Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 235: Make trouble with Sanqingguan

And Sun Wukong, who was on the side, could only lead the topic to another direction and said, "Let's find a place to rest first, and wait until the night, Junior Brother, and you can come in with me and have a look."

The slowed Zhu Bajie and the roller blind nodded, and then followed some monks back to the monastery. After night fell, Sun Wukong sneaked into the Taoist temple with Zhu Bajie and the roller blind.

I have to say that this Taoist temple is well built, not only luxurious and magnificent, but also quiet and elegant. He preached the "Repentance for Disaster Elimination" and lectured on "The Tao Te Ching". The incantation water swayed, the candle flame fluttered and rushed to the upper bounds, the cloth bucket was checked, and the cigarette was fragrant and clear. There are fresh offerings on the desk, and a sumptuous feast on the table.

In front of the door hangs a couplet of couplets of yellow brocade brocades, embroidered with twenty-two characters, saying: "The rain is smooth and the wind is gentle, I wish Tianzun immeasurable dharma; He Qinghaiyan, I pray for longevity and more years." Three old Taoist priests, wearing The vestments, standing in front of the temple. There were seven or eight hundred scattered people below, playing drums and bells, and serving incense and confessing, all of them stood on both sides.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong knew that these three people should be the Huli Daxian, the Luli Daxian, and the Yangli Daxian. They turned out to be these three old men, so I will toss them.

Zhu Bajie, who was on the side, looked at the endless crowd, and saw the large table of food and tributes, and immediately said: "Elder Brother, there are so many tributes on the table, look at the Taoist priests in the audience. It's endless, if it goes on like this, it won't be able to enjoy the tribute until dawn.

When Sun Wukong heard the words, his brows were also slightly wrinkled, but he stretched out in a moment, and said to the two behind him: "Two junior brothers, don't be in a hurry, let's see what my grandson is capable of."

When the words fell, Sun Wukong didn't wait for Zhu Bajie and the others to answer, and turned his head to use his magic power to create a strange wind, which smashed the inside of the Guan.

There was a gust of wind in plain white, and all the Taoists in the viewing were surprised, but the viewing was already in a mess, and naturally there was no way to continue preaching, so everyone waited and left under the leadership of the three people. here.

After everyone left here, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Monk Sha fell into the clouds and broke into the Sanqing Palace.

Sun Wukong looked up at the statue of Sanqing on the table and couldn't help asking: "Bajie, which gods are the three sitting above? Why haven't my grandson ever seen it?"

When Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha heard the words, the corners of their mouths twitched.

Among them, Zhu Bajie even laughed: "You monkey, you usually pretend to know everything, but now you don't even know them. These three are not ordinary gods, but Sanqing saints."

When Sun Wukong heard the words, he continued to ask: "Is this Sanqing saint very powerful?"

Hearing that, Zhu Bajie changed the subject and started to introduce the three people: "The one in the center of the three sages is Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, the one on the left is Taiqing Daode Tianzun, and the one on the right is Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun."

Sun Wukong was fascinated, and then he seemed to think of something? Then he scratched his head and said to himself: "Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun? This old man's name is familiar to my old grandson? I seem to have heard of it somewhere!"

Zhu Bajie sneered when he heard the words: "Brother Monkey, how could you forget that in the Wuzhuang Temple that day, the two boys of Qingfeng Mingyue once said that Zhenyuan Daxian went to Miluo Palace to listen to Yuanshi Tianzun's explanation of Hunyuan Daoguo. How long? How did you forget?"

Hearing this, Sun Wukong reacted, and with a long 'oh' sound, he continued: "It turns out that it is this old man with a nose, and he is not a person with supernatural powers, so he is caught by these three evildoers. worship here."

When the words fell, he took out the golden hoop stick and smashed the statue of the original Tianzun, then stretched out his hand and waved, creating a gust of wind out of thin air, wrapping the fragments of the statue of Yuanshi Tianzun and throwing it away in an instant.

Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha on the side were shocked when they saw this scene, and at the same time secretly laughed at the monkey's death, even the most cautious of the saints, Yuanshi Tianzun dared to provoke them.

And what happened here will soon be discovered by Yuanshi Tianzun. At this time, more than thirty-three days, in the Yuqingtian Miluo Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun sat on the cloud bed and realized the way of heaven.

Suddenly, Yuanshi Tianzun, who was comprehending the way of heaven, suddenly opened his tightly closed eyes, and his eyes were shining brightly, shooting straight three feet away.

After seeing the statue of himself in the Sanqingguan, after being beaten to shreds by Sun Wukong, the original Tianzun couldn't help but change his expression, and at the same time, he turned his eyes towards the direction of Xumi Palace and cursed: "The second time, this is the second time. Come on, take the lead, Zhun mention, the Buddhist guardians you two chose to insult me ​​so much, the poor Taoist will not wait for you to rest."

At the same time, in the Chaos Bliss Realm, in the Xumi Palace, Yingyin and Zhunti, who were meditating, opened their eyes at the same time.

After a long time, Jie Yincai sighed: "Alas! Junior Brother, Wukong has made a big disaster this time, that Yuanshi Tianzun is a chicken's stomach, and the chest is the narrowest among the saints. Now Wukong destroys his icon, how can he I will give up and let it go, but this matter will need to be calculated in the future."

Zhunti nodded slightly when he heard the words and said, "Senior brother is very true. Since his transformation to the present, the cause and effect of the three sects of the Xuanmen are quite deep. It seems that we have to bleed a lot to appease some people in the Xuanmen. already."

After hearing this, Xie Yin let out a long sigh, and then Yu Zhunti closed his eyes again to realize the way of heaven. After all, they would send someone to appease the people in the mysterious gate, and Yuan Yuan had to bring something in person, otherwise, It's hard to be kind.

Not to mention the thoughts of the Western Second Sages, at this time in the Sanqing Hall, after Sun Wukong smashed the stone statue of Yuanshi Tianzun, he did not know where it was thrown, and turned to Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng who were standing beside him: "Bajie, you two move. Hurry up, if those Taoist priests come back soon, wouldn't they be frightened by the grass?"

Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha looked at each other, and then they started to act. Zhu Bajie put both hands on the statue of Taishang Laojun, exerted strength from his waist, picked up the whole statue and moved it to the apse, and then secretly pleaded guilty. After a sound, this changed into the appearance of Taishang Laojun and began to enjoy the tribute.

The monk Sand on the side followed the same example, and also moved the stone statue of the leader of Tongtian, and then turned into the appearance of the leader of Tongtian and stood next to Yuanshi Tianzun. After eating and drinking with Bajie and Wukong, the meal It was a full half an hour, and then some food was packed and taken away, and then the Sanqingguan was messed up again. After all this was done, the three of them left here satisfied.

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