a gourd, a top-grade congenital spiritual treasure, and two sides of the Primordial Array."

Everyone was shocked when they heard it because everything was staggering. For example, each of these nine-turn golden pills can make a person a Golden Immortal. It will not be burst by the strong mana, and this gourd has almost a hundred grains, which is really shocking.

Even Haotian was a little surprised. He didn't expect Lao Tzu to be so generous, but he knew how difficult it was to refine the 9th-turn golden elixir. Even an alchemy master like Laozi would need ten thousand years to refine a pot of 9th-turn golden elixir. And each pot is basically only 100 golden pills, and most of the remaining ones are defective products. It can be seen how low the success rate of these nine-rank golden pills is. Now, the amount of the whole pot is sent to Hao. God did not expect.

The gifts from Yuanyuan and Tongtian are also not bad. Among them, Yuanyuan gave the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao Nine Dragons Divine Water Cover, which made Haotian a little surprised. He thought he only had the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover. With the Nine Dragons Divine Water Cover, it can be said that all things are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other.

And the two-sided Primordial Array sent by Tongtian is no worse than the top-grade Innate Spirit Treasure, and it may even be higher in terms of efficacy. It can not only trap the quasi-sage, but also strangle all the powerhouses under the quasi-sage, even some quasi-sages. It is impossible for the Holy Spirit to break the formation without paying a heavy price.

Therefore, Haotian immediately walked down and said, "I really appreciate the gratitude of the three senior brothers. Please come to the table."

Lao Tzu and the others nodded after hearing this and then walked directly to the upper seat.

Not long after, the Second Saint of the West also brought a group of Buddhist disciples here, and Maitreya among them also gave the gift to the ceremonial officer. A bottle of water, two golden lotus seeds and ten bodhi seeds."

Others, including the sage, were a little surprised when they heard it, even Haotian. You must know that he and Tongtian have only taught the two Western Saints a lesson before, but this time they actually came and delivered it. The congratulations are not bad, but think that Haotian has been relieved. After all, it was true that they were guilty of a loss. If they didn't come, they would be even more guilty, so they would come no matter what the reason.

It stands to reason that after all the saints have arrived, it is time to swear to Tiandao to hold a banquet, but Haotian did not announce the start, but looked at the top and waited quietly. Sure enough, after a while, the anger suddenly went from top to bottom. Come, then the ancestor Hongjun, leaning on a purple bamboo stick, appeared here.

Everyone, including Haotian Zainei, bowed respectfully after seeing it. Ancestor Hongjun nodded slightly after hearing it, and then smiled: "You all get up, I'm just here to witness the marriage of my disciple, you don't need to care. ."

When everyone heard it, they all responded respectfully and then sat aside, while Ancestor Hongjun sat directly above Haotian and others, and Haotian stood next to Nuwa and said: " The way of heaven is above, now I and Nuwa have become Taoist companions and look at the way of heaven."

As Haotian's words fell into the sky, I remembered the sound of rumblings, which means that Tiandao acknowledged Haotian's words, and at the same time, it also brought down countless merits, even more than when he married Yaochi, which surprised many people. endlessly.

Ancestor Hongjun, who was on the side, explained after seeing it: "Aren't you weird? Actually, it's not surprising that Haotian gave up a treasure of merit and transformed his spiritual energy in the chaos, which prevented Honghuang from going to boundless calamity and boundless merit. Although Dao Dao has given rewards, the merit this time represents the reward given by the Dao of Heaven."

After hearing this, everyone nodded thoughtfully, but the ancestor Hongjun obviously didn't finish his words, only to see him take out two pieces of spiritual treasures and said: "Haotian has been watching what you have done for so many years. From the point of view, it can be said that it is very gratifying to be a teacher, so this good-fortune Jade Butterfly is a teacher, so let you comprehend ten thousand years! Nuwa's 24th grade reincarnation purple lotus is a congenital treasure refined for the teacher. Defense is unparalleled. Invincible God will also give you as a wedding gift, and from today onwards, you are my direct disciple."

When everyone heard it, there was an uproar in their hearts. Among them, the Five Saints of the Great Desolation were the most shocked. You must know that this is an innate treasure, especially that the Jade Butterfly is a chaotic treasure that is incomplete. Lending it to Haotian to learn about Wannian means that the teacher is prepared Take Haotian as Xuanmen's successor.

Thinking of this, Sanqing was a little envious, but they didn't say much, because they were also very clear in their hearts that the infighting in the Conferred God Battle made the teacher very disappointed with them.

On the other hand, the two Western sages on the side were envious, jealous and hated. After all, whether it was the innate treasure or the fortune-telling jade butterfly, Buddhism could be strong for them, but unfortunately neither of these two things belonged to them, and they could only watch it. He was jealous but couldn't **** it. After all, this was given by Hongjun ancestors on the spot, who dared to **** it?

As for Haotian and Nuwa, they were even more excited when they heard it, especially Haotian did not expect that the teacher would hand over the Jade Butterfly to him. You must know that this is the treasure of chaos, even if it is only a broken treasure, it is better than Chaos Spirit Baoqiang is quite a lot. If he can understand Wannian, he will be able to go further, and maybe even reach the peak of Hunyuan Daluo.

Thinking of this, Haotian said respectfully: "Thank you teacher for giving Haotian, and I will definitely not live up to teacher's expectations and will make Heavenly Court more prosperous."

After hearing this, Hongjun nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at everyone and said, "Okay, everything is over, let's all start the banquet."

After everyone heard it, they no longer flinched, but toasted each other. Even Hongjun rarely got interested and began to preach in the high pavilion. Many people who attended the banquet benefited a lot after hearing the Dao Fa. Among them, Hao Tian understands the deepest, he feels that he can break the barrier of the later stage at any time.

But now, it is still difficult to make a breakthrough directly during the wedding banquet, and can only wait for the wedding banquet to choose an opportunity to make a breakthrough. Thinking of this, Haotian immediately began to quietly comprehend Taoism.

Seeing this, other sages are also comprehending the Taoist method of the ancestor of Zehongjun, and the same is true for other great supernatural beings. Maybe it will be able to make a breakthrough in the future? Thinking of this, the entire Yaochi Advanced is very quiet for a while, only the preaching voice of the ancestor Hongjun.

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