Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 273: Suppression of the Three Virgins

In the face of the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals rushing over, Yang Chan did not look like a dead hand. He just urged the lotus lantern to blast these heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals. Yang Jian did not plan to take action immediately. Another 20,000 Heavenly Soldiers were dispatched.

In this regard, Yang Chan still did not stop, and directly fought with 20,000 heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals. I saw a fairy sword in Yang Chan's hand turned into a sword light, flying all the weapons of thousands of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, and then scattered them. With a huge momentum, thousands of other heavenly soldiers and generals were shaken to the ground.

Just when the remaining Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals were at a loss, Yang Chan urged the lotus lantern to emit an even larger fairy light, blasting the remaining more than ten thousand Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals out.

However, this move seems to be very powerful, but in fact it has no lethal power. It is just to blast these heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals out. After blasting these heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, there is a flash of appreciation in Yang Jian's eyes, because the third sister has improved over the years. Also very large.

However, appreciation is appreciated. After all, the real business still has to be done. At Yang Jian's order, another 30,000 soldiers and generals rushed down and continued to fight with Yang Chan. At this time, Yang Chan also understood what his second brother was doing. , is clearly using these heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals to consume their own mana.

But Yang Chan clearly knew that this was a conspiracy, but she had to follow it, because if she didn't follow this conspiracy, the consequences would be equally serious.

Thinking of this, Yang Chan gritted her teeth and continued to fight against the 30,000 Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, while the three thousand grass-headed gods and Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals in the sky just watched silently.

Although the combat power of the 30,000 Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals is not weak, but with the blessing of the Lotus Lantern, they still have the upper hand. It didn't take long for these tens of thousands of Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals to be defeated again, and they looked very embarrassed.

But Yang Jian was not angry, and sent out the 40,000 heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals in his hand. Seeing that another 40,000 heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals rushed over, Yang Chan gritted his teeth, and finally forced out a drop of blood essence into the treasure. Among the lotus lanterns, the Baolian lanterns shook, and a burst of pale green light covered tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers.

Immediately after, these tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals didn't even have time to react, and were blasted out by this light green light, but Yang Chan did not pay the price. At this time, her complexion was pale, and the mana in her body was also blown away. Not much left.

And there are still three thousand grass-headed gods in the hands of the second brother. These grass-headed gods can be regarded as the elite among the elites in the heaven. The most elite force.

Just as Yang Chan thought, after the 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers were divided into several waves of attacks and returned, Yang Jian ordered the six Meishan brothers to lead all 3,000 grass-headed gods to attack. Under the siege of everyone, even Yang Chan Some can't stand it anymore.

Yang Jian, who was in the sky, suddenly took out a three-pointed, two-edged sword when he saw it, and rushed towards Yang Chan with lightning speed. After seeing it, Yang Chan, who had been forced to do nothing, dropped a drop again. Essence and blood into the lotus lamp.

Immediately after that, another burst of light green light flashed out, and the surrounding Caotou Shen and the six Meishan brothers were blown away before they could resist, and even Yang Jian took dozens of steps back to stabilize his body.

Looking at Yang Chan with a pale face, even though he knew that this was just acting, Yang Jian still couldn't bear it, and he looked at Yang Chan and said, "Why is the third sister? As long as you come back to the True Monarch Temple with me, there is no need to suffer. These are suffering."

Yang Chan said with a pale face: "Second brother, I want to know if the mother and the others know about these things?"

After hearing this, Yang Jian said bitterly: "Except for the eldest brother who is far away from the battlefield, mother and uncle all know it, so the third sister should not be stubborn in the corner, I have my uncle's imperial decree here, you should know the power of this imperial decree. ."

As soon as these words came out, Yang Chan's already pale face became even paler. How could she not know the power of the imperial decree after so many years in the heavenly court. No one can beat.

If Haotian promulgated the imperial decree by himself, then let alone a saint, even a saint could not resist, because the two sides were already in two different realms, which was equivalent to an order issued by a superior to a subordinate and could not be refused.

However, although he knew the power of the imperial decree, Yang Chan still pleaded: "Second brother, for the sake of our brothers and sisters for so many years, I am willing to accept any punishment, just ask the second brother to be kind, don't bring my husband and children back to heaven. ."

Yang Jian was silent for a while after hearing the words, and after a long time he raised his head and said, "I can spare that child and Liu Yanchang, but you must accept the punishment. I will not take you back to Heaven, but will directly suppress you under Huashan. And you must ensure that Liu Yanchang and that child are not allowed to be enemies of Heaven."

The three virgins nodded after hearing this, but she also kept an eye on her, and she saw Liu Yanchang, who had just rushed over, and said, "I'm sorry, Xianggong, in order not to implicate you, I can only capture you, this treasure lotus lamp. Take it, if someone comes to trouble you in the future, the Lotus Lantern will protect you at a critical time."

Liu Yanchang nodded after hearing this, while Yang Jian smiled bitterly in his heart. He knew that the third sister was referring to him, and he was afraid that he would not believe what he said, so he deliberately left the lotus lamp, but he did not speak. Stop it, after all, this is Sanmei's treasure after all, he can use it however he wants.

However, he could not turn a blind eye to the remaining spiritual treasures, and Yang Chan also cooperated very well, and directly handed the two innate spiritual treasures to Yang Jian, and Yang Jian also put them away, but the treasure lotus lantern in Liu Yanchang's hand was not. Pretending to be invisible, the tricks in it have to be memorable.

It's just that Yang Jian doesn't say it, and others won't ask directly. After all, everyone present is a human being. Naturally, he knows that this time the troops are a little weird. No matter how you look at it, you can't make up your mind. things, but they still adhere to the principle of asking less and seeing more.

As for Yang Chan, after instructing Liu Yanchang about some things, she gave up her resistance completely, let her second brother imprison him, and then took him away from this place. As for Liu Yanchang, he could only watch Yang Chan leave with tears in his eyes. go with.

After Yang Chan was taken away by Yang Jian, the surrounding celestial generals and grass-headed gods also evacuated. At this point, the dark clouds around Huashan began to disperse, and the sun was shining on the earth, as if nothing happened here. But the war that broke out before told everyone that something did happen to you.

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