Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 265: Subdue Jiuling Yuansheng

Emperor Qinghua laughed when he heard the words and said, "It's a matter of course for me to say so. The Heavenly Venerate of the Ten Directions of the Underworld is my good corpse. Back then, the great sage made such a fuss and made the underworld a mess, and it forced him even more. The Ten Temples, Yama, all smiles, the yin and yang judges are in vain as villains, the bulls and horses are trembling, black and white are impermanent and six gods have no masters, these nine lions are embarrassing you, but also to get back the cause and effect. Ah."

Sun Wukong thought that the emperor would say this, especially when he was directly turned over to his old bottom, no matter how thick his face was, he couldn't help but blushed, so embarrassed, he waved his hand embarrassedly: "It was my old Sun who didn't know what happened back then. Sensible, please don't blame Your Majesty, it's not too late, let's go quickly."

Emperor Qinghua said with a smile: "Since the Great Sage said so, the poor road will go with you."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong was overjoyed, and then he took Emperor Qinghua to the cave of Jiuling Yuansheng. With the support of the backstage, Sun Wukong was full of confidence. He immediately cursed outside the cave. Lingyuansheng trembled all over.

After all, although he is only a mount, he has the cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian's peak. Even Emperor Qinghua would not sit on him for no reason on weekdays, let alone insult him like this. He was insulted by a monkey today, how could he easily swallow this breath?

Thinking of this, Jiuling Yuansheng, who was so embarrassed and angry, rushed directly to Sun Wukong with a weapon in his hand. At this moment, Emperor Qinghua in the sky looked at Jiuling Yuansheng and said: "Yuanshengerxiu is going to be aggressive, so hurry up and manifest his body. I'm going back.

Seeing the arrival of Qinghua Emperor, Jiuling Yuansheng already knew that the play was over, so he did not hesitate at all, only to see him roll on the ground, and then turned into a nine-headed lion and came to Qinghua Emperor. .

After letting the nine-headed lions go to the side again, Emperor Qinghua looked at Sun Wukong and said, "The Great Sage has one more thing, please be merciful. The disciples and grandchildren that I have received on this mount have not done any evil. Show mercy."

"Good talk, good talk!" Sun Wukong nodded quickly after hearing this.

After the words fell, Sun Wukong entered the cave and rescued Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing one by one. As for the little lions, Sun Wukong didn't hurt them as promised, but simply taught them a lesson, and then he didn't care about them anymore, but took them directly with him. Tang Xuanzang and his party continued to head towards Daleiyin Temple, the base camp of Hezhou in Xiniu.

After all, Sun Wukong also knows that the distance to the Great Leiyin Temple in the West is getting closer and closer, which means that the mission of Journey to the West is about to end. Recalling the hardships experienced over the years, even Zhu Bajie and others with a playful attitude are full of emotion. .

However, the ordeal has not really ended yet. There are still several trials and tribulations waiting for them on the road. They still have to go through these trials and tribulations one by one. The Jade Emperor, who had just left the customs in the heavenly court, also put away the Haotian Mirror and was not ready to After paying attention to Sun Wukong and his group, after all, there is basically no Xuanmen's share in the next ordeal, and even if there is, it is only auxiliary.

And the number of these merits is not large, whether it is necessary for Heavenly Court or Xuanmen, what really makes him care is that the demons seem to be unable to bear it anymore, and some people in the demons have quietly entered the prehistoric through the prehistoric barriers. Among them, it seems that they are preparing to hide first, and then subvert Buddhism in one breath when the time comes.

The Jade Emperor does not want to care about the little actions of the demons, nor is he willing to care. After all, before Buddhism was subverted, the heavenly court would not be attacked. At most, it was just to deal with some minor troubles. The two powers went to war.

What's more, he has always been vigilant about the Demon Race. This vigilance began after the consecration of the gods. Under his instigation, the Heavenly Court is also training troops and preparing for battles all the time. Even if Sun Wukong makes a riot in the Heavenly Palace, even if the heavenly court releases water, he will not be beaten by Sun Wukong outside the Lingxiao Palace in one breath, and he will be taken directly in the middle.

Therefore, the Jade Emperor didn't care about some small actions, just silently watching them infiltrate Buddhism, and their infiltration results are not bad, at least some people in Buddhism have been secretly bought by the demons, and these people will help the demons at the right time. The tribe subverts Buddhism in exchange for what they need.

As for betraying Buddhism, they don't care. For these people, having milk is a mother. As long as there are enough benefits, they are even willing to betray the Demon Race. In the end, it's all up for grabs.

Seeing the demonic energy looming over the Daleiyin Temple in Hezhou, Xiniu, the Jade Emperor chuckled lightly, and then turned his attention to the battlefield outside the territory, because there was another small-scale conflict there.

This is exactly the fact. At this time, in the borderlands of the outer starry sky, the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals of the heavenly court have started a small-scale melee with the demons. This situation has occurred many times since the proclaimed god, but every time It ended with the victory of Heavenly Court, but this is the case, the accumulation of small amounts of money, Heavenly Court has lost as many as one million heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals over the years.

Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian’s monks lost a lot of money, even the big Luo Jinxian lost some, but even so, the two sides had a tacit understanding and did not dispatch the quasi-sage powerhouse, after all, once the quasi-sage shot It's not a skirmish anymore, it's a real large-scale conflict.

This is not something that Heavenly Court, who has always pursued the westward movement of disasters, wants to see it. Even the Demon Sect is not willing to spend too much combat power in Heavenly Court. After all, the most suitable place for their foundation is the West, not the East.

It's just that many of the great supernatural powers in Honghuang have not noticed the matter of the extraterritorial starry sky. Even the six saints of the heavens don't know much. After all, this place has already been covered up by the Jade Emperor. Unless the six saints of the heavens work together to calculate, otherwise There is no way to see useful information at all.

But this possibility is almost impossible. First of all, Nuwa, who knows some situations, will not cooperate, and Sanqing will not take the initiative to help the Western Second Saints to calculate. After all, this is completely thankless. Force Calculus simply cannot calculate correct information.

However, this kind of thing can’t be hidden for long. As long as the journey to the west is booming, the two Western sages will be able to see the secrets in it, but it’s useless at that time. Even if they want to prepare, the time is too late, so in the end, only Can bite the bullet to deal with the calamity.

And once Buddhism is damaged, it is the best time for Heavenly Court to control their income. As long as Buddhism is controlled and the two Western sages are forced to bow their heads, they are not afraid that they will come out of the sky.

Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor looked at Xumi Tian with a smile, then turned around and left Lingxiao Hall, rushing to Yaochi Wonderland.

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