Just when Tang Xuanzang and others left Lingshan, the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp also left the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, secretly came to the route of Tang Xuanzang and others back to the East, and hid it.

However, Tang Xuanzang and others didn't know anything about this, but they really thought that the study was over, but how could things be as simple as they thought?

I saw that the ancient Buddha's finger flicked slightly, and a strong wind suddenly blew Sun Wukong and others who were flying in the sky to the ground, and the obtained scriptures fell into the water one after another.

Tang Xuanzang, who didn't care about the pain, said sadly after seeing it: "How good is this? These scriptures have fallen into the water now. How can I bring these scriptures back to the Great Tang Dynasty in the future?"

Monkey King on the side quickly comforted: "Master, don't worry, let's put these scriptures on the ground first."

Tang Xuanzang nodded bitterly after hearing this, but what they didn't expect was that when they opened the scriptures, the scene in front of them made them dumbfounded, because there were no words in the scriptures, and the typical ones were the scriptures without words. Ah!

Monkey King and others, who did not believe in evil, opened other scriptures, but without exception, all of them were scriptures without words, which made Sun Wukong and others annoyed.

After a while, Sun Wukong got up and scolded: "It must be those two people who saw that we didn't bribe them and deliberately made things difficult for us, so they deliberately handed these scriptures without words to us. Master, we immediately went to the Tathagata to sue them."

Tang Xuanzang, who has always had a good temper, is somewhat dissatisfied at this moment. After all, he has recovered his memories of his previous life. He is also very annoyed by the teasing and embarrassment of these two people, so he nodded immediately and did not object to Sun Wukong's proposal. , and went directly to the Mahavira Hall with everyone.

I have to say that the footsteps of the few people were still very fast, and they returned to the Mahavira Hall after a while. Just after entering the Mahavira Hall, Sun Wukong shouted angrily: "Buddha, are you giving us an explanation? Why is it all passed on to us? Wordless scriptures, your two waiters are clearly trying to make things difficult for us."

Hearing the words, the Tathagata smiled and said, "You can't be so angry, I already know the cause and effect of this matter, this wordless scripture is my Buddhist collection, it's not an empty copy, it's just you waiting. You can’t read the Buddhadharma if you don’t have the truth, just because you are so ignorant and confused in the Tang Dynasty, you can only pass it on to your ears.

Seeing what Sun Wukong wanted to say, Duobao Tathagata added: "You don't need to blame the two of you for giving you scriptures without words, because the so-called scriptures should not be passed on lightly. This sutra was recited with him at the place of the elder Zhao of the State of Shewei, and he saved the lives of his family, only to get him three buckets and three liters of rice grains of gold back. I also said that they were too cheap to teach future generations Money is used, so you also need to understand."

Hearing this, how could Tang Xuanzang still not understand? The subtext is that the scriptures can be taken, but bribes must be given.

In desperation, Tang Xuanzang could only bribe the purple-gold bowl given to him by the king of Tang, and put away the purple-gold bowl, and Ananda changed his face and said with a smile: "Wouldn't it have been this way? Come with me to get the truth. Let's go."

Although everyone in Tang Xuanzang was dissatisfied, they could only nod their heads and came to the Chuanjing Pavilion again with Ananda Kasyapa.

After entering it, Ananda Kasyapa and the two passed a book of sutras to Tang Xuanzang and others, but this time they also learned to be smart. Pack these scriptures and take them home.

However, what they didn't expect was that they would have to endure another hardship when they went back. At this time, in the Great Leiyin Temple, the Tathagata looked at the Avalokitesvara on the side and said, "Venerable Avalokitesvara, how many hardships did Tang Xuanzang and his disciples go through in total? "

After hearing this, Guanyin pinched his fingers and forgot, and then said respectfully, "I, Buddha Tathagata, Tang Xuanzang, master and apprentice have experienced a total of 80 hardships, and there is still one last hardship to complete."

Hearing the words, the Tathagata said: "In this case, Tang Xuanzang's master and apprentice should go through another difficulty."

Many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Mahavira Hall nodded in agreement after hearing this, and Guanyin among them directly swept up a gust of wind, knocking Wukong and others into the ground from the air, and they were shocked to find that they could not ride the clouds. , so it is necessary to find a boat to cross the river.

But how can there be a boat in this big river? Just when they were worried about this, a huge old mysterious turtle slowly swam over. This mysterious turtle was not someone else but the old mysterious turtle who came across the river when the camel Tang Xuanzang and others were studying scriptures in the West.

Seeing this mysterious turtle, Tang Xuanzang and others were overjoyed, and they directly sat on the turtle shell with people and horses, and the turtle took them to the shore, and the speed of the turtle was not slow. Not far from the shore for a long time.

When he was about to reach the shore, Xuan Gui asked, "Dare to ask the holy monk, I asked you to ask the Buddha about my enlightenment and the old turtle Shouyuan. I don't know what the Buddha said?"

Tang Xuanzang was immediately embarrassed when he heard it. He had been busy with the scriptures before, and it was too late to ask the Buddha about these matters. A monk does not lie and he cannot lie to others, so he can only be silent for a while.

Xuan Gui has lived for thousands of years. It can be said that he is old and mature. He didn't know that people didn't care to ask him about these things at all, so in his anger, he directly stirred the river and threw Sun Wukong and others into the river. Just slip away.

Fortunately, now Tang Xuanzang and others are people with cultivation bases, but they are not afraid of these, but those scriptures with words are also wet, and Tang Xuanzang and others can only stay here, ready to beat them. The wet scriptures are all dried.

Only one of the stones glued down a few pages of the Buddhist scriptures, and there were scriptures left on the stone. So far, the Buddhist scriptures are incomplete, and that stone is also called the stone for drying scriptures. Famous flood.

The reason why these things happened is of course the reason why the Tathagata wanted to make up for the difficulty, but there was also the reason why the heavenly court intervened, in order to make the Buddha's original scripture incomplete, because only in this way the great prosperity of Buddhism is also incomplete.

The reason why I say this is because the heaven and the earth are not complete, and all living beings have a ray of vitality.

On the other side, after everyone finished cleaning up, they rested in Chenjiazhuang for the night, and then they rushed back to the Eastern Land Tang Dynasty to meet the King of Tang, because only in this way can it be regarded as a complete merit.

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