For several days, Sun Wukong and others were warmly received by the Qiao family compound, and Sun Wukong and others did not refuse, and directly rested in the Qiao family compound.

At this moment, the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp suddenly appeared and looked at Sun Wukong and said, "Wukong! You must find all the relics, only in this way can the catastrophe be resolved. Remember not to look at the appearance of anything, because the eyes have Sometimes I will deceive you, remember, remember!"

As soon as the words fell, the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp disappeared again, and Sun Wukong seemed even more puzzled, because whether it was the Jade Emperor who was in the 33rd Heaven, or the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp today, they were reminding themselves not to trust their eyes easily.

What is the meaning of this? Are you reminding yourself what is false? Does it mean that the picture you saw was fake, or that the person you saw was fake?

see people? When he thought of this, Sun Wukong acted in horror. If he said that the person he saw was fake, was he reminding himself that the Tathagata Buddha he saw was fake? Those people in Buddhism are all transformed by demons.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong is gradually a little surprised. If this is really the case, then the identity of the reincarnated soul boy in his hands is not so simple. It is very likely that he is not a reincarnation of a demon boy, but may be a Buddhist. A mighty reincarnation.

And the most likely person is naturally the Tathagata, which can also explain why the Tathagata's personal protector will attract himself to find this reincarnation. Thinking of this, Sun Wukong has gradually understood something.

Coupled with the various strange phenomena when the Four Great Vajra appeared before, and the words of the Tathagata Buddha, Sun Wukong can already conclude that the Tathagata Buddha living in Lingshan is a fake.

But some things also shocked him. After all, he didn't know how powerful Buddhism was. Not to mention that his master Tang Xuanzang was a newly promoted quasi-sage, including Guanyin, Manjusri, Puxian, and fear of Liusun and other Buddhist powerhouses.

The Tathagata alone has the cultivation base of the quasi-sage peak. Unless the sage personally takes action, there is absolutely no possibility of attacking the Lingshan Mountain, let alone in such a situation that he does not know it.

Of course, Sun Wukong didn't know that this was a catastrophe that belonged to Buddhism. The two Western sages had already been banned, and they could not easily take action unless they had to. Tathagata and others did not have the slightest resistance to the Wutian in the early days of Hunyuan Daluo. .

There is no other way to fight other than to capture it with one hand. What really puzzles Sun Wukong is that Tianting clearly knows that Lingshan has fallen, but why does it sit by and watch this happen?

If Haotian knew what Sun Wukong was thinking, he would definitely feel very naive. After all, there have been endless battles between Heavenly Court and Buddhism for many years. Now that Buddhism is unfortunate, how can they help out before they are happy?

This time, if the two Western sages hadn't shown their old faces and promised to compromise with the Heavenly Court afterwards and truly become a subsidiary of the Heavenly Court, Haotian would not have paid attention to the reincarnation of the Tathagata at all, nor would they have sent Liuding Liujia and others to guard here.

It's a pity that no matter what Sun Wukong thinks? I just can't think of the reason, but it can only be blamed that he joined Buddhism for too short a time. Heavenly Court didn't completely stand by, just didn't want to do it now.

At this time, in Yaochi Wonderland, Haotian, who was lying on a chair, couldn't help sneering: "This monkey is quite clever, and he has seen through this situation so quickly."

Yao Chi, not far away, said with a chuckle, "Aren't Your Majesty afraid of the monkeys and blame you for standing by? After all, this time we really stood by.

Haotian shook his head and said with a chuckle: "That's just because the monkey doesn't understand the grievance between Bai Ting and Buddhism, if he understands, he may know why I do this, and even if he really resents me, What's the harm? In the end, this prehistoric situation is still determined by strength."

After Yaochi heard it, he was convinced that Honghuang really respected his strength. If it wasn't for his strength, where would they have gotten so many followers? If it wasn't for their powerful strength, how could they be able to secure their current position?

"It turns out that it's almost here, should your Majesty pay attention to Nanbuzhou?" Yaochi handed a fairy fruit to Haotian and asked.

Haotian was slightly stunned when he heard this, but he figured out the cause and effect of the incident. It's outrageous.

After figuring this out, Haotian directly whispered a decree from Tiannu!

After hearing it, Tiannu, who was not far away, knelt down tremblingly, and respectfully prepared to record every command that Haotian said and sent it to all parts of the heaven.

Taking a look at the respectful Tiannu, Haotian said directly: "Today, I have ordered the Northern Zhenwu Emperor to command Li Jing and his son, the Four Heavenly Kings, and at the same time order the Twenty-Eight Stars, Twelve Yuanchen, Jiuyi Xingjun, and Wufang Jieti. The four meritorious officers, the five mountains and the four sects, the east and west stars, the two gods in the north and the south, the stars in the universe, and one million heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, 108 heaven and earth nets are set up, and the remnants of the demon clan in Nanzongbuzhou are wiped out."

"Little slave is going to pass the decree!" After Tiannu heard it, I said respectfully, and then left the Yaochi fairyland tremblingly, at the same time silently mourning for the remnants of the demon race, who let these people live in the Southern Continent. Hu Zuofei angered the Great Heavenly Venerate, and this time they had good fruit to eat.

At this time, the demons in Nanbu Continent did not know that their doomsday was coming, but were still excited about their current slaughter. The local human race and some plant essences became the targets of torture.

Just as a demon member was about to slaughter a plant spirit, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, followed by an electric light that directly smashed the demon into ashes. When the other demons looked up to the sky, , but saw a scene that they will never forget.

I saw countless white clouds gathered in the sky, and above the white clouds gathered many related people and stars in the heaven, and behind them there were as many as one million heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals wearing silver armor and capes, each holding a long spear and a long sword. Murderous, as for the first one, the Northern Zhenwu Emperor, whose cultivation base has reached the pinnacle of quasi-sage

And behind him are the quasi-sage powerhouses such as Jiuyi Xingjun, and behind him are Li Jing and his son who are good at leading battles and the Four Heavenly Kings. Now Nezha's cultivation has broken through the quasi-sage, and as for Li Jing, he also has the peak of Daluo Jinxian. The cultivation base, including Lingbao, is also a small powerhouse in Honghuang.

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