Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 245: Jade Emperor receives six ears

Seeing the curious expressions of the immortals, the Jade Emperor said directly: "Since this is the case, I will tell you to listen to it. There are five immortals in this week, who are heaven and earth, gods and ghosts, and there are five insects. The origin of this monster is different. It is neither heaven, nor earth, nor human, nor god, nor ghost, nor is it a scorpion, nor scales, nor feathers, nor Kun. They belong to the four monkeys of the ancient times, and do not belong to ten categories."

Nezha on the side continued to ask after hearing the words: "Dare to ask Your Majesty what the four monkeys in the world are? These four monkeys are the other four monkeys."

After hearing it, Liu Er on the side flashed a trace of fear in his eyes, but he still insisted on looking at the Jade Emperor. Obviously, he still wanted to bet again, but this time he was destined to lose the bet.

I saw the Jade Emperor on the throne glanced at the six-ah macaque and said: "The first is the Lingming Stone Monkey, which is able to change, knows the time of the day, knows the location, and changes the stars. Human affairs, good in and out, avoid death and prolong life. The third is the gibbons and monkeys grasping the sun and the moon, shrinking thousands of mountains, distinguishing and resting blame, and the fourth is the six-eared macaque, good at listening to sounds, able to detect reason, knowing before and after, all things Ming. These four monkeys do not belong to the ten categories, and they do not reach the name of the two."

"What kind of monkey is this fake, Your Majesty?" Nezha looked at the two of them vigilantly, and then asked respectfully.

When the Jade Emperor heard this, he turned his eyes to the fake Wukong and said, "This fake Wukong is the six-eared macaque. If this monkey stands in one place, it can know the world's affairs, even if it is a conversation between mortals, it can also know it, so it is good at listening. Sound, able to discern, to know before and after, everything is clear, so it is exactly the same as Sun Wukong, and now it is the great calamity of the journey to the west, and the calamity is shrouded, so no one under the sage knows his identity."

As soon as these words came out, the six-eared macaque was taken aback. He didn't expect that the Jade Emperor would actually see through his hidden identity. Thinking of this, he immediately wanted to turn into a streamer and escape.

However, in the huge Lingxiao Palace, how could he come and leave whenever he wanted? I saw Taibaijinxing, a good-natured man, flick the whisk in the hand, and then the dense white silk flew out of the whisk, tying the fleeing six-eared macaque tightly.

This scene surprised Sun Wukong. Although he knew that Taibaijinxing was not easy, this was the first time he had seen the opponent make a move. These six-eared macaques could be on par with him, but they were so easily trapped. Shocking.

Moreover, he personally heard Taibai say that he is a quasi-sage cultivation base, even if the other party is only the weakest quasi-sage early stage, it is enough to suppress himself when he was the strongest back then, right? But why didn't Taibai make a move? This puzzled his mind.

But at this time, he didn't think about it so much anymore. After seeing the six-eared macaque tied up, he rushed over with a golden hoop in his hand, ready to beat this guy who pretended to be himself.

However, at this moment, the whisk that bound the six-eared macaque emitted a white light, directly forcing the approaching Sun Wukong to retreat, which made him a little dissatisfied, and looked at Taibaijinxing and said, "Old man, what do you mean by this? Why are you stopping my grandson?"

When Taibaijinxing heard it, he laughed and said: "Don't forget, Dasheng Mo, this is the Palace of Lingxiao. How to deal with the six-eared macaque is up to His Majesty's own judgment."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong was shocked. He knew that he almost committed a taboo, and also knew that Taibaijinxing was saving himself. If he killed the six-eared macaque in front of a group of immortals today, he would be suppressed for another 500 years. .

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong smiled brightly: "I don't know what Your Majesty wants to do with these six-eared macaques?"

The Jade Emperor said with a smile: "Although this six-eared macaque is at fault, he is also a pitiful person. As the only person of the same generation among the four monkeys in the mixed world, he is now only Da Luo Jinxian. Don't you think it is too miserable? "

Hearing this, the six-eared macaque's eyes were dim, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, while Sun Wukong also fell into silence. After a long time, he looked up at the Jade Emperor and said, "I dare to ask Your Majesty, is there any reason for this?"

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, the Jade Emperor smiled and said, "There is a natural reason for this. In the past, I was just a boy sitting down by the ancestor Hongjun. At that time, the ancestor preached to 3,000 Zixiao guests, but these six-eared macaques rely on their talent. The supernatural powers eavesdropped, and finally was warned by the ancestors, presumably this method does not teach the six-eared five words, you should remember the six-eared macaque."

The tied six-eared macaque nodded bitterly when he heard the words. It is precisely because of these five words that he is still wandering in Daluo Golden Immortal. You must know that even the least talented Zixiao Palace guest has now set foot on the right track. The holy realm is between heaven and earth.

Seeing Liu Er's bitter look, the Jade Emperor continued to smile and said: "You don't need to resent your ancestors, the so-called "laws are not taught to Liu Er" is not to prevent others from preaching to you, but to warn anyone who has not entered Zixiao. The people in the palace are not allowed to eavesdrop, you should be doomed if you commit a taboo, and the reason why those great supernatural powers are unwilling to accept you as a disciple is just a misunderstanding of the meaning of the ancestors."

Hearing the six-eared macaque's eyes lit up, he didn't expect it to be like this. Does this mean that he can still be a teacher in the future? And Sun Wukong also turned from resentment to sympathy. He didn't expect the six-eared macaque's experience to be so bumpy. In comparison, he was really much better. He was taught by a famous teacher not long after he was born, and he broke through in just a few hundred years. Daluo.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong said: "Since this is the case, let's do it as Your Majesty, my old grandson will retire first."

The Jade Emperor nodded slightly when he heard the words, and even the six-eared macaque was a little surprised. He thought that Sun Wukong would kill him, but he didn't expect to let go so easily.

Seemingly aware of Liu Er's gaze, Sun Wukong said angrily: "Don't think it's because I have a good heart, I just spared your life because of your age."

The words fell to Sun Wukong, carrying the golden hoop stick to leave, and the six-eared macaque was also pressed into the sky prison by a group of heavenly soldiers for reflection.

However, Sun Wukong, who left Lingxiao Palace, did not immediately return to the lower realm. Instead, he came to the mansion of the True Monarch Xuantan, because he had not seen Zhao Gongming attending the court meeting just now, so he thought he was in his own mansion.

This is also the case. Although Zhenjun Xuantan is only one of Zhao Gongming's three corpses, he will occasionally come to live here for a period of time. For example, Zhao Gongming is in the mansion at this time.

After arriving at the mansion, Sun Wukong said to the heavenly general outside the mansion: "Please tell me, I just said that my old grandson has something to ask to see True Monarch Xuantan."

The guarding general replied after hearing it, and then returned to the mansion to report to Zhao Gongming, and in the real monarch's mansion, Zhao Gongming laughed directly after hearing the report of the general: "I didn't expect it to come, let him come in."

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