Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 252: Destruction of the Temple of Heaven

Haotian raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words. Before, he once wondered why the people of Daqian World were always at a disadvantage in local battles. It turned out that some people had already taken refuge in the extraterritorial demons.

Thinking of this, Haotian waved his hand lightly, and then the clouds in the sky formed a giant hand, holding all the people including the masked old man in the palm of his hand. The huge palm formed was directly crushed to death.

This scene made everyone in the city stunned, because so many strong people died like this? You must know that there is also a powerhouse at the peak of the Immortal Sovereign Realm. It is too exaggerated to be pinched to death like this. "

But thinking about this Yun Yi's master, the strength of the peak of the Immortal Emperor was relieved, but at the same time, their hearts were also a little shocked, because that was the peak of the Immortal Emperor! On the bright side of the entire immortal world, only Immortal Emperor Ye Chen has reached this level.

After dealing with these people, Haotian looked at Yun Yi and said, "Okay, these people have been dealt with, then you can leave with me."

Yun Yi hesitated after hearing this. After all, his relatives and his father are all here. If the people from the Temple of Heaven attacked again, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The middle-aged man on the side naturally knew what Yun Yi was thinking, so he said directly: "Yi'er, you don't need to hesitate, this time the Temple of Heavenly Demons has lost a lot of subordinates, so they shouldn't come to trouble us for a while. ."

Haotian on the side heard it and said with a smile: "Of course they won't come to trouble you again, because they don't need to exist anymore."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked again. Hearing this meant that they planned to destroy the Temple of Heavenly Demons, but they did not intend to object, because the Temple of Heavenly Demons had already become a traitor to the Immortal Realm, and everyone got it and executed them. Although they did not have this Ability, but Yun Yi's master has it.

And Yun Yi's eyes lit up after hearing this, because if the master really intends to destroy the Temple of Heavenly Demons? He no longer has to worry about the safety of his family and so many ordinary people in the city, and he immediately nodded when he thought of this.

Seeing this, Haotian made a random move, took all the unowned immortal rings, and then threw them to Yun Yi's father: "These things are of no use to me, I will leave them to you, those immortal stones inside. And the medicine pill, it should be able to enhance your strength in a short period of time."

After hearing this, everyone in the Yunfu nodded and then watched Haotian and Yunyi leave. After the two left, they began to count the immortal rings on them. After a while, the wealth on these rings disappeared. Inventory completed.

But the numbers they came up with shocked them. Just the old man's ring contained billions of immortal stones. In addition, there were a lot of medicinal herb refining materials of various grades. As for the treasures, there were just a few. Pieces of middle and lower grade earth-level fairy treasures, as well as hundreds of human-level fairy treasures, in addition to some fairy talismans and special elixir and so on.

Although there is not so much wealth on other rings, the total sum is several times the wealth of the old man, which means that there are tens of billions of immortal stones in these rings alone. The strong are worse.

This shocked many people. In the end, Yun Yi's father, Yunlong, took the lead in reacting, and looked at everyone and said, "Give a small part of this wealth to the family members and the defending army to strengthen their strength, and the remaining Put all the items in the secret warehouse for later use."

Everyone nodded when they heard it, and then sorted these things out and distributed a small part to others. The rest was directly stored in the secret warehouse. In the past, so much wealth was enough for them to become the entire southern fairy. One of the giants in the domain.

At the headquarters of the Temple of Heaven, it was already in chaos. Yun Yi, who was holding a long spear, slaughtered the Quartet. The average Immortal King powerhouse is not the enemy of unity at all, even some ordinary Immortal Emperor powerhouses take Yun Yi without any trace. Method.

As for the stronger ones, they were stopped by Haotian. He wanted to practice Yun Yi, not to let Yun Yi be beaten by others. At this moment, three powerful auras suddenly rushed out of the main hall of the Temple of Heavenly Demons.

Looking at the three people in front of him, Haotian chuckled lightly: "One middle stage immortal emperor, two early stage immortal emperors, it seems that you are the helm of the Temple of Heavenly Demons, right?"

"Who is Your Excellency, and why are you attacking the people in my Temple of Heavenly Demons," the middle stage powerhouse of the Immortal Emperor asked coldly.

Haotian heard that and said lightly: "It's nothing, it's just that your Temple of Heaven and Demons colluded with other demons, and you are doomed to perish."

The expressions of the three immortal emperors changed when they heard the words, and after looking at each other, they took out their heaven-level immortal treasures and rushed towards Haotian.

Haotian snorted coldly, and then took out the Chaos Clock, only to see the Chaos Clock suspended in the air, sending out a burst of bells, followed by a burst of sound waves, which directly shook all the three Immortal Emperor powerhouses back. .

This shocked the three of them. They never thought that this quaint little bell turned out to be a heaven-level top-grade fairy treasure, and the power of the explosion was even more than that of the fairy emperor Ye Chen, which was unbelievable.

But whether they believe it or not, the fact is shown in front of them, and they can't help but believe what is happening in front of them.

Before they could react, the Chaos Bell rang again, followed by a burst of vibrating sound waves that spread out. In desperation, the three of them could only go all out to defend, but the three heaven-level immortal treasures had to be the same. A crack appeared.

This made the three of them terrified. Among them, the middle-stage immortal emperor said in horror: "This is impossible, this is definitely not the power that I can burst out of the top-grade fairy treasure, and this power has already surpassed the top-grade fairy treasure of the sky. standard."

"You guessed it right, but unfortunately you no longer have the opportunity to report to your master," Haotian said with a chuckle after hearing it.

When the words fell, Haotian temporarily unsealed the Chaos Bell for a short time, and then slapped it heavily, followed by a more powerful sound wave that spread, and then the three people's bodies were fixed invariably.

Seeing this, Haotian took out the Hunyuan sword and threw it out. The thrown Hunyuan sword let out a roar, and then penetrated the body of the three people with lightning speed.

So far, the three powerful immortal emperors have been beheaded by a sword, and the others in the Temple of Heavenly Demons have become birds and beasts after seeing it, and Haotian and Yunyi have not killed them. cooperate.

Therefore, after killing the first evil, Haotian left here with Yun Yi, but the destruction of the Tianmo Temple is destined to spread throughout the fairyland with those who escaped, but all of this is nothing like Haotian and the others relationship.

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