Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 201: The havoc in the Tiangong, the roller blinds were demoted

When the words fell, a flash of coldness flashed in Haotian's eyes, and the Tathagata saw it and hurriedly said: "No, the Great Heavenly Venerate has misunderstood, the two saints have absolutely no intention of going back, just want to ask when the people of Journey to the West will go to the realm? "

"You can do it now," Haotian said with a smile when he heard Tathagata's words.

As soon as his words fell, the sound of the glass being shattered sounded. When everyone came back to their senses, they only saw the roller blinds that were at a loss. Yao Chi, who was sitting in the first place, pretended to be unhappy when he saw it: "Roller Lian, what's the crime for you to break the glazed cup? What can you do with your hands and feet? You will be punished to think on the wall of the quicksand river and return when your merits and virtues are consummated in the future."

After hearing this, Roller Shutter, who was at a loss, instantly returned to its original state and said, "Thank you for being willing to accept the punishment."

After the words fell, a few heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals took the rolling curtain down. The Tathagata on the side smiled bitterly after seeing it, but didn't say much. After all, the Great Heavenly Venerate was already ready, so let's just go on like this.

The rolling shutter was demoted to the lower world is just a small episode, all the immortals and the great supernatural powers are still enjoying the eight treasures and a hundred flavors in front of them, as well as various congenital spirit fruits and imperial wines, as if the previous things never happened, just like this time passed again for dozens of days.

And this day is seventy-seven forty-nine days, and the Taishang Laojun in the Tusita Palace said directly: "Well, this monkey must have been refined and fired."

The words fell on Taishang Laojun with a flick of the dust, and then the gossip furnace was opened, but at this moment, Sun Wukong suddenly jumped out of it, and he looked very crazy with a golden hoop.

Looking at Sun Wukong who suddenly popped out, Lao Jun pretended to be terrified and said, "How could you, the demon monkey, not be dead yet?"

Hearing this, Sun Wukong smiled and said, "Hey, old man, you didn't think that my old grandson didn't die, and you have developed a pair of sharp eyes. Now I will go to the old Jade Emperor to settle the account."

"The demon monkey must not be rude, how can the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals take it down!" Taishang Laojun on the side waved his dust.

The Heavenly Soldiers, who were waiting outside the door, rushed in immediately after hearing this, but Sun Wukong, with great power, knocked down one team after another of the Heavenly Soldiers, but in an hour, tens of thousands of Heavenly Soldiers were gone. completely annihilated.

Looking at the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals lying all over the ground, Sun Wukong laughed and said, "Old man, these Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals under your hands are nothing but the same."

Looking at Sun Wukong's arrogant appearance, Taishang Laojun held the whisk and trembled deliberately: "How can you be so rude, you demon monkey! How can you be so rude! How can you be!"

After the words fell, Taishang Laojun turned into a streamer and disappeared here, while Sun Wukong, who pretended to be a senior, said what it was like, and rushed out with a golden hoop.

In the Yaochi Immortal Realm, Taishang Laojun reappeared in this place, and Haotian, who was sitting in the first place, pretended to be puzzled: "Why Laojun? Why are you so panicked? Has the demon monkey been refined into a golden elixir? Ah!"

After hearing this, Lao Jun cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty's forgiveness! That demon monkey doesn't know what it is. It was trained for forty-nine days and it is still intact. Now it has rushed out of the Tusita Palace and headed towards the Lingxiao Palace."

After hearing this, all the immortals were a little surprised, and they kept talking with each other, especially some people who didn't know the truth were deeply shocked. Anyway, it was not ordinary to escape from Laojun's gossip furnace. people can do it.

Haotian also pretended to be surprised and said, "What should I do if this demon monkey has such a skill?"

One of the immortals came out and said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, Li Tianwang has been urging troops everywhere, and now there are 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals outside Yaochi, and there are four other heavenly kings, the third prince of Nezha, the twenty-eight stars, the twelve Yuan Sheng, Jiuyi Xingjun, Wufang Jiedi, Four-value Gong Cao, Wuyue Sidu, East-West Star Dou, North-South Two Gods, Putianxing and other immortals will definitely be able to stop the Monkey Monkey."

Haotian nodded slightly when he heard the words: "Since this is not the way to be in Yaochi Wonderland, all the immortals will come with me to watch the battle."

All the immortals in the heavenly court and the great supernatural powers who came to participate in the event nodded their heads after hearing this, and then followed Haotian to the Lingxiao Palace. Outside the Lingxiao Palace, a whole hundred thousand heavenly soldiers surrounded Sun Wukong. , Jiuyi Xingjun and others were beaten by Sun Wukong after suppressing their strength.

Not long after Haotian and others came to Lingxiao Palace, bad news came from the front line. Seeing that the situation was not good, the thunder of the house and the generalization of Tianzun directly dropped thirty-six yuan and the thunder general went to help out, I am afraid that it may really be destroyed.

After all, after the realm of suppression, many people are not the enemies of Sun Wukong at all, but after thirty-six Lei Generals joined the battle, the battle situation gradually stabilized, but Sun Wukong was still helpless.

Li Jing, who was on the side, shouted after seeing it, "Monkey King, are you really going to turn the sky upside down? You should have escaped from the Tusita Palace, you should have escaped from the lower bounds, and you have even thrown yourself into the trap to come here."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong laughed and said, "Why did my old grandson run away? I want that old Jade Emperor to roll down and give the throne to my old grandson. Don't you know the saying that emperors take turns to come to my house this year? ?"

"The demon monkey is arrogantly looking at my pagoda," Li Jing shouted angrily after hearing this, and then pushed the pagoda out of his hand.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the pagoda covered Sun Wukong with lightning speed. However, Sun Wukong was not easy to mess with. He kept hitting the pagoda with the golden hoop. The pagoda was replaced, and Sun Wukong once again smashed the pagoda with force, and once again fought with a group of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals and Xianjia.

Haotian's bodyguard Wang Lingguan rushed over with double whips in hand. There were fights between the two sides, and neither of them could do anything about the other. This made many people look at it with admiration. After all, Wang Lingguan was silent before, but now he can fight with Da Luo. The peak of Sun Wukong can not be underestimated.

In contrast, Haotian didn't care. If Wang Lingguan didn't have any real materials, how could he allow him to serve as the guard of Lingxiao Hall? Not to mention the thoughts in Haotian's heart, I saw Wang Lingguan's double whip hit Sun Wukong's arms directly.

The severe pain made the golden hoop stick in Sun Wukong's hand almost unable to hold steady, so he hurriedly pulled away from Wang Lingguan.

When Wang Lingguan saw it, he shouted: "The demon monkey will be captured if it doesn't hold hands? Otherwise, its life will not be guaranteed."

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