However, at this moment, a black cloud appeared, followed by tens of thousands of demon soldiers and demon generals, as well as the poisonous scorpion black robe.

Seeing this scene, Bai Lianhua was a little overjoyed at first, but then she was a little shocked when she saw the black robe: "Master, what's going on? Why are you standing with this murderous king?"

Before the poisonous scorpion could answer, the black robe on the side laughed loudly and said, "Don't you understand? You are fooled. From the very beginning, we used you to find Qiao Ling'er, but now you are useless."

The poisonous scorpion on the side also showed a sneer, which made the white lotus look unbelievable. At this moment, Fairy Biyou suddenly shot, but after all, Fairy Biyou only had the cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian in the early stage, while the poisonous scorpion had the peak of Daluo. As for the black-robed protector, it has just broken through to the quasi-sage level, so how can Fairy Biyou be able to deal with it?

Even with the addition of Lingbao, Fairy Biyou could only barely tie with the poisonous scorpion. She was not the opponent of the Hei-robed Dharma protector at all, but after a dozen or so moves, she was knocked to the ground by the Black-robed Dharma Protector.

The white lotus on the side said angrily: "I want to kill you! Avenge the people of Qiaojia Town."

But the cultivation base of White Lotus is not as good as Fairy Biyou, so where is the opponent's opponent? The same few tricks were knocked to the ground. After the two women were defeated, the black-robed Dharma Protector and the poisonous scorpion were ready to kill them.

At this moment, Qiao Linger suddenly took a step forward and looked at the two black-robed Dharma protectors and said, "You all stop me! I'll go with you, don't hurt Lianhua and Biyou."

The black robe protector sneered: "It's a big joke, don't you want to go with us? We can't do anything about you?"

"You can give it a try," Qiao Linger snorted coldly, and then released the Tathagata Dharma body.

This made the black-robed Dharma protector and the poisonous scorpion terrified. In the end, they could only pretend to agree to Qiao Linger's request.

After these people left, the hidden thousands of soldiers and horses surrounded Bai Lianhua and others. This number was nothing to Fairy Biyou in the heyday, but now the two women are seriously injured, there is nothing at all. The power of resistance.

At this moment, a young man wearing a cyan robe appeared here, and with a wave of the whisk in his hand, thousands of demon soldiers and demon generals were wiped out in an instant.

Fairy Biyou on the side saw it and said excitedly to the young man in front of her: "Master, have you left the customs? Please save Linger quickly."

After hearing this, Lin Hao sighed softly: "Master has not left the customs at present, this is just a clone of Master, and this is Qiao Linger's doom, there is no limit to the hope of surviving the future. It can be reincarnated and rebuilt, and no one can interfere at will during this period.”

"Is there no other way?" Fairy Biyou asked in despair.

Hearing the words, Lin Hao said lightly: "This catastrophe is a Buddhist catastrophe, as long as Sun Wukong can find all 17 relics, then the subsequent catastrophe can be solved, and you can rest assured! It can't hurt him."

Hearing this, both Fairy Biyou and Bai Lianhua breathed a sigh of relief, but Bai Lianhua was extremely remorseful. If it wasn't for her Linger, she would not have been captured.

Lin Hao on the side saw it and said: "Although you are used by the demons, it is not your original intention, and you have a good talent. You are willing to worship me as a teacher! I can also teach you some skills."

After hearing this, White Lotus said excitedly, "The little girl is willing, thank the Immortal Master for his kindness."

Fairy Biyou heard the words and said, "Let the grievances of the past pass away. From today, you are my junior sister."

White Lotus nodded gratefully, then followed Fairy Biyou and Lin Hao's clones to leave here and return to Penglai Immortal Island.

At this time, in the East China Sea area, under the flickering of Sun Wukong and others, the nine-headed insect could not bear the temptation after all, and surrounded the West Sea Dragon Palace with 100,000 navy elites.

At the forefront, Nine-Headed Worm looked at Ao Qin in high spirits and said, "Old thief, now I have surrounded you with an army of 100,000 people. If you are wise, surrender immediately, otherwise, my army will surely destroy your West Sea Dragon Palace. for flat ground."

Hearing this, Ao Qin said angrily: "Nine-headed insect, you are delusional. You haven't avenged your revenge for killing my son Mo Ang, so how could I surrender to you? I, the Xihai people, are inseparable from you."

"I really don't know whether to live or die! Give it to me," Hydra said angrily.

Afterwards, hundreds of thousands of troops and tens of thousands of sea dragon troops fought fiercely. It must be said that although Sun Wukong and others fooled the nine-headed worm, the water army under the nine-headed worm and the training of Sun Wukong and others have indeed improved their combat power a lot. , plus the Nine-Headed Worm took out a large number of genius treasures.

Although the current aquarium army cannot be one-on-one with the sea dragon army, it is not as exaggerated as the dozens of people used to deal with one, but it is sharply reduced to ten people who can deal with one sea dragon army. battle.

Sun Wukong, who turned into Ma Wen, looked at the proud nine-headed worm and said: "It's not the way to fight like this, why don't I go down and have a try."

Hearing the words, the nine-headed worm said immediately: "In this way, there will be Lao Ma Wen Shang Xian, Xiao Wang is here to wish Ma Wen Shang Xian flag a victory."

Ma Wen responded, and then rushed over with a long spear to fight the nearby Sea Dragon Army. Where are these Sea Dragon Lords who became Ma Wen's Sun Wukong opponents? Couldn't stand it for a while.

Fortunately, Ma Wen didn't kill the killer. He always only injured but not killed when dealing with the sea dragon army. It was ridiculous that the nine-headed worm didn't know it, but returned to the mansion swaggeringly, leaving only the little black dragon to supervise the battle.

And Ao Qin also ordered the Hailong Army to pretend to be defeated according to the plan. The little white dragon on the side persuaded the black dragon to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack. At first, the black dragon was still a little hesitant. Also worry about missing out.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and rushed away with an army of 100,000. However, he accidentally strayed into the fog formation set up by the Hailong Army, which surprised Heilong, and immediately began to call Ma Wen, Xiaobailong and others. But it was silent.

This made him more and more uneasy. It didn't take long for a long spear to stab out, directly piercing the body of the black dragon in front, and then the dense arrows shot out from all around, and hundreds of thousands of sailors lost in this attack. It was heavy, and the morale of the rest fell sharply and finally surrendered, but all of this, Nine-Headed Worm was completely unaware.

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