Thinking of this, the **** king took out a low-grade innate spiritual treasure and said: "Thank you Shangxian for your kind words for me. Please accept this innate spiritual treasure."

Ge Tianshi glanced at it after hearing it, then nodded slightly and put away the innate spiritual treasure, and then turned into a streamer and left here.

After Ge Tianshi left, the **** king turned his eyes to the high priest who was being executed and snorted coldly. If it wasn't for the Heavenly Court sending someone to tell him everything, he still didn't know that this person dared to be so bold. It can be said that even if Tianting does not do anything and waits for him to know the truth, he will not let him go.

In Buddhism, Kinnara has returned to Buddhism with Ash's body, hoping that his teacher can help him.

However, who would have known that the avatar, who had always been silent, said angrily: "Jinnaruo, you are so disappointing to me, that you actually hooked up with a prostitute and made me lose face in Buddhism. I didn't have you as an apprentice. I also saw it at the beginning. I went away and accepted you, a person who has no appearance, no Buddha statue, no appearance of gods, no appearance of sentient beings, as a disciple."

The Buddha's heart in Jinnara's heart, who was scolded and received, completely collapsed. He did not expect that the result of his efforts would be to be expelled from Buddhism. This made the seeds of darkness in his heart begin to grow gradually, and a surge of energy began to grow. A black air swept around Jin Nara's body and surroundings.

When Jinnaro raised his head again, his cultivation base was no longer Da Luo Jinxian, but stepped into the real quasi-sage realm, and it was not the early stage of quasi-sage nor the middle-stage of quasi-sage, but directly reached the later stage of quasi-sage. Realm, and only one step away from reaching the pinnacle of quasi-sage.

Looking at the shocked face of Jinnaluo who received the demonization of the avatar, he said coldly: "It turned out that you are sorry for me first, so don't blame me for being ruthless. From now on, there will be no Buddhism in the world, Jinnaluo, only the magic sect of Mora Wangtiandao. Check it out."

Boom! There was a roar in the sky, but Tiandao admitted Jinnara's oath, and then Jinnaluo was completely enchanted, and with Tiandao's recognition, he directly stepped into the realm of the quasi-saint peak, and even more when he returned in the future. Reaching the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, this is probably something that Jie Yin's clone could never have imagined. Otherwise, Jie Yin would ask Haotian to sell him a piece of thin noodles to revive Ah Shao even if he tried to be shameless. In the future, this will be a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level combat power!

It's a pity that there is no if in this world, and Yingyin will never have the opportunity to leave Jinnara in Buddhism again, only to see Jinnara arrogantly laughed and said: "Today Buddhism treats me unfairly, after a few kalpas, I will definitely Return to the destruction of Buddhism and wait for me."

When the words fell, Jinna Luo disappeared immediately, and the deity of the receptionist who was in the chaos suddenly had a sense of crisis. Although this sense of crisis was not aimed at him, it was aimed at today's Buddhism, which made Yingyin's heart feel uneasy There was no vigilance, but he couldn't tell exactly where this crisis came from, so he could only wait and see.

And Haotian in the heavenly court also chuckled, he knew that the Buddhist catastrophe in the future had already been decided, as long as he planned and planned properly, even if Buddhism could win the catastrophe in the future, he could only become a vassal of the heavenly court, and it was impossible to be like this now. Compete with the Court of Heaven.

Thinking of this, Haotian is in a very comfortable mood, and even the speed of processing memorials is much faster. Normally, he doesn't like to deal with these things, but now he is patiently dealing with these things with the help of a good mood. After all, it doesn't take long. Buddhism should have a bad luck, and that was the time when their heavenly court completely forced Buddhism to compromise.

As for whether Buddhism is willing to compromise? Haotian is not worried at all, unless the two Western sages really don't want the West, otherwise they have no choice but to submit Buddhism to Heaven, and can no longer compete with Heaven.

At this time, somewhere in the Three Realms, the already blackened Jinnara hugged Ah Xi's body and buried it, and then suddenly said loudly: "Everyone in Buddhism listen to me, my name is Jinnara. Now I also have a new name, Mara, and now that Buddhism is unfair, I voluntarily enter the devil, and I will make everyone in Buddhism pay back a hundredfold for your insults to me and Asha."

When the words fell, Naluo's aura exploded, and then dissipated directly in place, but his voice was known to all beings in the prehistoric realm. Many supernatural powers in Xuanmen naturally had the idea of ​​​​watching the fun, and even many People's hearts are full of schadenfreude.

As for Buddhism, some people were flustered. The Tathagata who was teaching the Dharma sighed secretly after hearing it. For some reason, he suddenly felt a bad feeling. What kind of feeling?

The Tathagata who can't figure it out can only stop thinking about these things for the time being, but continue to calm down and start teaching the Buddha Dharma to the many Bodhisattvas and Buddhas below. They have also heard about Luo's matter, and Buddhism is so harsh now that it will definitely be retaliation in the future.

As for the second saint in the west, his expression was gloomy, especially when he recalled the words that the clone said to Jinna Luo when he was facing Jinnaluo. Thinking of these words, he felt a little regretful. For some reason, he felt that he had rejected it before. Jinnara really will bring a very heavy price to Buddhism.

However, it is useless to think about these now, Jin Nara has been enchanted, and Liang Zi between the two sides has completely forged the possibility of no reconciliation, not to mention that the reconciliation that he wants to reconcile can't be reconciled, and he can't find Ah Shao's soul at all. , Maybe it is true that the soul has been scattered to the extreme, otherwise, with his cultivation in the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is impossible to find the soul of an ordinary woman.

However, what he had never dreamed of receiving and cited, Ah Shao's soul had long been collected by Lin Hao, and handed over to Haotian to be placed in Taiwei Yuqing Palace and began to recover quietly.

Zhunti on the side looked at the frowning receptionist and couldn't help but persuaded: "Okay, senior brother, don't think about these troubles anymore, what if there is only a tight nara even if there is support from the extraterritorial demon race? Can they still cross the extraterritorial battlefield directly Attack us here?"

After speaking, Zhunti's face was full of disdain, and the receptionist on the side also slowed down after hearing it. After all, as Zhunti said, if the demons can't cross the defense line of the heaven, they will not be a threat at all, but how do they know ? If there is a cause, there will be an effect. While they are prospering, they must also be prepared for a great decline. Otherwise, how can there be such a good thing in this world? Giving benefits without charging interest is not a habit of Heaven.

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