The person who was called the master by the demons obviously did not expect this to happen, so he said in a hoarse voice: "I don't know which strong person wants to destroy the deity, please show up."

As soon as his words fell, Haotian appeared here, and smiled faintly: "It is said that 3000 Chaos Demon Gods have been lost, but in my opinion, it is not true. If other Chaos Demon Gods don't say it, at least your Dark Demon God will live without it. Are you all right?"

As soon as these words came out, there were obvious changes in the figure wrapped in shady curtains, and then he continued to ask, "How did you know of my existence?"

Haotian heard the words with a chuckle and said, "It's very simple, because I come from a primordial world that you all wanted to destroy in the first place."

When this remark came out, everyone in the immortal world was very shocked. Although there was speculation in their hearts, they were still shocked when Haotian said that he was from the source world. Everyone in the demon race was also a little shocked. Of course, more Ups and downs, after all, this battle does not seem to be as smooth as they thought.

Compared with the thoughts of the immortal world and the demons, the dark demon **** is in anger, but he has not lost his mind yet, so he just looked at Haotian coldly and said, "Don't you have to stop me from invading this world?"

Hearing the gloomy words of the Dark Demon God, Haotian chuckled lightly: "I'm really sorry, the world's way of heaven has already surrendered to me, so I don't plan to let you invade this world."

The Dark Demon God sneered when he heard the words: "Very good, really good! Back then, that fellow Pangu prevented us from destroying Honghuang, but now people from Honghuang have come to do good deeds, and this deity wants to see what you are capable of. ."

When the words fell, the Dark Demon God directly took out his companion treasure, the Dark Demon Plate. This Dark Demon Plate was originally a chaotic spiritual treasure, but it was severely damaged after experiencing the great calamity. Treasure, but even so, it is very powerful.

I saw it throw the dark magic disk, and then the dark magic disk sent out bursts of black mist and rushed towards Haotian. Seeing this, Haotian snorted coldly, and then directly sacrificed the Chaos Bell, the innate treasure, and saw it emit bursts. The bell rang, and the power of space emanating directly fixed the black fog in front of him.

The Dark Demon God's expression changed when he saw this. He didn't expect that the person in front of him actually had a treasure that was no weaker than the Dark Demon Plate, but at the same time he was a little resentful. If it wasn't for Pangu's heavy damage to his magic weapon, even if the person in front of him had a powerful magic weapon, How can it be? It will still be suppressed by his dark magic disk, but the dark magic disk that has been severely damaged can't do this at all.

In desperation, the Dark Demon God can only strengthen the output and inject more and more black gas into it, which makes the space power of the Chaos Clock a little unbearable. Seeing this Haotian open his hand, the Primordial Sword appears in the into its hands.

I saw Haotian holding the Primordial Sword, slashing sword qi in the chaos, splitting all the black mist that rushed over, and the remaining sword qi rushed towards the dark devil mercilessly, and some dark devils who were caught off guard quickly rushed The defense was launched, and the thick black gas wrapped around him to block all the incoming sword energy, but even so, the Dark Demon God still retreated a dozen steps uncontrollably.

This made the Dark Demon God's face even more ugly. He didn't expect Haotian to have a treasure that was not weaker than the Chaos Clock. In addition to the Dark Magic Plate, he only had a few pieces that were contributed by those Demon Emperors. It is a top-quality fairy treasure, and it is simply not enough to compare with the Chaos Magic Plate.

Although the power of several pieces added up is not weaker than that of the dark magic disk, he can't use more than one mind to control these treasures at the same time. In that case, the power of each treasure cannot be increased to the extreme, so it is better to use one Treasures are against the enemy, but he will still be at a disadvantage, which makes his heart more and more aggrieved.

The Dark Demon God, who couldn't think of a good way, finally came up with a solution that was not a solution, that is, the thirty-six strategies were the best. Thinking of this, he forced Cui Dong to release more black mist from the dark magic disk, but he himself turned Run away as a black light.

"Want to run, have you asked me?" Haotian snorted coldly when he saw this scene, and then used the Primordial Sword to wave dozens of sword qi, cutting all the black mist released when the Dark Demon God escaped, and then threw it away. Chase out a bead to the Dark Demon God.

After the fleeing Dark Demon God turned around and saw it, he said with a terrified expression: "Chaos beads, **** how could you have a Chaos Bead, the treasure of chaos? It's impossible, it's not..."

Before the words were finished, the Dark Demon God was uncontrollably inhaled by the Chaos Bead, and then the Chaos Bead returned to Haotian's hands. Looking at the Chaos Bead in his hand, Haotian injected his own mana into the Chaos Bead. , ready to strangle the Dark Demon God in the Chaos Orb.

As for the Demon Lords and Demon Emperors not far away, they fell into despair. After all, even their masters were suppressed, what else could they do? Therefore, they scattered as birds and beasts.

But how can it be so easy for them to run? Many powerhouses in the immortal world shouted angrily, and then rushed to these demons who were fleeing everywhere. World Tiandao took action personally and killed all the strongest demon emperors at one time, as for the remaining demon emperors. With Ye Chen as the leader of the pursuit of the strongest immortal emperor, it can be said that the annihilation of the extraterritorial demons is already destined.

Just when everyone in the immortal world was chasing and killing the extraterritorial demons, there was a burst of unwilling screams in the Chaos Pearl, and then the dark devil cultivation base purified by the Chaos Pearl was injected into Haotian's body, with the memory of the Chaos Demon God attached. It was also absorbed by Haotian.

After eliminating some miscellaneous memories, Haotian only absorbed the most essential memories. What surprised him was that the reason why the Dark Demon God was able to recover so quickly was that a large number of dead worlds were found not far from this world. These worlds are destroyed by irregular development, internal fighting, foreign invasion and so on.

However, there is still some source energy of the Heavenly Dao. As long as all the energy of these worlds can be absorbed, then let alone break through to the late stage of the Primordial Profound Luo Jinxian, even if it breaks through the peak of the Primordial Promise Luo Jinxian, for Haotian There is also enough confidence.

Thinking of this, he directly called back Yun Yi, who was also chasing down the demons, and said, "This time you are going to Chaos, and you must have accumulated a lot of experience in this battle, and you have also loosened your realm. , I hope that the next time I see you, I can break through to the level of Immortal Venerable."

After hearing this, Yun Yi nodded and said, "Master, please rest assured, the disciple will definitely break through to the Immortal Venerable level in the shortest possible time."

Haotian nodded with satisfaction after hearing this, then sent Yun Yi into the big world, and then explained some things to Tian Dao, then left here, and rushed to those destroyed according to the memory of the dark devil. where the world is.

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