A few years have passed by, Chenxiang has been completely immersed in the bookstore in these few years, and she has grown a bunch of beards and can't care to cut it. At this time, he no longer resisted these books, because he found that these books actually made his His state of mind and knowledge have broadened a lot, which has made him more and more addicted to these books, and his cultivation has been continuously improved, and now he has been promoted to the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

This made Chen Xiang very shocked. He didn't expect his cultivation to break through so quickly. At this moment, he knew that these books were definitely not ordinary books, and that was the truth. These books were collected by Sun Wukong from all over the world during this period of time. Come on, each book is of great value, and it is precisely because he knows the value of these books that he allows Chen Xiang to read them.

However, Sun Wukong also understands that these books alone are not enough to greatly improve Chenxiang. In addition to these books, some external forces are needed, and external forces naturally refer to all kinds of heaven and earth treasures.

Although there are not many things in the world that can greatly improve one's cultivation, there are still some, such as the ginseng fruit in the Wuzhuang Temple of Longevity Mountain, the innate spiritual root Huangzhongli that is only known to be unknown, and the products produced by the Tianting Peach Festival. , and the elixir of Taishang Laojun Tusita Palace.

In contrast, Pan Taoyuan and Taishang Laojun's Tusita Palace are the best places to go. Thinking of this, Sun Wukong will do what he says, and sneak into the heaven with Chenxiang directly, and the first place to go. Naturally, it is Pan Taoyuan.

Watching the group of soldiers wearing silver armor and cloaks patrolling back and forth outside the park, Chenxiang felt the pressure of trying to rescue her mother for the first time. It is enough to prove the strength and heritage of Heavenly Court.

Even Sun Wukong was a little surprised, but it was just a surprise, and some heavenly soldiers and generals were not in his eyes.

With a flick of Sun Wukong's finger, all these heavenly soldiers fainted on the ground, while Chenxiang and Sun Wukong took the opportunity to sneak into the Pantao Garden and began to loot, but they didn't forget to eat while they looted. receive.

Sun Wukong planned to take some peaches back to feed his monkey monkey grandson, and Chen Xiang also had the same idea, and planned to bring these peaches back to the villagers in Liujia Village.

It's just that they also know that this place can't stay for too long, and after they have eaten and drank all of them, they will take all the peaches away, and at the same time, they will rush to the Tusita Palace of Taishang Laojun.

Taishang Laojun, who was in the Tusita Palace, smiled slightly when he saw it, and then left here with a few boys and mounts of his own, leaving only more than a hundred heavenly soldiers and generals stationed here.

Looking at the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals outside the Tusita Palace, Sun Wukong laughed and said: "The old man has become smarter, he never sent troops to defend the Tusita Palace before, but this time he even sent the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals to stay behind, but this is not a problem. I can't help my grandson."

The words fell, and Sun Wukong waved his fingers again. The more than 100 heavenly soldiers and generals also fainted weakly, and Sun Wukong slipped into the alchemy room with Chenxiang. I have to say that this time Laojun did leave some good things. , including dozens of nine-turn golden pills, dozens of eight-rank golden pills, and more than five hundred seventh-turn golden pills, in addition to various medicinal pills that improve the body's recovery of mana and restore injuries.

Just when Sun Wukong wanted to remind Chenxiang not to eat indiscriminately, he was stunned by the scene in front of him, because Chenxiang had already ignored Sanqi21 and directly grabbed all kinds of medicinal pills and stuffed them into his mouth, of course. The consequence of doing this is that, apart from being overwhelmed, Chenxiang felt that the mana in her body seemed to explode, completely out of her control, and her body was also very uncomfortable.

At this moment, even Sun Wukong doesn't know what to say. Now he can only say one word, that is "serving." It is a real mortal mortal body, how can it be like him to eat indiscriminately regardless of the 3721.

Taishang Laojun, who had already left the Tusita Palace, frowned in distress after seeing this scene. If he wasn't afraid of the drama's collapse, he really wanted to hit Chenxiang with a cane and teach him a lesson, because this little guy turned out to be him. Meow eating his own medicinal pills as jelly beans is a blatant waste, and it is even more wasteful than Monkey King.

Because Sun Wukong has already refined those medicinal pills, but Chenxiang is different from the mortal body, he is destined to not absorb too much medicinal power of the medicinal pills, and the rest is naturally wasted.

And Sun Wukong in Tusita Palace was helpless when he watched Chenxiang rolling all over the ground. He could only temporarily suppress the medicinal pills in Chenxiang's body with mana to prevent the magic power of these medicinal pills from exploding directly. The tire might really be blown up and not even the **** is left.

Haotian, who was in Yaochi Wonderland, also silently observed this scene. After seeing this scene, he directly grabbed a golden beam of light with his hand, and without Sun Wukong even finding it, he entered Chenxiang's body and suppressed it. The violent mana and medicinal power in its body.

Sun Wukong on the side was surprised when he saw it. He didn't understand why the violent mana and medicinal power were directly suppressed. In the end, he could only attribute it to Chenxiang's special physique.

The two Sun Wukong who stole and ate a large amount of medicinal pills left Heavenly Court with guilty conscience. After all, they have gained a lot this time, especially Chen Xiang's cultivation base has been upgraded to the peak of Taiyi Jinxian. It is not impossible for the medicinal power in the body to be upgraded to the peak of the Golden Immortal.

Chen Xiang, who returned to Huaguo Mountain, has already begun to gradually refine the medicinal power in her body to improve her cultivation under the guidance of Sun Wukong. A small axe arrived.

This was found in the Tusita Palace at the beginning. It is a high-grade congenital spiritual treasure that is unparalleled in attacking the unparalleled, but the only effect on Taishang Laojun is to split the firewood and use it for alchemy. He will beat his chest and swear at waste.

Sun Wukong, who already has the Ruyi Golden Hoop, naturally can't use this thing, but Chenxiang, who lacks attacking Lingbao, is just right to use this axe. After all, although the attack power of the Lotus Lamp is not weak, it cannot be used for weapons. The battle between them, and this axe is just right.

After all, as a high-grade innate spiritual treasure, the attack power of this axe is definitely not weak. If it is supplemented by the lotus lamp, then Chenxiang today will definitely have the power to fight against Yang Jian.

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