Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 159: Lao Tzu's Reincarnation

Although I can't figure out the direction of Duobao, I still have to inform the deity about Laojun's affairs. Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor directly passed his thoughts to Haotian, but Haotian did not intend to stop the other party. After all This is due to the number of days, not to mention that he and Jade Emperor have the same idea, whether today's Duobao will still enter the West so decisively is not certain.

Thinking of this, Haotian continued to play with Yaochi and Nuwa, and at the same time passed his thoughts to the Jade Emperor.

After learning the deity's thoughts, the emperor smiled wryly and shook his head. Then he didn't plan to do anything more. At this moment, the world shook. Even the Jade Emperor in Lingxiao Palace felt this, but he didn't. Not surprised because this should be the successful reincarnation of Laojun.

But he wasn't surprised, it didn't mean other people weren't surprised. Many great supernatural powers and saints started to check, but they were shocked because it was Laojun reincarnated, which made many people feel Shocked, although many great supernatural powers are now reincarnated to pass down the Taoist lineage, but even Lao Tzu's three corpses are reincarnated in the next world. Is there really a lot of benefits in this?

Thinking of this, many great supernatural powers have some hearts in their hearts, and many people even made up their minds to reincarnate on the spot. After all, even Laojun has been reincarnated. will also appear in the future.

Even the Jade Emperor has some ideas about this. Of course, he can't imitate Laojun to reincarnate, but he can arrange for people to be reincarnated to fight for the benefits of heaven. Who else can this most suitable reincarnation be besides Kong Xuan? ?

Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor turned to look at Tiannu and said, "You immediately send an order to let Kong Xuan come here to see me."

Tiannu didn't dare to neglect after hearing this, and immediately drove away to preach the decree of Kong Xuan, while the Jade Emperor sat in the first place and closed his eyes quietly, because he knew very well that as long as Kong Xuan successfully reincarnated and established Confucianism and Taoism, So with the help of the great luck of Confucianism and Taoism, it is not said that he can achieve Hunyuan, but it is no problem to reach the peak of the quasi-sage, but here he has to communicate with Haotian first.

And Haotian did not object after receiving the news from the Jade Emperor, because this was a matter of great benefit to Kong Xuan, so Haotian directly transmitted the sound of the Jade Emperor to let him do it.

The Jade Emperor who received Haotian's permission would naturally not have any consideration, and at this time Kong Xuan was also led by Tiannu to come here. After entering the Taiwei Yuqing Palace, Kong Xuan knelt down and said: "See, Your Majesty does not know Your Majesty. What's the matter with calling me?"

The Jade Emperor smiled and said: "This time I called you here to discuss with the deity, and I plan to let you reincarnate in the lower world and leave the Dao lineage based on your own perception. In this case, with these luck, you can break through the Primordial Primordial, but at least you can Going a step further, even as long as Confucianism and Taoism are immortal in the future, you can rely on this steady stream of luck to enhance your own strength, maybe you can break through to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian when you have enough luck."

Kong Xuan was a little surprised when he heard it. He didn't expect that there would be so many benefits to leaving the Dao Lineage. When he thought of this, Kong Xuan immediately said excitedly: "Please rest assured that your majesty and teacher will not disappoint your disciples."

After hearing this, the Jade Emperor nodded and said, "You don't need to rush to reincarnate now. You can prepare to reincarnate first. Only in this way will it be more convenient for you to absorb the luck of Confucianism and Taoism in the future."

After hearing this, Kong Xuan nodded excitedly, and then left the Taiwei Yuqing Palace, and the Jade Emperor continued to close his eyes and rest in peace. At this time, other saints had different expressions after learning that Laozi was reincarnated.

After being silent for a while, Yuanyuan finally decided to separate a soul for reincarnation, and it was Laozi's voice transmission that made him make up his mind, which indicated that there were many benefits, which also made Yuanyuan start to make up his mind.

Not only Yuan Tong Tian also received Lao Tzu's voice transmission, which made Tong Tian a little surprised. After all, after Fengshen, he no longer had contact with Lao Tzu and Yuan Yuan, but Lao Tzu actually gave him a sound transmission to let him share a little bit. Divine Soul reincarnated, and stated that although the luck in it could not restore the original heyday, it could also restore some vitality instead of being half-dead as it is now.

This made Tongtian feel a little complicated. At the beginning, Laozi Yuanshi teamed up with the Western Second Sage to deal with him, which made him heartbroken, but now he has told himself the benefits of reincarnation through sound transmission, so Tongtian really does not know what attitude to use to face the original and Lao Tzu.

However, Tongtian believed that Lao Tzu said that reincarnation has great benefits. Otherwise, there would not be so many supernatural beings reincarnated. Therefore, without thinking much, a trace of divine soul entered the reincarnation of the six realms.

The original and Tongtian movements of the same saints were naturally hidden from the two Western saints, and the receptionist couldn't help but said with a bitter face: "Junior brother now that the spirits of Sanqing have been reincarnated into the lower world, should I be indifferent?"

After being silent for a while, Zhunti said with a smile: "Senior brothers and sisters think that we should not only be silent but also actively participate, and we can even use this to leave a line of Taoism in the East, so as to lay a certain foundation for our future prosperity in the West.

After hearing this, Xie Yin's eyes lit up, and when he looked at Zhun Ti, he said, "If that's the case, just follow what Junior Brother said. Senior Brother, I'm not good at calculating everything. I have to rely on Junior Brother for support. It's really hard, Junior Brother."

Zhun Ti heard this and said with a smile: "Senior brother, what are you talking about, we are brothers and sisters. If you were ruthless, senior brother, you could have wiped out my sanity and used it for yourself. I have never forgotten such a great kindness, so I will do my best to help my brother to make the West prosperous, even if he suffers some grievances."

After hearing this, Xie Yin nodded helplessly, and was even more moved by what Zhunti said. At the beginning, it was only his temporary kindness, but in exchange for the current junior and never giving up, Xie Yin felt that it was him. The best thing I've ever done in my life.

It can be seen from this that the relationship between the two saints in the west is absolutely extraordinary. Even if Haotian saw this scene, he had to sigh with emotion. Compared with the brotherhood between the two saints and the three Qings in the west, the fraternity between the two saints in the west is really a bit worse, and Fengshen The battle has shattered the already fragile friendship, and even if it can be restored in the future, it will be a year of monkeys and horses.

It can be said that the friendship between Sanqing was buried by Lao Tzu and Yuanyuan himself. Among them, Yuanyuan's greatest responsibility would not have made the relationship between Sanqing so bad if he hadn't been for a little face, but it's useless to say this now.

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