"Then what do you want, Jade Emperor?" Chen Xiang asked when she heard Jade Emperor's words.

After hearing it, the fake Jade Emperor said, "Well, as long as you abolish your own cultivation, how about I let your mother go?"

"Jade Emperor, what you said is true," Chen Xiang asked in surprise.

Before the fake Jade Emperor spoke, the fake Queen Mother on the side said, "What Your Majesty said is naturally true, so you don't have to worry about it."

Hearing the words of the fake Queen Mother, Chen Xiang still had some disbelief and said, "But you have regretted it many times. Unless you write a letter of forgiveness, I will not believe you."

Hearing the words, the fake Jade Emperor wrote a pardon letter on the spot, and looked at Chenxiang and said, "Chenxiang, you must have seen it, this pardon letter in my hand can forgive your friends, forgive you, and your mother, Now you should believe it."

Chen Xiang nodded after hearing this, and then concentrated her mana to abolish it. For him, as long as he could be reunited with his mother, it didn't matter even if he was an ordinary mortal, but he didn't notice that something was wrong with the Jade Emperor.

The first is that the pomp is too low, and there are only some palace maids Xian'e behind him, and the second is that there are some problems with the words of the Jade Emperor. As the Lord of Heaven and the master of the Three Realms, the Jade Emperor has always called himself "Zhen", but this time he used It's a pity that Chen Xiang, who was in a state of excitement, didn't notice the details at all. After a loud roar, she abolished her mana and half-knelt on the ground weakly.

After slowing down for a while, Chen Xiang looked at the fake Jade Emperor weakly and said, "Jade Emperor, it's time for you to fulfill your promise and let my mother go."

When Yang Jian heard it, he suddenly smiled and said, "Chenxiang has to say that you are too naive to be deceived so easily."

Chen Xiang's complexion changed when she heard the words, and then she looked at the fake Jade Emperor with gnashing teeth and said, "Jade Emperor, as the Lord of the Three Realms, are you still going back on your word?"

After hearing this, Yang Jian sneered: "As the Lord of the Three Realms, the Jade Emperor will not go back on his promises, but what if he is not the Jade Emperor?"

When the words fell, the fake Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother turned into a stream of light and entered Yang Jian's body, and this was a ray of Yang Jian's mana.

"You are despicable and shameless," seeing this Mu Chenxiang gritted her teeth.

Yang Jian snorted coldly when he heard the words, and was about to say something when he saw auspicious clouds in the sky, followed by Bajing Luanyu not far away, followed by more than 100 fairies, Gong'e, and a full 1,000 golden armored generals. .

After seeing it, all the immortals in the heavenly court who gathered here knelt down and said, "I'll see your majesty, see your majesty."

"All the immortals are flat," the Jade Emperor, who was sitting on the eight-view luanyu, said indifferently.

After hearing this, all the immortals thanked and then stood up one after another, and Bajing Luanyu's eyes fell on the ground, looking at the weak Chenxiang, a trace of pity flashed in the Jade Emperor's eyes, but it soon returned to normal. Said: "What do all the immortals think should deal with the enchanting Chenxiang?"

Huangjiao Daxian, one of the five elders of the five parties, came out after hearing this: "Your Majesty thinks that the evil Chenxiang's crime is unforgivable and should be severely punished."

After hearing it, the Jade Emperor did not say that although the Central Yellow Horned Immortal did not say what the punishment was, it was definitely a death sentence. After all, hitting the Heavenly Court was equivalent to provoking the Heavenly Court. How could this deter the Three Realms even if the punishment was not imposed? It's heavy, but he's not worried, because someone will soon come forward to stop it.

Sure enough, Lao Jun, who had just arrived, suddenly came out and said, "Your Majesty, this monstrous Chenxiang has eaten so much of my elixir, and it is too cheap to kill him like this. Lead the palace and put him into the gossip furnace to practice medicine pills."

The Jade Emperor nodded when he heard the words, and then said somewhat jokingly: "It's so good, but Lao Jun, you shouldn't have developed a sharp eye again."

Hearing the words, Taishang Laojun said with a smile: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty! The reason why Sun Wukong who defeated the Buddha was trained to have fiery eyes is because he was born a stone monkey, but this agarwood is different, it is a mortal body. , so it must be possible to re-train the medicinal herbs."

After hearing it, the Jade Emperor said: "Since you have said that, Lao Jun, let's use Liuding Liujia to send Chen Xiangyu to the Tusita Palace."

Liu Ding Liujia, who was on standby, rushed to the Tusita Palace with the manaless agarwood after hearing it, and all the immortal families in the heavenly court also returned to the mansion, waiting for the news that the agarwood was refined into medicinal pills, but except for a few of the Jade Emperor Except for a few people, no one knew that this was a play at all.

At this time in the Tusita Palace, after Liu Dingliujia brought Chenxiang to the Tusita Palace, he left here and returned to his life, while Taishang Laojun circled Chenxiang twice, and then untied the restraints and restrained Chenxiang. bundle of fairy ropes.

"You can kill me," Chen Xiang said with a frustrated expression as she watched the Grand Elder untie herself.

After Taishang Laojun heard it, he looked at the other party angrily and said, "Throw me into the gossip furnace to make alchemy. It's not that I don't want to throw you into the gossip furnace. I just feel sorry for my elixir."

Chen Xiang was silent after hearing this. He didn't know what to say. After seeing it, Taishang Laojun continued to look at the other party and said, "How about your determination, confidence, and patience? I didn't expect you to be so unbearable. frustration!"

"What's the use of talking about this now? I'm already a mortal," Chen Xiang said with a frustrated face.

After hearing this, Taishang Laojun didn't say much, just picked up a match and said, "Do you know why the fire in this gossip stove never goes out? This firewood can only carry the flames it burns. The responsibility for this period of time, after burning, must be removed, otherwise, the ashes will occupy the space, and the new firewood will not be able to fill in, and the fire will be extinguished!"

Chen Xiang said with some enlightenment after hearing it: "I think I understand, the sky is just a piece of firewood! It will also be replaced at some point."

Taishang Laojun nodded and said: "Although you have eaten so many elixir from me, you never know the magical effect of those elixir! For example, you don't know what attributes these elixir are, because you swallowed them whole. , but you don't know that those elixir have melted into your flesh and blood, just like those books you have read, since it has entered your brain, it is yours!"

Chen Xiang suddenly realized after hearing this: "It turns out that all I gave up was the mana at that time, but the elixir has already melted into my flesh and blood, so I can't let it go! I just need to dig out the power of these elixir! That's how it is, that's how it is. ."

Taishang Laojun said with relief: "You finally understand this, and now you can leave here."

"You let me go, what are you going to do?" Chen Xiang said worriedly.

Taishang Laojun said with a smile: "I still have some status in this heaven. Even if those people are dissatisfied with me, they won't do anything to me. You have to learn a lesson."

Chen Xiang nodded after hearing this, and then left the Tusita Palace, and the old-fashioned faction of Heavenly Court didn't know about it yet, and she really thought that Chen Xiang was trained to fly ashes by Taishang Laojun.

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