Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 283: The plan of the two saints

Seeing Chen Xiang's confident face, the fourth princess shook her head helplessly. In fact, she didn't tell the truth. This matter can't be solved by defeating Erlang Shen at all. Not just an Erlang God, but a supporter of the entire Heavenly Court.

While thinking about these things, the fourth princess was also thinking about other issues, that is, who should be hired as Chen Xiang's master, and this person must not only be strong in the background, but also tough enough.

Among them, chanting teaching is definitely not good, let's not talk about its own ability to cultivate disciples? Just saying that they have surrendered to the heavenly court, it is impossible to accept Chenxiang as their disciple.

The same is true for the Human Religion, even if the Human Religion did not submit to the Heavenly Court, but since most of the disciples were serving in the Heavenly Court, it was also impossible to accept Chenxiang as a disciple just to avoid suspicion.

And after the three sects of the Xuanmen were ruled out, he couldn't think of any other way for the time being, and now he can only put this matter down temporarily.

But fortunately, there is no need to worry now, at least in a short period of time, she can still teach Chenxiang, but Chenxiang's cultivation speed is indeed very fast. In just a few months, she has broken through from human immortal to golden immortal realm. I don't know how many people I will envy if I say the speed of cultivation.

You must know that the golden immortals today were not taken seriously during the Lich War. At that time, only the golden immortals of the Great Luo could be valued. In this period, even if they are golden immortals, they can be a little overlord on one side, and as long as If you don't die, it's not a problem to live a million years.

Although Jinxian's cultivation base is not bad, but it is really not enough to compete with Heavenly Court, but the fourth princess did not intend to let Chenxiang go to the mountain to save her mother now, because this kind of cultivation is to split the mountain to save her mother. , so he would never leave Chenxiang just like this, thinking of this, she began to continue teaching Chenxiang.

It's just that what they don't know, Haotian also has his own difficulties. Although he can dominate the heaven and knows that the old days are against heaven and earth, there are still some old stubborn people in the heaven, and these old stubborn people. The strength is generally not weak, and some people have followed Haotian to fight in the Quartet from the beginning, so even Haotian has to take care of their emotions.

And if you want these people to really realize that the old rules are no longer applicable to the heaven, then they must engage in a big one to make them realize the seriousness of the matter, otherwise they will still cling to the old rules. Do not let go.

However, not all the diehards in Heavenly Court, there are also many Xianjia who support Xianfan's love, even Laojun, who has always been inactive, is also a supporter of the abolition of the old Tiantian.

After all, although Laojun is a model of inaction, he is not really without the slightest emotion, but he is not easily leaked. He is still very concerned about his apprentices.

Especially the Eight Immortals, although there are mutual admiration, but more of them are related to mortals, but they dare not show it because of Tian Tiao's restraint. Do some articles on the issue.

For this reason, he was bleeding profusely, and he promised Haotian that Chenxiang would make a riot in the Tusita Palace when the time was right, and steal some medicinal pills to increase his strength, but these medicinal pills were not very good. Among them, there are only two rank nine golden pills, and the rest are pills such as rank eight and rank seven, but even this can improve Chenxiang's cultivation a lot.

In exchange, Haotian secretly fell in love with mortals for some of the Eight Immortals, and turned a blind eye without notifying Heavenly Court. , naturally not suitable for things before the Eight Immortals.

At this time, in the alchemy room of Yaochi Wonderland, Haotian condensed mana, and condensed a large number of chaotic elixir into it. Finally, after spending several hours, he finally refined the first Hongmeng Jindan.

But this is just the beginning. Although this trip to Chaos has gained a lot, in addition to the various Chaos Spiritual Materials and Chaos Spiritual Medicine that he has harvested along the way, he is still before returning to the Great Wilderness. He also brought them back. The sum of these things is enough for him to refine more than 20 Hongmeng Golden Pills, but he naturally cannot refine them all.

Because the Great Wilderness cannot support the existence of too many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, according to his estimation, although there will be more than the saints, but not much more, it is estimated that there are only a dozen people, but if the great change of the Great Wilderness comes, then, This number may increase a little more.

Therefore, in addition to refining the Hongmeng Jindan, he also intends to refine some enlightenment pills. In addition to a large amount of chaos elixir, he also needs some enlightenment tea leaves, so that the fog effect of the enlightenment pill will be greatly improved. , even if it has a good effect on saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, even if it has a certain effect on his realm, this is another reason why he did not refine all the Hongmeng Jindan.

Just when Haotian was concentrating on alchemy training, the invasion of the prehistoric land by the demons from outside the territory also intensified. Many Buddhists were either secretly beheaded by the demons and transformed into his appearance, or they were killed by the demons. Bought, ready to stab Buddhism in the back when catastrophe comes in the future.

Although the two Western sages already knew that Buddhism should have this catastrophe, they were powerless to stop it, because this is a catastrophe that Buddhism must go through. Infiltrated to such a point that by the time they reacted, it was too late.

However, the two Western sages did not do nothing, at least they have tried their best to cultivate Buddhist masters at all costs, trying to have a resistance before the catastrophe comes, so as not to let Buddhism start to lose its vitality.

In addition, the two also made up their minds, intending to surrender to Heavenly Court at the expense of Buddhism and donate half of the treasures of heaven and earth to Heavenly Court, asking Heavenly Court to help at the right time.

And they were smart because they didn't ask Heavenly Court to take action immediately, because they knew that even if they asked to do so, Heavenly Court would not agree. Only when Buddhism was weakened to the point where Heavenly Court was satisfied would Heavenly Court officially take action.

However, they also saw it. Anyway, they were all stabbed left and right. In comparison, the sword in Heaven is much lighter than that of the Demon Sect. Therefore, it is better to surrender to Heaven. Thinking of this, the two Western Saints began to arrange for people to choose Heaven. Material treasure, and then find a suitable time to send it in a few days.

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