Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 204: Canopy Drunk Play Palace E

A full hundred years have passed since Haotian retreated. During these hundred years, the Jade Emperor and Yaochi have been in charge of handling the affairs of the heavenly court. Fighting monks.

The majesty of the Heavenly Court made them no longer dare to imagine challenging Heavenly Court like Sun Wukong. At the same time, they also knew from some older monks that the original Monkey King was just a joke, otherwise Heavenly Court would be able to hang the monkeys to fight. There are many people.

This also made them secretly frightened in their hearts. Invisibly, they also became more in awe of Heavenly Court. They no longer dared to violate the rules of heaven and bully the weak at will. Even some monks have already rushed to join Heavenly Court. After all, Heavenly Court's treatment is really good, which makes them very is heartbeat.

At this time, in the Lingxiao Palace, the atmosphere was not very good, because Tianpeng, one of the former Marshals of the Tianhe Water Army, had been firmly bound by the immortal rope. Heaven will hold it firmly to the ground.

The Jade Emperor, who was sitting in the first place, looked at Tian Peng below and said lightly, "Tian Peng, are you guilty of drinking and molesting Gong E during your tenure?"

Canopy kneeling on the ground said, "The little **** is convicted and willing to accept punishment."

Yao Ji, who attended the court meeting together, saw that the Jade Emperor was ready to make a decision and said directly: "Brother Huang! Seeing that Tianpeng is an old man in the heaven, please forgive him for so many years without credit and hard work."

Yang Jian on the side was quite helpless when he saw it. His mother didn't understand the situation at all. The canopy had to be knocked down. There was no way for him to be a member of the Journey to the West team?

The Jade Emperor sitting in the first place was also a little helpless, but still firmly said: "Okay, I have decided to beat the canopy five hundred times on this matter, and demoted it into the six reincarnations. Only when the merits and virtues are complete can I return to my position."

Tianpeng, who didn't expect such a crime, hurriedly begged for mercy: "Your Majesty's little **** knows it's wrong, and please ask Your Majesty to be kind!"

"Where is the Heavenly Soldier? Pull down the canopy of the God of Sin!" The Jade Emperor, who was sitting in the first place, said with a cold expression unmoved.

After the surrounding heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals heard it, they immediately set up the canopy whose mana was banned and left the Lingxiao Palace. As for the surrounding immortals, they were also trembling. Such a result.

Looking at the trembling immortals, the Jade Emperor said indifferently: "Every immortals need not worry, as long as you don't violate the canopy's lesson, you will not be punished by this, and you only need to perform their own duties. Go back."

After hearing this, the immortals in the heavenly court responded, and then left here one after another. As for the Jade Emperor, he also took the Bajing Luanyu towards the Jade Pool.

At the same time, outside the Nantianmen, the canopy, which had been hit by five hundred hammers, was directly smashed into the six reincarnations by the heavenly soldiers. However, just when the canopy fell into the reincarnation, an accident occurred in the reincarnation tunnel. Involved in the animal realm.

Seeing this scene, the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals above couldn't help but look at each other in dismay. In the end, the leading Heavenly General looked at everyone and said, "This matter is beyond our authority, let's report back to the Jade Emperor."

The surrounding celestial generals nodded after hearing this, and then followed the leading celestial generals back to the heavenly court and prepared to report to the Jade Emperor.

At this time, in a pig yard, a sow suddenly gave birth to a piglet, but the piglet's heart collapsed, because the piglet was not someone else but the marshal Tianpeng who was beaten into reincarnation.

But at this time, his heart was very broken, and he muttered to himself: "It's over, it's over, it's over, the marshal Tianpeng who thinks about my Yushu Linfeng has become such a pig now, how can you meet people, teacher, you Where is it? Come and save me!"

It seems that he sensed Tianpeng's call, and the Great Master Xuandu suddenly appeared here. Yes, Tianpeng's teacher was the Great Master Xuandu. At first, Tianpeng was not a disciple of Xuandu, but was in the process of conferring gods and measuring tribulations. After that, Xuandu was accepted as a disciple. Of course, all this was approved by Haotian, otherwise Xuandu would not be able to accept his disciple so easily.

The topic was too far away, Xuan Du, who had just appeared, directly fixed the surrounding time and space, and then looked at the fat little pig in the pigpen and said, "Okay, what kind of idiot are you crying like this? How can you say that you once He is also a marshal of the Tianhe Navy? Isn't it too embarrassing?"

Tianpeng, who turned into a little fat pig, said aggrieved: "Master! Your Majesty is too cruel, and directly put me into the six-path reincarnation. What's more hateful is that this reincarnation doesn't know what's crazy, and I was involved in the animal realm. It made me look like this pig now, please ask the teacher to save me and talk to His Majesty by the way."

Xuandu said helplessly after hearing this: "You idiot really think that His Majesty is blaming you? How can you say that you are also an old man in Heaven, and His Majesty will not be so ruthless. The real reason is that you will have a share in the future of Western learning. , you just need to follow the person who took the scriptures to the West, you can restore your original state, and you can also get a merit, maybe you can break through the quasi-sage."

Tianpeng said excitedly after hearing this: "Master, are all of what you said true?"

Xuan Du said with a smile when he heard the words: "When did the teacher deceive you? As long as you can join the Journey to the West team, you can get a lot of merit, but the teacher also reminds you not to forget that you are a member of Xuanmen, it is necessary to It can be a drag, you understand?"

Tianpeng, who turned into a little fat pig, said directly: "Hey teacher, don't worry, I know all these things and pretend that no one can beat them."

Xuandu nodded after hearing this, and just as he was about to leave, he saw Tianpeng suddenly say: "Teacher, this road to the west must be dangerous, I wonder if the teacher can give me some treasures? Do you have the heart to see you? Disciple, did I die on the way?"

Xuandu heard a black line on his forehead, and then said angrily: "No, there are no spiritual treasures here, but when your merits are complete in the future, the teacher will ask the master to grant you some spiritual treasures. Treasure and pills."

When the words fell, Xuan Du turned into a stream of light and left here. Tian Peng felt helpless after hearing it. He wanted to blackmail him, but he didn't expect the teacher to run so fast. After taking a look around, he was still a little fat pig. Peng suddenly turned into a human form.

Of course, he can't restore his original appearance, so he can only leave here with a pig's head and a pig's body. Some little pigs have no idea what just happened.

In Yaochi, the Jade Emperor also received the news that Tianpeng was involved in the animal realm, and he had to feel that Tianpeng was really unlucky enough to not escape the fate of becoming a pig.

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