Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 170: The First Emperor dies, the Qin state is chaotic

Thinking of this, Zhunti just wanted to bargain, but found that a hint of impatience suddenly flashed in the Jade Emperor's eyes, and after seeing the avatar, he said bitterly: "So thank you Datianzun, we will find what Datianzun needs. Served within three days."

After hearing this, the Jade Emperor said, "In that case, please return the two of you to the deity. As for the Buddhists and the rest, I will send troops to **** them back, so I won't bother the two of you."

The avatars of Yingyin and Zhunti heard that their faces were ugly, but they still left here, but they also clearly said in their hearts that it is better to say that it is an escort, but what can they say? Whoever makes them weaker than others can only be suppressed by the heavenly court, but this also stimulates their idea of ​​the great prosperity of Buddhism, because only in this way can they compete against the heavenly court.

The faces of the Buddhists are also extremely ugly but helpless, they can only bow their heads and return to the Holy Land of Lingshan under the **** of the heavenly soldiers and the immortals. Although these people try their best to keep themselves out of the attention of others, but Many people in the West who believe in Buddhism still see this under the deliberate exposure of the heavenly court.

They did not expect that the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas they believed in would be so embarrassed, and at the same time, under the propaganda of people with a heart, they also knew that Buddhism is not the biggest force, and there is a heaven above Buddhism.

What the Buddhists did not expect was that during the period when Buddhism was hit in the future, Heavenly Court took this opportunity to send Emperor Gouchen to lead a million celestial soldiers to be stationed in the West, which was equivalent to planting one in Hezhou, Xiniu. Nails, but Buddhism is really hard to say and can't say anything at all.

And Buddhism is so embarrassing, which also makes many believers hesitate and doubt, and some people and countries have turned to believe in heaven, and they have indeed become somewhat dismissive of Buddhism.

Not to mention that a group of Buddhists were escorted to the west by the army of the Heavenly Court. At this time, the Great Qin Empire was about to come to an end because Qin Shihuang was terminally ill. Of course, this so-called terminally ill was only for mortals to see. Destined to perish naturally has to play a role.

Qin Shihuang's eldest son, Fusu, was secretly killed by eunuchs Zhao Gao and Hu Hai in the frontier, so that Qin Shihuang could only pass the throne to Hu Hai. However, what shocked Hu Hai and Zhao Gao was that Qin Shihuang looked at them with such gloomy and cold eyes , as if they had seen through them from top to bottom.

But then they breathed a sigh of relief, because Qin Shi Huang died after handing over the jade seal symbolizing the throne to them. After that, Hu Hai officially succeeded to the throne and was called Qin II, which was also mentioned in the later history books. Qin Dynasty II died.

After he succeeded to the throne, Qin II held a funeral for Qin Shihuang. He did not think about how to govern the country, but instead resorted to levies, which was even worse than Qin Shihuang's reign. At the same time, the military and political power also fell into the hands of the **** Zhao Gao. .

But how does Zhao Gao know how to govern the country? He just killed all those who oppose him. Countless loyal and good people lost their heads because of this. The huge Qin Empire was in mourning. Peasant uprising.

The largest of them was the famous Chen Sheng and Wu Guang uprising, although the Qin Empire soon dispatched a large army to suppress the uprising army led by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang through various means of differentiation and expedition.

However, this peasant uprising was like a spark turned into a prairie fire. Soon the surrounding areas responded to the uprising, and even the six countries that had been conquered before became restless. Finally, the rebel army led by Chu State began to crusade against the Qin Empire.

Among these people, the ones who really deserve the attention of Heavenly Court are the Chu family army headed by Xiang Yu, a nobleman of Chu State, and Liu Bang, who started from Tinghou. The former is supported by unwilling Buddhism, and Heavenly Court naturally chooses to support the latter?

This makes the Buddhist people feel schadenfreude and think that Tianting is blind and chose such a gangster as a supporter. Even Tianting has many people who oppose it. Many immortals think that even if they choose other people, it is better to choose Liu Bang. Ah, it's a pity that the Jade Emperor doesn't care because it won't take long for him to slap a loud slap in the face to let Buddhism know that gangsters can shine too.

Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor turned his gaze to the Taiwei Yuqing Palace, and that place was the place where Haotian retreated, and this retreat was precisely because Haotian Shenwu Good Fortune Jade Butterfly felt ready to take the opportunity to break through to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is at the peak, because only by breaking through to this realm, Hao Tian can re-accumulate the background and then find a suitable opportunity to break through to the infinite realm.

After taking his eyes back from the Taiwei Yuqing Palace, when the Jade Emperor was preparing to handle official duties, there was a sudden shock in the human world, which made many immortals who participated in the court meeting a little strange. To the Lingxiao Palace?

And what did the Jade Emperor seem to have thought of? But he still pretended not to know and let the clairvoyant and Shunfenger enter the Lingxiao Palace. The Jade Emperor had just entered the Lingxiao Palace and then pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Clairvoyance, what did Shunfenger just shake the heavens?"

After hearing it, the two of them said in unison: "The vibration before your majesty was the immortal stone on an immortal mountain in Dongsheng Shenzhou. This immortal stone landed on the immortal mountain from the sky for some reason, and began to actively absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, the sun and the moon. The essence of it is strange."

The Jade Emperor laughed bitterly in his heart after hearing this. He didn't expect the monkeys who would make troubles in the Heavenly Palace in the future to come out, but he soon adjusted his mood, because today's Tiantian is not comparable to the parallel-imported Heavenly Court in the original trajectory, unless he wants to. Just rely on this monkey to stop making troubles in the Heavenly Palace.

Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor said indifferently: "It's just a fairy stone that fell from the sky, just let him go. If he can transform in the future, it will be his chance.

After hearing it, many immortals responded respectfully and then left the Lingxiao Palace one by one, and the Jade Emperor also left the Lingxiao Palace. After all, this Monkey King has been brought out by the heaven, so it must be a few years later. It should be out of the robbery, and during this period, some preparations must be made.

In the chaos, the two Western Saints were equally excited, and even the depression when they were humiliated by the heavenly court was gone. Among them, Zhun Ti said excitedly: "Senior brother, it is time for me to be very happy! Just wait for him to be born. Then we can start the journey to the west.”

After hearing the introduction, the face of the original looking distressed also looked a little better, because this monkey is indeed very beneficial to Buddhism. As long as it is planned properly, Western Daxing is a proper thing. Thinking of this, they began to wait quietly.

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