Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 212: Jin Chanzi reincarnation

On the other side, in the seat of the great magician sitting in the front row, Zhen Yuanzi, who had been listening to Jin Chanzi's words, suddenly said, "Jin Chanzi, come here!"

"The little monk has seen Zhenyuan Daxian!" Jin Chanzi saluted.

"There are a few ginseng fruits here in Pindao, and I will give them to you!" Zhen Yuanzi said, taking out a few fruits that looked like babies.

After Jin Chanzi saw Zhenyuanzi's ginseng fruit, "Daxian, is this a fruit? This is obviously a newborn baby!"

Zhen Yuanzi was stunned on the spot, and all the great supernatural powers present were also stunned, doesn't this Jin Chanzi know the goods? This is ginseng fruit. Most people are not qualified to enjoy it, and Zhenyuan Zihuan, who was in a daze, also calmed down and said, "Of course! It's just like a baby!"

"Is it a poor monk who can't recognize these strange treasures with the naked eye, or is it that Zhenyuanzi's Daxian Fengdao does not taste bloody?" Jin Chanzi asked in disbelief after hearing this.

Zhen Yuanzi was very speechless after hearing this, because this Jin Chanzi was really stupid and cute, and actually regarded his ginseng fruit as an unborn baby. Thinking of this, Zhen Yuanzi shook his head helplessly and then put the ginseng fruit away again. .

The other great supernatural powers were also shocked, because they knew exactly what Jin Chanzi said. This is simply to say that Zhenyuanzi Daxian has a tendency to develop into evil ways.

That is to say, Zhen Yuanzi has a mild personality. If it was someone else, he would have been angry long ago. However, Jin Chanzi didn't seem to think that he had done anything wrong, and just left here on his own, because he wanted to make a good bet with the teacher. Get ready, and prepare to travel to the nether underworld for your own reincarnation.

And the great supernatural powers from all walks of life are also not in the mood to stay any longer, and they have made excuses to leave the western land. It can be said that the Yulan Bon Festival was not successful this time, because the addition of a golden cicada made this conference. Often weird.

The Tathagata who was sitting on the lotus platform shook his head helplessly when he saw this scene, because he knew that Jin Chanzi was doomed to fail, because in the prehistoric world, the strong were respected, but even so, even the high-ranking saints could not control themselves. fate, because they are subject to the way of heaven.

Even the ancestors of Hongjun, who are in the right way, have not dared to say that they can control their own destiny. Maybe only the Great Heavenly Venerate who follows the way of Hunyuan can control their own destiny?

Thinking of this, the Tathagata sighed softly, and then said with a lack of interest: "This conference will be like this, everyone, please wait quietly for the beginning of the Journey to the West."

"Follow my Buddha's will," said many Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Arhats present with their hands folded together respectfully.

Under the respectful eyes of everyone, the Tathagata disappeared directly here, and the people present also returned to their own dojos. At the same time, Yaochi looked at Yaochi in the Yaochi fairyland Haotian and said: "Junior sister! Who do you think is this Buddhist? Is it your mission to truly save the world?"

Yao Chi frowned slightly and said, "Senior brother! It seems to me that there is basically nothing. Although these people have some merits and virtues, they did not get it by themselves, but after joining Buddhism, the two Western saints are afraid of the influence of evil spirits on them. The image of Buddhism gave them some merits, and there are many such people in Buddhism, anyway, I can't see who is like this except Jin Chanzi."

Haotian laughed after hearing this and said, "It's true that as the younger sister said, in Buddhism there is not much that really takes the responsibility of saving the world and saving people, but there are exceptions to everything, except for this Jin Chanzi, look at the Guanyin and the earth. Tibetan, the merits of these two people are completely different from other Buddhists, on the contrary, they are more inclined to Jin Chanzi."

After Yaochi heard it, he looked at it, and after a long time, he said, "It's really like what my senior brother said, but there are only a few people in such a huge Buddhist who are dedicated to saving the world."

Haotian did not refute when he heard Yaochi's words, because as Yaochi said, there are indeed very few Buddhists like Guanyin. Buddha appears to be very noble in himself.

Haotian scoffed at the thought of this, and was even more disdainful of the Buddhist practice of laying down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha on the ground, because if the wicked can put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the spot, then why can't those good people in ten lifetimes become Buddhas? So this theory doesn't make sense at all.

However, Haotian doesn't plan to say anything more. Before becoming Hunyuan Wuji, he may have had a lot of disgust for Buddhism, but after becoming Hunyuan Wuji, this disgust is still there, but it is not high anymore. , because to achieve this and it is no longer possible to decide something based on personal preference.

Thinking of this, Haotian looked at Tiannu, who was standing respectfully at the side, and said, "Tiannu sent an edict to inform all parties that when the land of the mountain gods arrives, they can give some necessary help to the westbound group of four without violating the principle. But in the event of a major event, it must be reported to the Heavenly Court for a decision by the Heavenly Court."

"Little slave obeys the decree," Tian Nu on the side responded respectfully after hearing it, and then left to pass the decree.

Yaochi on the side heard the words and said, "Is this brother planning to cooperate fully with Buddhism?"

After hearing this, Haotian smiled and said: "Full cooperation is not enough, it's just to give some necessary help to Buddhism. After all, Western Daxing is behind, and even I have to give some cooperation, but after all, cooperation is not enough to add obstacles. Less, I will try my best to maximize the benefits of Xuanmen."

Yao Chi nodded and didn't say anything more, but quietly watched the dance below with Haotian, because he knew very well that the beginning of Journey to the West was when Haotian left, although Haotian said the time of his departure It won't be too long, but I'm still a little reluctant anyway.

Haotian also guessed Yaochi's thoughts, so he directly held Yaochi's hand and said, "Don't worry, there won't be any big deal, I will try my best to accompany you and Nuwa during this time, and then leave some time to retreat and strive for further progress. , then it will naturally be safer.”

After Yaochi heard it, he hummed softly, and then leaned on Haotian's body. Haotian didn't refuse this and just hugged Yaochi gently.

And at this time in the underworld, the evil corpse Fengdu Emperor of Haotian looked at Jin Chanzi and said, "I already know about you, but I also want to remind you that your mana and memory are sealed during the reincarnation, so once you die But you have to do it all over again, once you die ten times in a row, you can't even restore your memory, so are you sure you want to do it again?"

When Jin Chanzi heard the words, he put his hands together and said, "The little monk has already decided to ask the emperor to do it."

Fengdu nodded when he heard it, and then sent Jin Chanzi into Samsara with a wave of his hand, and he himself returned to the palace, and the entire Six Paths of Samsara fell into tranquility again for a while.

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