At this time, Taibaijinxing has returned here in Tianting Yaochi Immortal Realm, looking at Taibaijinxing Haotian who is standing by the side, he smiled and said, "You did a good job with Taibai, but you will be wronged to play with that monkey later. "

Taibaijinxing bowed his hands and said: "As long as you can complete the grievances of your Majesty's grand planner, what's the harm?"

Haotian nodded with satisfaction. It was precisely because of Taibaijinxing's loyal character that Haotian would reuse him, and used a lot of resources to help Taibaijinxing break through to the middle stage of the Quasi-Saint, which was impossible for him in the original trajectory. Yes, after all, the original trajectory of the self is suppressed by the Six Saints of the Great Desolation, and it is impossible to protect themselves, so how can there be extra resources to give Taibaijinxing?

It's just that now all of this no longer exists with his strong rise. Suddenly Haotian seemed to think of something and then looked at Taibaijinxing and said, "For example, how much does the court have reserves about innate and acquired spirit treasures today?"

Hearing Haotian's question, Taibaijinxing immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "Your Majesty, if you are not interested, I will also tell you the good news. For example, there are more than 1,500 innate spiritual treasures of various grades in the court today. There are tens of thousands of acquired spiritual treasures, and there are countless other spiritual tools."

Haotian was a little surprised when he heard Taibaijinxing's words. He didn't expect that the reserves of today's court were already so large. After all, the avatar he differentiated was only responsible for refining innate spiritual treasures with the Qiankun Cauldron, as for acquired treasures and other treasures. Naturally, other immortals in Heavenly Court who are good at practicing equipment are in charge, so he really doesn't know the exact number.

And after learning that Heavenly Court's reserves are already so rich, Haotian's mood is naturally relieved. After all, this is only about the reserves of various treasures, and other equipment refining materials, various elixir and so on are also amazingly stored, and he and The promise made by Lao Tzu has not been voided to this day.

That is Lao Tzu's good corpse Taishang Laojun's medicinal pills refining in Tusita Palace has always been divided into 28%. As for the big head, it must be taken by Heavenly Court. After all, the materials for Taishang Laojun to refine medicinal pills are provided by Heavenly Court , Taishang Laojun himself only made some hard work.

It can be said that today's Heavenly Court lacks everything, and it is properly the richest place in the prehistoric land. This is why so many prehistoric and scattered cultivators are scrambling to join the Heavenly Court. In addition to the strength of the Heavenly Court itself, there is more to join the Heavenly Court. Many resources are available.

However, as the strength of the Heavenly Court increases, as the Court is today, not everyone accepts it. In fact, even at the beginning of the Heavenly Court, Haotian has repeatedly declared who can accept and who can't accept it, but now this rule has become more and more Just strict.

At this moment, Yaochi came over and said, "Your Majesty's concubine has heard some rumors recently, and they all have a lot of criticisms against Tiantiao, who can't be in love with Xianfan."

Haotian heard the words and asked: "Then Yaochi, do you think this day is right or wrong?"

After hearing this, Yaochi frowned and said, "This celestial rule was created at the beginning of the establishment of the heavenly court. If the heavenly rule is wrong, it does not mean that the heavenly court is also wrong? This is a big blow to the majesty I have managed to accumulate in the heavenly court. ."

Haotian sighed lightly: "You only see the surface but don't see the deeper part of the problem. In my opinion, this heavenly rule can be changed but it must not be abolished, because once the heavenly rule is abolished, the loss of majesty will be a major chaos in the small Three Realms. , Besides, although it is imperative to revise the sky, it is not in a hurry and there is time to revise it in the future."

Yao Chi nodded in agreement, because she also felt that changing the sky is much better than the waste of the sky, at least it will not cause too much turmoil in the Three Realms, and it can also prevent many innocent people from dying.

At this moment, Haotian seemed to have thought of something, and then suddenly took out a golden treasure mirror. It was Haotian's spiritual treasure, Haotian. Huaguoshan Yaochi in the mirror also began to observe directly. After all, this Buddhist chess piece also aroused her interest.

At this time, Sun Wukong didn't know that he had been noticed by Haotian and Yaochi, the masters of heaven. On the contrary, he was bragging with the brothers he had just met, and even more after seeing the weapons in the hands of the brothers. envious.

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the Bull Demon King on the side and looked at Sun Wukong and said, "Why should you be envious of your virtuous brother? Isn't it very simple for your virtuous brother to get a weapon?"

Hearing this, Sun Wukong said with a bitter face: "If you know where there are weapons, you can naturally get them with your little brother's ability, but the problem is that little brother doesn't know where to get good treasures."

The Bull Demon King laughed loudly when he heard the words: "You don't have to frown, you don't know that there is a place with good treasures, but it's very close to the horizon, and this place is your neighbor Donghai Dragon Palace. There are treasures you need, although there are many treasures in other places, but they are all places for powerful people, and only the Donghai Dragon Palace is not high enough to rely on the protection of heaven to survive."

When Sun Wukong heard the words, his eyes lit up, but when he was about to leave, he saw Demon King Peng and said: "Best brother, it's better not to fall out with the old dragon king. After all, the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea is in charge of the protection of Heaven, and Heaven is not something that ordinary people can afford to provoke. That's why wise brother must be careful."

Hearing the words, Sun Wukong said indifferently: "Brothers, don't worry, I know what I know, and I won't do some things that bully the small."

Sun Wukong thought that the elder brothers were reminding him not to bully the old dragon king because of his cultivation. After all, the Dragon King of the East China Sea is a real quasi-sage powerhouse. Although he has only just broken through to the early stage of quasi-sage, he should not be underestimated.

Sun Wukong, who didn't know the thoughts of the Bull Demon King and others, came to the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea with confidence, but was blocked by the shrimp soldiers and crab generals. The Dragon King of the East China Sea.

And the cultivation of the Dragon King of the East China Sea really surprised Sun Wukong, because the old Dragon King's cultivation was not weak, but he reached the Taiyi Jinxian. Otherwise, he may not be able to stand the upper hand, and it would be even worse if he led out the heaven behind him.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong restrained his violent temper, and sat here with a little politeness, waiting for the Dragon King of the East China Sea to ask questions.

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