Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 270: Journey to the West ends

After hesitating for a while, Jin Chanzi also stood beside Zhu Bajie and others, which moved Zhu Bajie and others a little, and the monk Sha said, "Master, you don't need to do this."

Jin Chanzi said with a smile: "You call me a master, so how can you just sit back and ignore it as a master?"

As soon as these words came out, Guanyin and others all sighed. They reminded them in every possible way, but Jin Chanzi still made this behavior. To be more serious, this is already equivalent to apostasy.

And Maitreya's face was also very unsightly, but at this moment, a burst of fairy light came, and then Taibaijinxing wearing a white robe and holding a whisk appeared here, and looked at Maitreya Buddha who wanted to force the action: "Okay. Dare to be brave! Maitreya Buddha, do you want to go to war with heaven? If so, I will accompany you in heaven."

When the words fell, the breath of the late quasi-sage appeared in the hall. Once this breath broke out, even the Tathagata couldn't help but change his face, because even he did not expect that Taibaijinxing, who has always been invisible and leaky, was actually in the late quasi-sage. strong.

But he also knew that Taibaijinxing's cards must be more than these, because only the above is not enough to make them retreat, and sure enough, Taibaijinxing continued: "Maitreya, please tell the two saints, when Datianzun left Honghuang. I once said a few words about the catastrophe of Journey to the West, that is, prosperity and decline."

As Taibaijinxing's words fell, the hidden secret of the original version disappeared immediately, and the information about the next catastrophe was displayed in front of everyone. Among them, the most ugly one was the Western Second Sage. They did not expect that there would be a demon in 500 years. calamities, and the first to bear the brunt is their great prosperity of Buddhism.

This made them look ugly, but they were helpless, and this time, the calamity of the devil must have the help of Heavenly Court, but they just offended Heavenly Court.

Thinking of this, they quickly transmitted the sound of Maitreya Buddha, and it was a bit ugly to receive the message, but they still forced a smile and said: "Even if Venus must take them away, then I can't stop it."

Taibaijinxing snorted coldly when he heard the words, and then threw an imperial decree, and then I saw bursts of golden light from the imperial decree, nine golden dragons flying around the imperial decree, and then a majestic voice came from the imperial decree.

Zhu Bajie was originally the marshal of Tianpeng. He entered the mortal world because of molesting Chang'e. Now his merits and virtues are complete, and now the official has been restored to his post. In addition, he was rewarded with two congenital spiritual treasures, several acquired spiritual treasures, one hundred golden flowers, one hundred golden pills, and one hundred bottles of imperial wine. , 100 pieces of pearls and exotic treasures, and millions of excellent immortal stones have been awarded.

The words fell a little bit of Xuanhuang merit into Zhu Bajie's body, which made Zhu Bajie's cultivation level rise to the peak of Daluo Jinxian. Restored to its original appearance.

After awarding Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing and Xiaobailong also won awards. Although the awards are slightly worse, they are not much different. Among them, Sha Wujing has risen to the peak of Da Luo and Xiaobailong has also risen to the top Mid-Road.

As for the remaining merits, they are directly divided into two, and about 50% of them fly to various great supernatural powers, and Taibaijinxing is no exception. After absorbing this merit, he actually used the merits he had accumulated before to break through to the quasi-sage on the spot. peak.

And the rest of the merits also flew to the Buddhist people, which made them feel a lot better, but not as happy as before.

After breaking through to the quasi-sage peak, Taibaijinxing greeted Tathagata a few times, and then ignored the other Buddhist people with dark faces, and took the canopy and the others to leave the Mahavira Hall, and Jin Chanzi also separated from Sun Wukong. The robbery is officially over.

It's just that no one knows that although Journey to the West is over, new disasters will continue to be born. At this time, in a house in Huashan, Yang Chan and Liu Yanchang are teasing their son Liu Chenxiang.

Looking at the white and plump Chenxiang, Liu Yanchang was naturally very happy, but Yang Chan was not so happy. This was not because she didn't like her son, but she liked it very much, but the more she liked it, the more in her heart. more worried.

What worries her is Tiantiao. Although her uncle is the master of the heavenly court and is in charge of the Three Realms and Six Paths, it looks like a glorious sight, but some people and forces that are hostile to her uncle are also looking for trouble for her uncle. If it spreads, it is bound to be a serious blow to the uncle and the heavenly court.

It was against the original intention of establishing the Heavenly Law that my uncle was able to open up to his mother. Over the years, she also knew a little bit about the situation in Heavenly Court. At least there was a very conservative force in Heavenly Court, and she always maintained the Heavenly Law from beginning to end. The existence of , for anyone who dares to violate the law, they are the target of their attack.

Even his uncles had to consider their feelings at some point. After all, these were old people from the beginning of Heavenly Court, and they all made a lot of contributions. Therefore, in the huge Three Realms, there are not many people who dare to oppose them.

And it is precisely because of this that Yang Chan's heart is always worried, for fear that these things will spread one day, because this will make her uncle and brother embarrassed, but she is really unwilling to give up her children and husband, Therefore, she could only make plans to hide it for as long as she could.

However, Yang Chan may never have dreamed that the love affair between him and Liu Yanchang has begun to spread slowly, but this time it is not the hands and feet of Buddhism, because since knowing that the catastrophe of the demons will come 500 years later , Buddhism is too late to please the heaven, how can it be possible to block the heaven again.

But they didn't dare to block the Heavenly Court, but that didn't mean other people didn't dare. Apart from Buddhism, there were always some forces dissatisfied with Heavenly Court. If these people seized the opportunity, they wouldn't let it go so easily. , so these rumors slowly spread, and even spread all the way to the heaven.

At this time in the True Monarch Palace in Heaven, Yang Jian's face was gloomy, because he also heard rumors, although it was just rumors, but he knew it might be true, because in the original trajectory, Yang Chan met Liu Yanchang in Huashan, and gave birth to the first The body of the two immortals is Liu Chenxiang.

Thinking of this, he felt extremely regretful, because he knew that he had been so smooth over the years, and he had begun to relax his vigilance about some things, so that he would be negligent and let his sister go back to the old path of her mother, which led to today's situation. as a result of.

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