Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 300: The catastrophe begins

Nearly a few hundred years after the end of the Peach Festival, the suffocation between heaven and earth suddenly increased, and some monks who were not well-prepared even went into trouble in their cultivation and began to kill special people in the wild. Although they were soon suppressed by some great supernatural powers, but Things like this happen over and over again.

And Haotian in Heavenly Court also used the Haotian Mirror to check the three worlds from time to time, and found that the little movements of the demons were constant. According to the memory of the previous life, he knew very well that the first place where the demons started was the underworld, but there were already The prepared underworld will be as vulnerable as in the TV series, but I can't say for sure.

At this time, in a temple in Lingshan Mountain in the West, the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp took a bitter look at the Wutian in front of him, and finally sighed secretly. He originally thought that he had refined 36 Buddha beads and could face Wutian. There is a hint of strength to fight, but it turns out that he really thinks too much.

It's not that he never thought of taking refuge in Wutian, but unfortunately he has gained a lot of benefits from Buddhism over the years, and he has already been integrated with Buddhism. of.

"Amitabha!" Ran Deng let out a long sigh, and finally disappeared completely under the persecution of Wutian.

And in the Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan, the Tathagata Duobao sighed and said, "The ancient Buddha of the Infinite Life Buddha has already died."

"Buddha, the ancient Buddha who burns the lamp is the ancestor of all Buddhas, how could it be silent for no reason?" Tang Xuanzang asked in confusion after hearing it.

The Tathagata shook his head and said: "This is a secret that cannot be easily leaked. You just need to know that a new catastrophe is coming, and the first one will be my Buddhist sect in the Western Heaven. All the immortals and Buddhas in the Western land cannot escape this trouble, and even some in the future. A trend that could spread to the other three continents.

"Then Wukong?" Tang Xuanzang asked worriedly after hearing this.

Hearing the words, the Tathagata chuckled and said, "Before fighting against the Buddha, he was Daluo Jinxian, but now he has become a quasi-sage strongman, and he has experienced the test in Laojun's gossip furnace, and his dojo is in Dongsheng. The land of Shenzhou, so it will not suffer from this catastrophe for the time being, you just need to know that when the catastrophe comes, everyone will be safe."

"Follow my Buddha's will!" All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the hall shouted loudly.

At the same time, in the hall of the underworld, the underworld suddenly shook, and King Qin Guang and others rushed to the Fengdu Imperial Palace after feeling the shock. After all, this may be the only one who can solve the disaster in the underworld.

"You, as the Hades, should abide by etiquette, but why did you break in in such a hurry?" Emperor Fengdu of Netherworld reprimanded as he looked at King Qin Guang and the others in front of him.

When King Qin Guang heard it, he immediately said: "I told the emperor that it was me who didn't keep the etiquette. It really exceeded our expectations! Just now, a hundred-zhang giant python suddenly appeared in the underworld, and it destroyed the Naihe Bridge and caused the black water. Backflow, the kid killed the judge, the positive and negative whirlwinds in the reincarnation tunnel suddenly stopped, now the souls of the dead in the world can't get in, and the reincarnated ghosts can't get out of the underworld."

Emperor Fengdu of Netherworld frowned slightly when he heard it. He didn't expect that the breaking point would still start from the underworld, but this time, with him in charge, there was no way he could easily win the underworld again.

"You don't need to panic, wait until this seat sees it!" The Great Emperor Fengdu reprimanded, and then directly took out the Samsara mirror to check. The Samsara mirror itself is a high-grade innate spiritual treasure, which is the innate spirit distributed to him by the deity. One of the treasures, it has the same effect as the Haotian Mirror, and can investigate the 18th floor of the Nine Netherworld.

Looking at the chaotic picture in the mirror, the Great Emperor Fengdu snorted coldly and quickly disappeared from here, and soon came to the place where the evil spirits were making chaos.

Looking at the crazy evil spirits in front of him, the Fengdu Emperor robe waved endless mana to attack these evil spirits. Under the attack full of anger, these evil spirits, no matter how high their cultivation bases were, how strong they were, all vanished into ashes. The pythons were beaten and fled.

However, his mission has also been completed, because he has forcibly sent a group of evil ghosts from the six reincarnations into the world to disrupt the order of the world, even if he cannot capture the underworld, it is nothing.

Looking at the somewhat chaotic underworld, the Great Emperor Fengdu said directly to the surroundings: "Please help this emperor to restore order to the underworld."

As soon as the words fell, a supreme might enveloped the entire underworld, the positive and negative whirlwinds in the chaotic six-path reincarnation suddenly recovered, the Naihe bridge also re-condensed into black water and stopped flowing backwards, and the little ghosts who escaped were strangled to death, or else He was directly abused to death by Yin soldiers and Yin generals.

Seeing this, Emperor Fengdu breathed a sigh of relief, and after making a bow at the Pingxin Palace at the top, he said to King Qin Guang and others who arrived not far away: "Now that the order of the underworld has been restored, you will return to your standard. Each does his or her job.”

"I'll obey the order!" King Qin Guang and the others retreated tremblingly after hearing this, leaving Emperor Fengdu alone looking at the sky, wondering what he was thinking.

It's just that people in the underworld don't know, not only the underworld, but also the heavenly court in the sky at this time.

Because at this time, the heavenly court also began to shake, the heavenly court immortals in Lingxiao Palace swayed left and right, and some heavenly soldiers fell to the ground one after another.

"What happened? Go check it out!" An immortal instructed the Heavenly Soldier beside him.

The Heavenly Soldier left immediately after hearing this, but at this moment another Heavenly Soldier hurried over and said, "Your Majesty, the ancient monsters of Chonghua Palace are suddenly noisy for some reason, and there is a tendency to break through the Chonghua Palace, please. Your Majesty decides."

The old gentleman on the side heard it and said: "The Chonghua Palace has the Sanqing talisman of the impoverished way to shock, and it has always been quiet on weekdays. What's going on today?"

Although he knew very well what was going on, he still had to do it, otherwise the scene would not go on well.

"Why are there so many strange things happening in the Heavenly Court these past two days? First, the peach rotten and all the monsters made trouble," the Jade Emperor said with a frown.

The immortals also whispered to each other when they heard the Jade Emperor's words, but they didn't discuss the reason for a long time, and obviously they didn't understand what happened.

In the end, it was Zhang Tianshi who stepped forward and said: "Wei Chen proposed to let Li Jing and his son and the four kings lead the twenty-eight stars, twelve yuanchen, nine luminaries, five directions, four meritorious officers, east and west stars, and two north and south. The gods, the five mountains and the four blasphemy, as well as the stars and the nearby heavenly soldiers will go to pacify the chaos, and if they encounter resistance, they will kill them."

Speaking of which, Zhang Tianshi's face was full of murderous aura, and the quasi-sage's cultivation base was released without hesitation. Obviously, he hated these chaotic ancient monsters.

The Jade Emperor nodded and said, "As stated by Zhun Qing, at the time of the chaos in the Heavenly Palace, all the immortals should guard their positions and perform their duties, and cannot be ignored."

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