Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 288: Yang Jian fights Wukong

After listening to Yang Jian snorted coldly, he looked at Sun Wukong lightly and said: "Well, today's battle has nothing to do with Heaven and Buddhism. You and I fought last time. If I win, you can't stop it?"

"Come on then," Sun Wukong shouted after hearing it, and hit Yang Jian directly with the golden hoop stick.

Yang Jian also slashed at Sun Wukong with a three-pointed and two-edged sword without showing weakness. As the weapons of the two sides collided, Sun Wukong was shocked and stepped back several steps, which shocked him a little. He thought he became a Buddha after becoming a Buddha. A great increase in strength can suppress Yang Jian, but he did not expect that the opponent's progress is not small.

But he didn't think he was inferior to Yang Jian, he just thought he was careless just now. Just when he was thinking about this, Yang Jian was already holding a three-pointed two-edged sword and slashed at Sun Wukong quickly. The golden cudgel blocked this attack, but Yang Jian was not discouraged. Instead, he swung it out again. This time Sun Wukong was considered a master of learning.

Seeing that Sun Wukong dodged a blow, Yang Jian felt a little surprised, but he didn't stop his hand. With a slight twist in his hand, the three-pointed two-edged sword forcibly slashed towards Sun Wukong, and at the same time twisted his waist to avoid Sun Wukong. a blow.

Seeing that Yang Jian's reaction exceeded his expectations, Sun Wukong was very helpless and gave up the previous style of play. Instead, he jumped slightly, tapped the tip of the knife with his toes, flipped up in the air, and jumped behind Yang Jian. Taking advantage of the fact that he was slightly taller than Yang Jian, he raised the golden hoop stick in his hand and smashed it on the head.

However, Yang Jian has experienced many battles, and he has also fought against Sun Wukong before. He is right in his heart, and he also knows the bottom line, so he is not flustered at all, but with a slight turn of his finger, the three-pointed two-edged sword does not know what is going on. He was lifted by Yang Jian and blocked Sun Wukong's blow.

Not only that, Yang Jian's other hand also took advantage of the situation to raise, grabbed Sun Wukong's ankle, and fell hard and Sun Wukong was pulled in front of Yang Jian! And when he lifted one knee, the knee slammed into Sun Wukong's chest.

Sun Wukong, who was kicked, groaned, his heart was out of breath! Therefore, the Alliance kicked Yang Jian's wrist with one foot out of ten, trying to get away.

However, Yang Jian took Sun Wukong's three legs abruptly and didn't let go. Instead, he grabbed Sun Wukong's ankle and pulled it towards him. The hand holding the three-pointed two-edged sword also let go of the sword, and then punched Sun Wukong's body. , Sun Wukong, who was out of reach, was directly smashed and flew out.

Seeing this, Yang Jian chased after the victory, but found that Sun Wukong had deliberately hit him before, only to see the golden cudgel appear out of thin air, and when Yang Jian did not react, he hit Yang Jian with lightning speed. .

Yang Jian, who couldn't dodge, was directly hit, and the whole person flew out in an instant. The armor on his body was slightly injured, which made him a little helpless. This monkey is really heavy enough, I guess he wants to avenge the revenge of the year. .

This is also the case. Sun Wukong has always been brooding about the battle of the year, and now seeing ::: Yang Jian was smashed and flew out by himself, he was naturally excited, only to see him laughing and saying: "What ability does Yang Jian have? Make it out."

Yang Jian snorted coldly when he heard the words, then held the three-pointed and two-edged sword, and fought with Sun Wukong again, but even so he still took time out and said to the crowd: "Everyone listen to the order, take Chen Xiang and others down for me. mate."

Although the people who received the order were reluctant in their hearts, they could only follow the order and rush towards Yang Jian, but at this moment, a group of monkeys and monkeys suddenly rushed out of the water curtain cave, along with a group of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals. Fight with the grass head god.

A single Monkey Monkey Sun is not an opponent of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, let alone the more elite grass-headed gods, but the number of people cannot be held up. The whole number of monkeys and monkeys, thousands of Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals and the grass-headed gods are fiercely fought. Attracted the attention of many great magicians.

"This is interesting, this Sun Wukong and Yang Jian have a big fight. Could it be that Buddhism is going to tear up his face with Tianting?" said a newly promoted great magician with some puzzlement.

Hearing this, a long-established great supernatural power man shook his head with a smile: "No, in fact, this is just a grudge between the two a long time ago, and now a fight is in line with the wishes of the two, not to mention the reason. It's also related to the little guy named Chenxiang, who made his mother the Three Holy Virgins?"

Hearing this, everyone fell into silence. Obviously, they had some understanding of the Three Virgins. Although some people sympathized with the Three Virgins, they did not dare to take the risk of offending the entire Heavenly Court diehards. It's a bit surprising that he joined Buddhism and dared to fight against Yang Jian on the bright side.

But when you think about it, it makes people understand. Since there are conservative factions in Heaven, there are naturally some factions that advocate the new law. If the old school really wants to settle accounts with Sun Wukong, those who support the new law will naturally obstruct it. Naturally Not going to let these things go smoothly.

Not to mention the thoughts in the minds of these great supernatural powers, the three of Chenxiang who had reacted at this time also joined the battle circle. Even the six Meishan brothers had no choice but to watch the battle ahead stalemate.

At this time in the palace of the eldest princess in the heavenly court, Yao Ji complained a little while looking at the picture on Huaguo Mountain: "Erlang is also true, it's good to act on the scene, why is it really addicting? He can't."

Yang Tianyou on the side smiled and said: "It's not that you don't know the grievances between Sun Wukong and Erlang. The two of them didn't have fun back then, and now there is a rare chance to naturally decide the winner and loser, otherwise, you want to meet again next time. When such an opportunity arrives, I don’t know what year I have to wait for.”

Yao Ji nodded helplessly after hearing this. Of course he understood the reason, but seeing her son bullying her grandson like this made her feel somewhat uncomfortable. Human nature is like this, even gods are no exception. It is said that even if the three of Yang Jian add up at this time, it is estimated that they will not receive more love than Chen Xiang.

This is not Yaoji's partiality, but she loves this grandson who has never met too much. After all, his mother, Yang Chan, used to be the most loved by Yaoji.

Especially after learning that Yang Chan had been suppressed, she rushed over to meet the emperor's brother as soon as possible. Later, after learning of the emperor's plan, she calmed down, but she still felt a little distressed about Yang Chan. As for what he suffered, it was still a little too lonely after all.

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