One of the surrounding people even said: "Boss, you have accumulated good virtues for several lifetimes! Congratulations, congratulations!"

After hearing this, the boss said with sincerity and fear: "Congratulations? How dare I take things from gods? I'd better return them first."

When the words fell, the boss immediately took the golden bowl and prepared to chase after Qiao Linger, because it must be a god, so this golden bowl is not worth it at all!

However, not far away, a sturdy woman rode a horse and galloped down the street. Many pedestrians were forced to give way, because they all knew that the woman in front of them was not easy to mess with. The consequences are unimaginable.

It's a pity that Qiao Linger didn't realize this, and she still walked on her own. The woman who was too late to control the horse almost fell off the horse when she saw it. She was angry and slapped Qiao Linger with a whip. : "You stinking beggar dare to stand in my way? Are you courting death?"

When Qiao Linger heard the words, she defended: "Why is this girl so domineering? You must know that this street is a street for everyone to pass by, but girl, you are so domineering. Could it be that you drove this street? Although the girl is beautiful on the outside, she is inside. Not necessarily as beautiful.”

When the woman saw it, she shouted angrily to the subordinate beside her: "You stinking beggar dare to mock me? What are you **** still doing? Why don't you beat him to death?"

After hearing this, the housekeepers did not dare to neglect, and they beat Qiao Linger with sticks one after another. Although the surrounding people were furious, they all dared to be angry and did not dare to speak. At this moment, the tavern owner came over and begged: "Chen Da Miss, you are merciful, this person is an immortal, you can't offend him."

Chen Wuzhen was shocked when he heard it, and hurriedly used spells to check, but found that this person was mediocre and had no immortal bones at all, so he snorted coldly: "Is he still an immortal? Then am I not the Queen Mother!"

As soon as these words came out, they were immediately heard by many immortals above the heavenly court. Many immortals were furious. In their opinion, it was an unforgivable sin for a mere female ghost to dare to defile the Queen Mother.

Even Haotian's expression was a little gloomy. If it weren't for the fact that this female ghost had a little use, he would have let the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals exterminate her, why would he still keep two evil ghosts until now? But now it seems that these two evil ghosts are simply courting death.

Thinking of this, he slowly raised his head, but at this moment, Zhang Tianshi, who was among them, suddenly came out and said, "Your Majesty, it is better to have such evil ghosts, and this minister thought that he should immediately dispatch heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals to kill them. "

"Presentation by Zhun Qing! Yesterday, Bingtian immediately arrested these two evil ghosts," Haotian said lightly, and announced that Sanchao had left here.

All the immortals knew that Haotian was in a bad mood at this time, and at the same time they were thinking about how to torture this pair of evil ghost father and daughter, they were not good things anyway.

At this time, outside Nantianmen, a team of heavenly soldiers and generals had already set off and headed for the lower realm. In the small town in the lower realm, the surrounding people were so frightened that they knelt on the ground when they heard Chen Wuzhen's words, and kept kowtowing and praying to the sky. God's forgiveness.

And Chen Wuzhen was also a little panicked. She regretted just saying this sentence. After all, they have already seen the power of Heavenly Court. If this sentence was not known to Heavenly Court, it would be fine. Burial place.

Thinking of this, she resented the Qiao Linger in front of her more and more. In her opinion, if it wasn't for herself, how could she speak madly? So let the servants start more and more ruthless.

Looking at Qiao Linger who was beaten and vomiting blood, some people finally couldn't bear it anymore, and one of them got up and said, "Enough is enough, Chen Wuzhen, the so-called forgiveness and forgiveness, if you do this, don't you be afraid Retribution?"

Others also stood up to criticize, but Chen Wuzhen looked ugly. She knew that she had already committed public anger at this moment, and if she continued to fight, it would be difficult to end. Of course, she would not take these people seriously, but She couldn't help but pay attention to the nearby mountain **** land, otherwise, once the mountain **** land was discovered, the consequences would be disastrous.

What Chen Wuzhen didn't know was that the local mountain gods and the city gods had already paid attention to them, but because the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals were coming, they didn't plan to take action.

"Take this stinky beggar back to me," Chen Wu said with a sigh of anger after ordering the person to stop, and left here on a horse.

And Qiao Linger was taken back by those vicious servants, so that the land and others who were observing secretly frowned slightly. After all, of course they knew the identity of this person, that is the reincarnation of the Tathagata, but now it is such a pair It's really sad to be bullied like this.

However, this female evil ghost and her father will not end well either. Once the Heavenly Soldiers arrive, they will directly kill them without showing mercy.

But Qiao Linger, who was taken away at this time, had no idea that the two girls he cared about the most, Bai Lianhua and Fairy Biyou came here at the same time, but Bai Lianhua had been successfully bewitched by the demons. Qiao Linger would send a signal to the master to lead troops to rescue, but she didn't know that it was just a play.

And Fairy Biyou left Penglai Immortal Island and came here through induction, and the distance between the two sides is not far away, but unfortunately the two sides still did not meet each other after all, otherwise Chen Wu would not be really arrogant before.

At this time, on the other side of the town, Fairy Biyou looked anxious, because she had clearly sensed Linger's aura before, why did she suddenly disappear?

The unwilling Fairy Biyou continued to search, but she did not know that another competitor, White Lotus, had also come here.

At this time, the white lotus is also looking for traces of Ling'er, and the black lotus that she carries with her is a spiritual treasure that can communicate at any time, and by virtue of her induction, she also discovered the aura about Ling'er.

Just as the two daughters kept looking for Linger, in the Chen family's house, Chen Wuzhen, who was unhappy, asked her servant to lock up Qiao Linger, and then went to her father with an unhappy face, and told the matter. The cause and effect are said.

As Chen Wuzhen's father, Chen Dashan naturally broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, Tianting didn't find what his daughter said, otherwise, they should really escape from here.

After all, the power of Heavenly Court has deeply shocked them. With their Weibo mana, they can be subdued by just a few Heavenly Soldiers, not to mention the countless powerhouses under Heavenly Court.

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