Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 199: The monkey king is captured

"Dare to ask Laojun, what is the magic use of this diamond carving?" Taibaijinxing on the side asked very cooperatively.

Laojun stroked his beard and smiled: "This diamond bracelet was made of Kunming Steel that Pindao used to turn Hu into Buddha. In addition, it has been stained with Xuanhuang merits, so it has become a treasure of merit and virtue. It can be used for all kinds of magic weapons in the world. Smashing people is infinitely useful."

When she heard Taishang Laojun's words, Guanyin suddenly felt a little bad. Just when she wanted to stop it, she found that it was too late. I saw that Sun Wukong just wanted to get up and escape from here, but was smashed by the diamond bracelet. Instantly fell to the ground and cried.

Yang Jian on the side saw it and directly penetrated Sun Wukong's pipa bone with the Immortal Binding Chain, sealed Sun Wukong's cultivation, and returned to the heavenly court under the **** of the heavenly soldiers.

It's just that Sun Wukong is not an honest person, and he kept trying to struggle along the way. Although this is not very useful, it can be seen that Sun Wukong is extremely unconvinced and only sees him yelling: "I respect you, Yang Jian. You are a hero, you even conspired with others to plot my old grandson as despicable."

Yang Jian heard nothing, what could he say? Could it be that this is the hand of the Taishang Laojun, and he didn't know about it before this? Thinking of this, Yang Jian shook his head helplessly and then followed the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals to send Sun Wukong into the Heavenly Court.

In the Yaochi Wonderland, Taishang Laojun took back his vajra bracelet and said, "Okay, beat this monkey and the cause and effect are all over."

As soon as Taishang Laojun's words fell, a heavenly general came over and said, "His Majesty Qizao also took the demon monkey to the Demon Slayer Terrace."

Haotian, who was sitting in the first place, heard the words and said lightly: "Then all the immortals will go to the execution ground with me to see this monster monkey."

After hearing it, the immortals responded, and then followed Haotian to the execution ground, where Sun Wukong was imprisoned on the Demon Slayer Platform by the Heavenly Soldiers, and the Heavenly Court immortals also surrounded the place to watch.

Haotian, who was sitting in the first place, looked at Monkey King quietly and asked: "Monkey King, do you know the guilt? You want the Great Sage Equalling Heaven to give you the position of Great Sage Equaling Heaven, but if you don't want to repay your kindness, forget it. To disturb the Pantao event and to unite with some evil-doing demon kings to resist the heavenly court is a shame."

Sun Wukong looked at Haotian and retorted loudly: "My old grandson refuses to accept it, I can go over 108,000 miles with one somersault, and there are seventy-two changes, but why can't my old grandson go to a peach event? You can go, besides, why is this huge Three Realms up to you?”

This time, many immortals are not good-looking, because Sun Wukong said that the defeated generals were not referring to them? Although it was the Jade Emperor who ordered them to release water intentionally, they had to admit that few people really took Sun Wukong one-on-one.

Hearing Sun Wukong's unconvincing words, Haotian said sarcastically: "It's what I said, why don't you agree? But what's the use of disobedience? If you dare to deceive the sky, you are still so shameless, and with that alone, I can make you ashes."

Sun Wukong said in dissatisfaction: "You don't have to say more, Jade Emperor, the strong are respected in this prehistoric world, if it weren't for those insidious people under your command who plot against me, how could I be caught by you? "

As soon as these words came out, the old master looked a little unsightly, but he still said: "Is your demon monkey still reasonable? You first stole the peach and then stole the old Tao's medicine pill, and then disturbed the grand event and resisted the heavenly court. How do you deny it piece by piece?"

Hearing the words, Sun Wukong said disdainfully: "Lao Jun thank you for being the originator of Taoism. Have you forgotten that this thing must be extremely good or not? If you hadn't insulted my grandson like this, why would my old grandson be against you?"

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Taishang Laojun couldn't help laughing and said, "I didn't expect you, a monkey, to know that the extremes must be reversed or not. It's a bit of a skill, but it's a pity that you will die if you resist the heavenly court now."

Hearing the words, Sun Wukong said sternly: "If you want to kill or cut my old grandson, it is up to you to deal with it, but if you can't kill my old grandson before the scandal, my old grandson will make you pay back thousands of times in the future."

Li Jing, who was on the side, snorted coldly when he heard the words: "I really want to see how hard you can be, this demon monkey? Cut off this demon monkey's monkey head with a knife and an axe!"

As his words fell, the giant axe hanging in the sky fell directly from the sky and slashed heavily on Sun Wukong's head. However, it was shocking that the axe that could have landed the head of Daluojin was actually given to the head of Sun Wukong. It was shattered into two halves. It turned out that among the golden pills that Sun Wukong stole, there was an elixir specially designed to strengthen the body, which is why Sun Wukong was not afraid of the giant axe.

"Your axe in Heaven is just like that, it makes my old grandson ticklish," Sun Wukong, who was hit, laughed.

Li Jing, who was on the side, was also a little surprised when he saw this scene. After seeing Haotian's gesture, he continued: "The demon monkey will be mad and let you taste the power of this divine arrow."

As soon as his words fell, the dense arrows shot at Sun Wukong, but without exception, they were still scratching their itch, which surprised many immortals in Heaven who didn't know the truth.

"Yin fire waits," said Sun Wukong Li Jing, who looked at the laughing haha, and pretended to be desperate.

As his words fell, a yin fire in the sky burned directly on Sun Wukong's body. Although the yin fire was also weakened this time, it did cause some trouble for Sun Wukong. At least it was hot, so Sun Wukong said directly. : "It's so hot, what kind of fire is this?"

Li Jing snorted coldly: "This is a yin fire, which burns from under the spring and goes straight to the Niwan Palace. The five internal organs are turned into ashes and the limbs are all rotten. Ten thousand years of hard work, all of which have become illusory."

Sun Wukong was a little surprised when he heard the words, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "So what? This yin fire is just like that. Let me give my old Sun a few more treats to warm you up."

"Aren't you afraid of Yin fire? Then the Yin fire should be withdrawn," Haotian, who was sitting on the throne, pretended to be surprised when he saw Sun Wukong's arrogant appearance.

When the words fell, Haotian waved his hand, and the original aggressive Yin Huo was immediately taken back. Sun Wukong, who saw this scene, was also a little cautious. After all, this Yin Huo was taken away when he said that it was taken away. It can be seen that this old Jade Emperor Still has some skills. "

"Tianlei will serve you!" Li Jing, who was looking at the thoughtful Monkey King, continued to order.

As his words fell, one after another sky thunder brewed in the clouds and then slashed at Sun Wukong mercilessly. Even if Sun Wukong stole the copper skin and iron bone pill, he was still hacked, although it didn't say how big it was. Hurt but really guilty.

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