Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 281: Chen Xiang knows the truth

Just when Haotian was busy refining the Hongmeng Jindan, in Liujia Village in the lower realm, Liu Chenxiang, who was a combination of immortals and mortals, had also grown up. Because of the physique of immortals, Chenxiang's abilities in all aspects were relatively good, only But it's always more fun.

Maybe he didn't care when he was a child, but when he grew up, there was always a question that lingered in his mind for a long time, and that was why everyone else had a mother but he didn't. He also asked his father this question more than once. But what puzzled him was that his father avoided talking about it.

This is also very understandable. After all, Liu Yanchang knew very well that his wife was taken away by Heavenly Court. Over the years, through the explanations of the four princesses of the East China Sea, he also understood that Heavenly Court is a behemoth, and no force dares to challenge Heavenly Court at will, even if You also vanished under the attack of the Heavenly Court army.

He is afraid that his son will provoke anger in the heavens. In this case, he will not only lose his wife, but also lose his son. This is absolutely unacceptable to him who has lost his wife. For this reason, he chooses to always treat his son. Hide the truth, because he doesn't want his son to die in vain.

It's just that Liu Yanchang didn't want to do it, but it didn't mean that someone didn't want to do it. Under the deliberate arrangement of someone with a heart, Liu Chenxiang finally knew about his own life experience and that his mother was suppressed under Huashan, which made him feel sorry for Heavenly Court. He has deep resentment, but he doesn't know that all this is intentional.

At the same time, Chen Xiang also knew that her father must know the cause and effect of the incident, but she didn't know why her father didn't tell him? Thinking of this, he decided to ask what happened.

After returning home angrily, Liu Yanchang, who had just finished cooking, wondered, "What's wrong with you? You look like you've eaten gunpowder."

Chen Xiang angrily asked, "Father, do you know about my mother? Why do you keep hiding it from me? What happened to my mother?"

"What do you know?" Hearing Chen Xiang's angry questioning, Liu Yanchang's expression changed.

He never thought that Chen Xiang still knew about this matter after all. The most important thing was that he didn't know who said it at all. It was definitely impossible for Yang Jian, the **** of Erlang. Although he didn't like Yang Jian, Yang Jian would not take the initiative to tell Chen Xiang if he wanted to. So who is it?

No matter how he thought about it, Liu Yanchang sighed helplessly, then looked at Chen Xiang and said, "Do you really want to know the truth that much?"

Chen Xiang said firmly: "I must know the truth of the matter. I want to know where my mother is and what happened to him?"

After hearing this, Liu Yanchang sighed and said, "My son has grown up, and he doesn't care anymore. Since you must know, I won't hide it from you, but you must be clear, once you know the truth, you may go on a path of no return. The road, this road is likely to kill you, do you still want to take this road?"

Chen Xiang nodded firmly and said, "I must know that even if this is really a road of no return, I will still see my mother."

Hearing Chen Xiang's firm words, Liu Yanchang felt helpless and relieved at the same time. After hesitating for a while, he said, "Your mother is not a mortal, but a **** in the sky, and also the Virgin of Huashan. Back then, your father, Your mother and I met unexpectedly, and in the days that followed, we slowly fell in love and had you."

"What about the back? Where is my mother?" Before Liu Yanchang could finish, Chen Xiang asked impatiently.

After hearing this, Liu Yanchang had a look of pain on his face, and finally looked at Chen Xiang and said, "There are rules in heaven, and it is one of the rules of heaven that Xianfan can't fall in love. Originally, your mother's plan was to hide it like this. , but the matter still happened in the end, your uncle Erlang Shen Yang Jian personally led the Heavenly Soldiers to suppress your mother in Huashan, and asked me to never tell you the truth of this matter."

Hearing this, Chen Xiang's face was incredulous. He didn't expect that his uncle, who loved him in every possible way, was the culprit in suppressing his mother. This made him unable to believe it anyway, but he also knew that his father would not lie to him.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiang looked at her father and said, "My father is unfilial, I blame you. This time I want to go out and travel. If I want to learn my skills, my mother will come out."

After hearing this, Liu Yanchang didn't say much. Although he was very reluctant to leave Chenxiang, he knew this child very well. Chenxiang had a stubborn character since childhood, and never gave up on things he was looking for, so even if he persuaded him, I'm afraid he wouldn't listen. of.

What's more, there is still some hope in Liu Yanchang's heart, maybe Chenxiang can really show a miracle to rescue his wife. The reason why he made this judgment is also because the fourth princess of the East China Sea told him something about the immortal realm.

Most people need to be enlightened if they want to achieve immortality, but he has seen Chenxiang using strange abilities more than once. This should be the so-called immortal method, but he can guarantee that no one will enlighten Chenxiang. Said that Chenxiang awakened by herself, which means that Chenxiang may be a genius in the mouth of the fourth princess. If this is the case, it may really succeed.

What's more, he also has some hope in his heart. He vaguely feels that Heavenly Court will not stick to Chenxiang, otherwise, when Chenxiang was first born, Heavenly Court should cut the grass and root it, instead of delaying it until now.

Therefore, after the fierce battle between heaven and man in his heart, Liu Yanchang finally made up his mind, opened a box directly, and then handed a lamp very much like jade to Chen Xiang: "This lamp is your mother's Dharma baby lotus lamp, It was specially given to you by your mother, you have to use it carefully, as for the formula, you can read it yourself in this box."

Chen Xiang nodded after hearing this, and then left here with the lotus lantern and the box. At this moment, the Fourth Princess of the East China Sea suddenly appeared, and looked at Chen Xiang and said, "You can't go anywhere, you are not going here. Save your mother, but go to die."

Liu Yanchang, who was on the side, just wanted to speak, but saw the fourth princess scolding: "Liu Yanchang, Chenxiang is ignorant, aren't you ignorant? I didn't tell you how strong Heavenly Court is, what if something happened to Chenxiang? How do you explain to the three virgins?"

Liu Yanchang's face darkened slightly after hearing this, and Chen Xiang, who was on the side, said that it was not good after seeing it. He knew that his father might change his mind, so he quickly knelt down and looked at the Fourth Princess and said, "Fourth aunt, please don't stop me, I I've made up my mind, if you must stop me, I'll kill myself."

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