After leaving the Flame Mountain, Sun Wukong and his party experienced many hardships and came to the Lion Camel Kingdom, which belongs to the hinterland of Hezhou, Xiniu. There are three demon kings here, namely the Lion King White Elephant King and Dapeng King.

In the original trajectory, all those who occupied this place were members who had intercepted the sect. It was just that Haotian's intervention during the Conferred God period caused the sect to be intercepted and his vitality was greatly damaged. Naturally, there was no way for Buddhism to use the people of the sect to act as the lion camel country. 's catastrophe.

Therefore, Zhunti could only draw three demon kings of the Daluo Jinxian level from the demon clan secretly cultivated by Buddhism to occupy the Lion Camel City, and slaughtered the local people to establish a demon kingdom.

Although Zhun mentioned and issued such an order, the three demon kings who had endured for too long did not want to endure it, so they secretly started to do this kind of thing. There is a task at hand, so this matter can only be left to nothing.

However, what Zhunti didn't know was that it was precisely because of his indulgence that the prestige of Buddhism would plummet in the future, but all this was left aside for the time being.

At this time in Fengxian County, the Jade Emperor who turned into an ordinary person came here with Taibaijinxing, because he knew very well that in the original trajectory, it was because the county governor overthrew the tribute, and there was no rain in Fengxian County for three years. .

The reason why the county governor overthrew the tribute, on the surface, seems to be a disagreement between the husband and wife, but in the Jade Emperor's view, this is just an illusion. In his view, there are only two possibilities, one is the promotion of heaven, and the other The seed is that Buddhism intervenes, and for the Jade Emperor, it is more likely to be the latter.

Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor said directly: "Taibai hides his cultivation, the two of us will just stroll around here."

Taibaijinxing responded after hearing it, and then suppressed his cultivation base and turned into an old man with no strength, and the Jade Emperor also became a young master and wandered around, and Go to the Junhou Mansion.

And in the mansion of the princes, the princes of Fengxian County have arranged for someone to set up a table, which is full of high-quality tribute fruits. It is obviously ready to start the sacrifice. The Jade Emperor who has just arrived here immediately spreads his spiritual consciousness. See if anyone has any hands on it.

Sure enough, he didn't wait long, only to see a Buddha's light that appeared and disappeared, and then rushed into the mansion with lightning speed.

Immediately afterwards, a woman walked out of the mansion, and when she saw the marquis of the county, she cursed: "Damn you! What are you still offering sacrifices to? Go back with me and take a closer look. What's up with my poor son? You're good, you're going to be offering incense here as if nothing was happening!"

What does a woman know? Go back first, and I will explain it to you after I finish offering sacrifices to heaven! "The county guard looked at the other party with a displeased face.

After hearing this, the lady of the county governor said, "I don't want it! If you don't give me an explanation, I won't leave!"

"Someone! Bring my wife back to me!" the county governor said dissatisfiedly.

The surrounding soldiers responded when they heard it, and then planned to pull the lady back. However, the lady of the county governor was still reluctant, and even rushed up to entangle with the governor, and a Buddha light also mixed into it, and finally fell down inadvertently. The whole offering table, melon and fruit tributes scattered all over the place.

This made the county guard a little flustered. He thought he had overturned the offering table unintentionally. Thinking of this, he immediately prepared to tidy up the offering table, but the lady of the county guard continued to entangle. If the burden people are messing with me, I will leave you."

The county governor's wife, who was suddenly slapped, seemed to be woken up. Although she was beaten up, she was still very aggrieved, so she covered her face and cried and ran into the mansion. The governor was watching. I regret it later, but I also know that it is too late now.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand weakly and said, "You guys go and tidy up the offering table, today's sacrifice is canceled."

A group of soldiers responded after hearing it, and then began to organize. A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Jade Emperor in the crowd, and then he left the crowd with a flick of his sleeves.

Taibaijinxing on the side sighed helplessly, and then followed closely, he knew that this matter could not be good.

After coming to a place where no one was around, the Jade Emperor and Taibaijinxing returned to the Heavenly Court. After arriving in Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor directly ordered: "The four Heavenly Masters have ordered them to set up a mountain of rice in the Tongming Hall. , a mountain of noodles, and a chain, when the dog has finished licking the noodles, the chicken has finished eating the rice, and the chain will be broken by the fire to bring rain to Fengxian County.”

When Taibaijinxing heard the words, he immediately persuaded: "Is your majesty's punishment too severe? What's more, this is obviously a Buddhist person, why should you punish those people in Fengxian County!"

The Jade Emperor said helplessly: "Taibai, I know what you think, the Buddhist side will naturally go to the trouble of Zhun mention, but the Heavenly Dao side also transmits the voice to me, Fengxian County's catastrophe is inevitable, so only If you can feel wronged for them temporarily, you can make some compensation in the future."

After Taibaijinxing heard it, he answered helplessly, and then left here. After Taibaijinxing left, the Jade Emperor also sighed, and then disappeared into a stream of light. He knew that this time, Zhunti must have done it by bypassing the Tathagata. , then it is time to look for his bad luck.

After coming to Chaos, the Jade Emperor immediately came to Sumeru Sky, and sacrificed the Clear Sky Mirror to hit Sumeru Sky, and the entire Sumeru Sky began to become turbulent for a while.

The faces of the Western Second Saints in Sumerian changed, and then they walked out of Sumerian, and Zhun Ti said angrily: "What do you mean, fellow Daoist? Why are you attacking me, Sumerian."

The Jade Emperor snorted coldly and said, "What do I mean? Don't tell me you don't know? Don't tell me that what happened in Fengxian County wasn't your fault."

Zhunti's expression changed after hearing that, and then he retorted with some guilty conscience: "Daoist fellow, don't wrong people, why would I do such a thing?"

The Jade Emperor didn't say much after hearing this. He just pointed to the Clear Sky Mirror, and then the picture on Fengxian County was revealed.

Seeing this, Zhunti's face turned pale, and the receptionist on the side said with a bitter face: "If you don't know what your friend needs, just say it."

Hearing the words of Zhunti, the Jade Emperor said lightly: "I heard that you used the water of merit to give birth to a golden lotus seed of merit. I want this, and your merit water has also recovered a lot, right? I need you to take it. 1/4, otherwise, you don't want to let the Journey to the West go smoothly."

When Zhunti heard the words, he wanted to copy the guy on the spot, but was held down by the receptionist on the side and said, "We agreed to His Majesty's request, and I will send someone to deliver the things later."

The Jade Emperor snorted coldly when he heard the words, and then flung his sleeves and left Xumitian directly, but this time the movement was not small, at least the other saints knew it, and it was not too late for what Zhunti did. .

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