Just when Haotian retreated, on the road to the Westward Journey, Tang Xuanzang and his entourage went around, but they finally reached the territory of Tianzhu Kingdom, and Xitian was also close at hand, and they came to a place while walking. , this place is none other than Yuhua County.

Because of the tiredness of the journey, the master and the apprentice all chose to stay here for one night, and got to know the three sons of King Yuhua, and took the three as apprentices to teach them skills.

The three princes were taught by the three of Wukong, but they instantly turned the mortal into immortals. They were only one step away from the immortal realm. They felt the changes in their bodies. In the courtyard of the palace, a factory-supported furnace was set up for casting, and at the same time, the three of them asked Sun Wukong to take out their own weapons for imitation.

The three also agreed to this, and directly took out the nine-toothed nail rake of the golden hoop rod and the demon shovel, and these three weapons were not ordinary, so the golden hoop rod did not mention the old Dinghai Shenpin, and Sun Wukong used him to break out. The illustrious name.

The nine-toothed nail rake was forged by Taishang Laojun himself. As for the demon shovel, it is also a very rare mid-grade innate spiritual treasure. As soon as the three treasures appeared, they exuded bursts of immortal light, like a fairy tale. I am amazed, and the situation here has also made many monks know that they have unique vision, and they still don't know that there is a strange treasure born.

But they didn't plan to do it, because it was the territory of the seven lions. The seven lions themselves were mediocre, but they couldn't stand behind them. There was an old ancestor behind them. The strength of the age that came out represents invincibility.

Therefore, although the treasures are good, for these people, they have to take their lives, so they all shook their heads and sighed, pretending to be invisible.

Not to mention the thoughts of these people, the yellow lion king who was closest to Yuhua County became greedy, so he directly drove the clouds to Yuhua County, and took advantage of the fact that the three of Sun Wukong were unprepared. Blade stole.

How can the three Sun Wukong who reacted after that be willing to give up? Called the local land directly.

Among them, Sun Wukong said angrily: "Let me ask you, what is the ability of the Yellow Lion King? How dare you steal the weapons of my old grandson and two junior brothers."

The land heard the words with a wry smile: "Great Sage, the yellow lion king's ability is not strong, and the strength of his life is only Taiyi Jinxian, but he has six brothers to help him, and there is an old ancestor behind him. Stand behind your back, so don't underestimate each other."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong waved his hand impatiently, and after directly asking about the cave house of the Yellow Lion King, he took Bajie to the cave house, killing a lot of lion spirits along the way.

The Yellow Lion King, who was in the cave, was even more furious when he heard the words. He took out his weapon and fought with Sun Wukong, but there was a big gap between the realms of the two.

Although Sun Wukong has lost his weapon, he is still a Golden Immortal. Although he is still in the early stage of Golden Immortal, it is not something that a Yellow Lion King in the middle stage of Golden Immortal Taiyi can handle. escape.

But even so, Sun Wukong was still a little displeased. A fire directly burned the cave of the Yellow Lion King, and then left here with Zhu Bajie struttingly, looking very proud, but he didn't know that the Yellow Lion King was going back to ask for help.

After arriving at Jiuling Yuansheng's cave mansion, the Yellow Lion King directly gathered his six brothers and knelt down and said, "I beg the ancestors to be the master! That Sun Wukong was arrogant and unreasonable, not only wounding me, but also killing my clan and destroying my cave mansion. This hatred is unbearable."

After hearing this, the other six brothers also helped Huang Lion King. After all, they are brothers. They were naturally angry when they saw the Yellow Lion King being bullied, but what they didn't expect was that Jiuling Yuansheng was faintly humming. With a single voice: "Do you think I don't know what you did before? If you didn't take the initiative to provoke that monkey, how could these incidents happen."

The yellow lion king blushed when he heard it. Of course, he knew that Zu Weng knew that he had stolen their magic weapon at the beginning, and it was precisely because of his behavior that he became so embarrassed that he really didn't know what to do. Open your mouth.

At this moment, another lion king said: "The ancestor Weng Mingjian, although the third brother is wrong, the monkey is deceiving people too much. It is reasonable to say that the third brother is injured. It was the cave house that destroyed the third brother and killed the clan of the third brother, this is already a bright provocation!"

Jiuling Yuansheng was silent for a while after hearing the words, and finally said coldly: "You have some truth in what you said, and the monkey is really too much. In that case, I will accompany you to go there, just to give the monkey a little bit. lesson."

The seven lion kings were overjoyed when they heard the back, and then directly followed Jiuling Yuansheng to Yuhua County. At this time, Sun Wukong and others who had returned victorious did not know that they were about to be unlucky. On the contrary, Sun Wukong was still bragging about his fight. The Yellow Lion King fled in embarrassment.

However, just after his words fell, a powerful breath approached Yuhua County, and then seven lion kings appeared here with Jiuling Yuansheng, scaring the surrounding people to flee.

The Monkey King on the side also looked unsightly, and he looked at the yellow lion king above and scolded: "You monster really doesn't know what's wrong, my grandson sees that you haven't hurt anyone and let you go, but you dare to move soldiers to help. Did you come here because you couldn't find a fight?"

After hearing this, the yellow lion king said angrily: "It's my fault that I stole your weapons, and if you defeat me and go, it will be the two of you. Why do you want to destroy my cave and kill my clan? It's so vicious, I definitely won't be with you. You wait for a rest."

After the words fell, the Yellow Lion King took the other six brothers to fight with Sun Wukong and others, but although there were many of them, their cultivation was not as good as the three of Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong's own cultivation base is Daluo Jinxian, Zhu Bajie and Roller Shutter even surpassed Sun Wukong, but they deliberately released water to suppress the cultivation base to the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, but Rao still beat the seven lions finely. After all, the strongest of the seven of them is in the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian. Where is the opponent of Sun Wukong?

However, although they are not opponents, it is not easy for Sun Wukong and the others to take them down in a short time. The Yellow Lion King shouted, "Brothers, let's set up a seven-star formation."

The rest of the lion kings nodded, and then cooperated with the yellow lion king. They couldn't lose the prestigious Seven-Star Great Array. Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing were a little shocked when they saw it.

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