Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 307: Jade Emperor solves puzzles

They didn't make them wait for a long time. It didn't take long for Sun Wukong to enter it under the leadership of Tiannu. Looking at the Jade Emperor sitting at the top and the many great supernatural powers who reported to the left and right, Sun Wukong slapped his tongue secretly. Asked: "My old grandson has a doubt and asks the Jade Emperor to clear it up."

The Jade Emperor, who was playing with the Jade Lion, raised his head, looked at Sun Wukong and said with a slight smile: "I already know the doubts in your heart, but the secret cannot be easily revealed, you just need to remember a word of mine, sometimes you see What you get may not be true, and what you hear may not be false, in general, the only thing you need to believe is to follow your heart.”

Looking at Sun Wukong, what do you want to say? With a wave of the dragon robe, the Jade Emperor directly sent Sun Wukong and Tianpeng away from the heaven. The speed was so fast that Sun Wukong, the quasi-sage, had almost no defense.

This made Sun Wukong even more shocked in his doubts, but he didn't know what happened? What did the words in the Jade Emperor's mouth mean? It wasn't until a certain day in the future that he really understood the meaning of the Jade Emperor's words.

After seeing Sun Wukong and the others leave, Taishang Laojun said with admiration: "The poor Daoist has served, but His Majesty's light words are enough to make those evil obstacles of the demon sect be in a hurry for a while."

The Jade Emperor chuckled and said: "Lao Jun is wrong, there will be a battle between Heavenly Court and the Demon Race, and then I have to ask Laojun to open a few more potions of medicinal pills to restore the injury and improve the cultivation base. These cannot be made loyal to the Heavenly Court. The soldiers shed blood and tears, as for the materials, Lao Jun can go to the Treasure Pavilion with the approval slip to collect it, after all, now is not the time to be stingy."

"Old minister obeys the order!" Taishang Laojun bowed slightly and then withdrew.

Sun Wukong, who was full of doubts, decided to go to Lingshan. However, when they arrived at Lingshan, they were stunned by what they found, because the Lingshan in front of them had restored the holy realm in their memory, as if the previous dilapidated scene was not. Lingshan.

This made Sun Wukong even more shocked, and at the same time, he became more and more suspicious of what was going on, but now they couldn't care less, and directly entered the Mahavira Hall under the leadership of the Four Great Kings, and watched the Bodhisattva Arhat and Buddha, Sun Wukong in the hall. It can be said to be really hesitant.

The Tathagata sitting above asked, "Wu Kong, do you have any doubts?"

Looking at the charitable Tathagata, Sun Wukong certainly would not have thought that this Tathagata was directly pretending to be the devil, so he took out the black lotus without any scruples and looked at the Tathagata: "I dare to ask the Buddha to know what this thing is and why it is possible. Affecting my sanity? Besides, it makes me feel a lot of fantasy."

If you come and hear it, take away the black lotus, then close your eyes deliberately pretending to be exploring, and then open your eyes again after a while and say: "This thing is the black lotus, the clone of Moruo, what you saw at the beginning. What you see or even hear is an illusion."

Sun Wukong was a little dubious, because the words of the Jade Emperor were ringing in his ears at this time, so he couldn't help but be more cautious.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong immediately asked: "Dare to ask who the Buddha is? Why does he have such a penetrating ability?"

Tathagata sighed and said, "Then Moruo is the great sage of the demon world, and he is not weaker than me at all, but now that he has been reincarnated into the mortal world, this black lotus should be left behind before his reincarnation. One of the means, once he is reincarnated and returned, the Three Realms will usher in catastrophe."

"Dare to ask Buddha if there is a way to resolve it?" Sun Wukong asked anxiously.

If Lai smiled and said: "Of course there is a way to resolve it, that is to bring his reincarnated soul boy back to Lingshan, and then gather the power of all Buddhas to completely destroy it with great magic power. Now this devil has been reincarnated for 18 years. Now, the reincarnated soul boy must be eighteen years old."

"Where is the soul boy?" Sun Wukong asked eagerly.

The Tathagata shook his head and said, "At this time, the secret of heaven is very chaotic, even I don't know the exact location of this devil, so you can only rely on your own efforts to search for it, you must remember that fifteen years later will be the day when the devil returns. , you must find the reincarnated soul boy within fifteen years. Otherwise, it will be too late."

Sun Wukong immediately said: "Please rest assured that the Buddha and my junior brother will definitely find the reincarnation of the devil and bring it back to Lingshan, and we will never fail the expectations of the Buddha and everyone."

"Go!" The Tathagata smiled and nodded as he watched Sun Wukong and others leave, until after confirming that Sun Wukong was far away, the Tathagata laughed and turned into a godless appearance again, and the surrounding Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Buddhas also followed suit. Laughing wildly, there was no such thing as the benevolent look before, only to see each of them showing the appearance of a demon and a ghost.

"Everything is going according to plan," Wutian looked at the people present and instructed.

"Follow my Buddha's will!" The demons and ghosts present heard and clasped their fists one after another and then retreated, leaving Wutian alone in the Daxiong Hall, what were they thinking?

And Sun Wukong, who had left Lingshan, naturally didn't know that the Buddhas were all disguised as monsters. As for the real Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, they had already been detained and lost their ability to resist.

At this time, the Qiao family compound has always been guarded by Heavenly Court, Mountain God Land, Liuding Liujia and others in turn to prevent any accident from the reincarnated soul boy of the Tathagata. Their main duty is to wait for Sun Wukong to come over, as long as Sun Wukong finds it Here they are finished, and it is not their turn to take care of what happens next.

On the street where people come and go, Qiao Linger also met Bai Lianhua for the first time. Although they both passed by, for Bai Lianhua, that person gave her an indelible memory. impression.

And Liuding Liujia and others did not intervene. After all, their main responsibility is to protect the safety of this reincarnated body. Besides that, they will not interfere too much in other things. As for the previous bullies, there will be nothing. The good result is that once he dies, he will be thrown into a place of eternal doom, and he will never be able to turn over.

At the same time, Tang Xuanzang, who was imprisoned in the prison, suddenly stood up. Guanyin, who was beside him, looked at Tang Xuanzang suspiciously and said, "What happened to Xuanzang? Did something happen?"

After hearing this, Tang Xuanzang explained worriedly: "The devil Wutian has misled Wukong, and Wukong has already gone to find the reincarnation of Buddha at this time.

"What?" How can this be good? The surrounding Bodhisattvas and Buddhas and the Vajra Arhats were chattering and bewildered.

"Xuanzang, what can you do?" Guanyin asked with a little sadness.

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