Time has passed for thousands of years, and during these thousands of years, the Han Dynasty has also been ups and downs. Not only did Wang Mang usurp the Han, but also the Three Kingdoms hegemony staged at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, but all this is just a trajectory. It just runs, so many people don't care.

But if other people don't care, it doesn't mean that Buddhism doesn't care, because Buddhism intends to send people to the lower realms to preach, but this requires a test of Haotian's attitude before they can act.

At this time, inside the Mahavira Hall of Buddhist Lingshan, Buddha Tathagata looked at Kinnara Bodhisattva and said, "Kinara Bodhisattva has a deep misunderstanding of my Buddhism in the West and East, so I intend to let you go and spread my Buddhist Dafa, but In order to avoid hating the Great Heavenly Venerate, you still need to meet him in person once."

"Follow my Buddha's will!" Kinara Bodhisattva responded and then left the Mahavira Palace to ride the clouds to heaven, because he knew that if he wanted to allow him to preach, he must get an answer. Heavenly Court's approval and cultivation must be suppressed.

Therefore, after flying all the way, Jinna Luo came to the Nantian Gate of the Heavenly Court, and outside the gate was one of the Four Heavenly Kings, the Chiguo Heavenly King, and the other three Heavenly Kings were stationed at the other three Heavenly Gates and every other Time will rotate once.

After seeing Kinnara's arrival, King Chiguo said in a bad tone, "What is the important thing for people in Buddhism to come to Heaven?"

Kinnara put his hands together and said, "The poor monk Amitabha was ordered by my Buddha Tathagata to meet the Great Celestial Venerable, and there is no malicious intent, and I hope the Celestial King will tell the truth on his behalf."

After hearing this, King Chiguo directly let Jin Naluo stay outside and flew to Yaochi. After all, the court meeting was over. Under such circumstances, the place where the Great Heavenly Venerate went the most was Yaochi.

And in the Yaochi Wonderland, a Tiannu walked over quickly and said, "Your Majesty, the King Holding the Kingdom, who guards the Nantianmen, asks to see you."

Haotian was stunned when he heard the words, and after doing some calculations, he understood the cause and effect of the matter, so he looked directly at Tiannu and said, "You go and tell the Heavenly King Chiguo to let him relax Naluo in, and he doesn't need to worry about the rest. already."

"According to the order! After Tiannu responded, he left the Yaochi fairyland and spoke to the Heavenly King Chiguo. The Heavenly King Chiguo, who had benefited from the day after tomorrow, immediately returned to Nantianmen and looked at Jinna Luo and said, "Your Majesty has already agreed with you to enter, but before that You will also need to be checked by the mirror. "

In fact, Haotian didn't say this at all, it was just deliberately said by people who were unhappy with the view of Buddhism.

When Jin Naluo heard it, he nodded in cooperation, and then stood in front of the demon mirror hanging above the Nantian Gate. It was very clear that the mirror began to activate under the control of the King Holding Kingdom, and then a golden beam of light shone on Jin Na On Luo's body, what surprised King Chiguo was that Jinna Luo not only had no karma, but also had some merit. Obviously, he didn't do less good deeds.

This made King Chiguo's attitude towards Jinnara gradually improved. After all, Jinnara was much better than those hypocritical Buddhas in his memory. Thinking of this, King Chiguo said: "Okay, the eminent monks can go in without paying attention to the etiquette. Please forgive me."

"Amitabha is no problem," Jin Nara said with his hands folded, and led by the Heavenly Soldiers to the Jade Pool Fairyland, and after extensive inspections, he saw Haotian and Jade Pool sitting above, and Nuwa was Because of the feeling of heaven, he began to retreat, so he did not appear in Yaochi Wonderland.

Looking at Haotian who was sitting above, he bowed his head respectfully and said, "Amitabha, the poor monk has seen the Great Heavenly Venerable and wished the Great Heavenly Venerable the cultivation base to further realize the Dao."

Haotian chuckled lightly and said, "You are a bit mean. It stands to reason that you people of Western religion would like me to be stuck in this realm from now on, but why do you want me to prove the Dao earlier?"

Kinnara put his hands together and said, "Everyone has seen what he has done for all sentient beings in the Great Deity since he took the throne. It can be said that what the Great Heavenly Venerate has done is immeasurable merit, so the poor monk is not congratulating him as a Buddhist. Great Heavenly Venerate, but congratulate Great Heavenly Venerate as a part of all living beings in the flood."

Haotian nodded after hearing this, then looked at Jin Naluo and said with a smile: "Since you said that, I will accept your kindness. Tell me what you mean by coming here this time? I can agree as long as it is not too much."

Kinara said immediately: "Amitabha, the poor monk came this time on the order of my Buddha Tathagata to go down to a place to teach the Dharma, and hope that the Great Heavenly Venerate can answer the poor monk's request."

Haotian and Yaochi looked at each other and then Haotian looked at Jinna Luo and said, "If it were someone else from your Buddhism, I would definitely not agree, but you are very different in my opinion, so I agree with you. Let’s borrow it to teach the Dharma, but there is one place where the transmission is limited to you in the west, and you must not use your own cultivation easily. If you dare to abuse the mana, don’t blame me for not being sympathetic and throwing you into a land of eternal doom. ."

After hearing this, Kinara bowed his head and said: "The poor monk will follow the will of the Great Heavenly Venerate and will never abuse the mana in the lower realm. Otherwise, there is no need for the Great Heavenly Venerate to do anything, and the poor monk is willing to be turned into ashes by the achievements of Heaven."

Haotian nodded and said, "Of course it's the best way. If you have any problems, you can go down. I will let someone open the passage to the lower realm. After you teach the Dharma, you don't need to stay in the mortal world for a long time to avoid accidents."

After giving a sound, Kinara turned around and left the Yaochi Wonderland, and with the help of the local celestial generals, he entered the mortal world directly, preparing to re-proclaim the Dharma in the land controlled by Western Buddhism so that those people could reconvert to Buddhism.

After Jin Na Luo left, Yao Chi looked at Hao Tian with a puzzled expression: "Senior brother, haven't you always opposed Buddhism entering the mortal world directly? Why do you agree so readily in the face of Jin Na Luo now?"

Haotian heard the words with a smile: "Of course I won't agree with others, but this Jinna Luo is not an ordinary person, and he will have some adventures in the future, as for what these adventures are, I won't tell you for now. understood."

Yao Chi nodded and didn't ask any questions after hearing this, because he knew that if his senior brother wanted her to know, he would definitely let him know, but he must have his own reasons for not telling him.

At this time, Yaochi would have thought that this Kinnara would betray Buddhism in the future, and because a prostitute directly became a demon, he was invaded by Mora and became the famous Buddha without heaven in the future, and even in Buddhism in the future In the great catastrophe, Buddhism was severely damaged in one fell swoop, forcing the Tathagata to reincarnate, and even occupying the Western Lingshan Mountain for 33 years.

This is also the reason why Haotian didn't say it. After all, this kind of thing is too appalling. Most people probably won't believe that such a person who loves Buddhism will become a real grave digger of Buddhism in the future. Wouldn't have thought of that.

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