Compared with a group of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals that had already been prepared, although the demon army had also undergone some preparations, the preparations were not as optimistic as the black-robed protector said. At least before the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals came, these demons were The army can still hold on.

But when they saw that the losses of the Heavenly Court army were very small, these Demon Race armies were a little flustered, but the Heavenly Court Army would not miss this rare opportunity, and directly surrounded the nearly one million Demon Race army and launched a siege.

Especially after many powerhouses from Tian Court and Buddhism joined the battlefield, the loss of the demon army was getting bigger and bigger.

The reason is naturally that the high-level combat power of Sun Wukong's side is much higher than that of the Demon Race. Even the Demon Race has some quasi-sage powerhouses participating in the battle, but they are still not the opponents of the Heavenly Court. Well, the rest can't be contained at all.

I saw Yang Jian, the **** of Erlang who had cultivated the nine-turn Xuan Gong to Mahayana, holding a three-pointed and two-edged sword. He was like a **** of war in the army of the demons. The demons around him were frightened. Kill them all.

As for some high-end combat powers of Heavenly Court, such as Wufang Wu Lao and other quasi-sage powerhouses, they also show their magical powers, and all kinds of spirit treasure spells are continuously hitting the surrounding demons, making the nearby demon army a pain in the ass. Unspeakable.

As for the Buddhist powerhouses in Buddhism, they were even more suffocated, and they took a ruthless and decisive action. Obviously, they hated the demons to the core. After all, the days of being imprisoned in the Western Underworld and the Primordial Spirit Hei Lian were not easy at all. Therefore, Naturally, there will be no mercy for these demon army.

The Buddhist powerhouses want to vent all the qi they have suffered over the years. Even if some nearby demon powerhouses try their best to stop it, it will not be of much use. In front of the angry Buddhist powerhouses, these demon powerhouses quickly was strangled to death.

And with the heavy loss of battle strength at the top of the Demon Race, the Demon Race army, which could have fought against the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, suddenly lost morale, and the entire army that was directly beaten was defeated.

Looking at the army of demons that are constantly being defeated, the people on the Heavenly Court side are killing more vigorously. They know that these demons are all mobile merits. The more they kill, the more heavenly merits they will get. After all, no matter what time, merit is a panacea, and if there is enough merit, even a saint can't do anything to you. This is not only the eternal truth even in chaos, but the difference is only divided into the merits of heaven and the avenue.

The former can only be threatened in the world where you are, and it will not be of much use in Chaos, but the latter is hard currency no matter in your own world or in Chaos, no matter what the strong person dares to offend easily. .

Even if you can accumulate enough Dao merits, even if there is no Hongmeng purple qi, you can become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, so these people are all trying to accumulate merits.

Among them, Master Du'er held a whisk and swiped left and again, wiping the surrounding demon army to ashes. After all, he was also imprisoned in the Western Underworld at the beginning, and now he naturally wants to use these demons to be discouraged.

The one who also needs to be discouraged is Ziyang Zhenren, who took out his jade Ruyi and fell from the sky, killing a large area of ​​demons! As soon as Immortal Qiankun took out his Qiankun fan, and slammed it fiercely, thousands of nearby demon army were swept away by the fan.

Under the combined force of these heavenly powerhouses, the surrounding demon army was completely killed, and there were no survivors at all.

As for Sun Wukong, he was also red-eyed. The golden hoop stick in his hand danced around, and he could kill a large number of demons with one stick. As for the canopy, the Rolling Shutter Heavenly General and Xiao Bailong were equally merciless. Using his own innate magical powers, the surrounding demon army was miserable.

Tang Xuanzang also showed his power with his Zen staff. Any demons who were knocked down, regardless of their strength, were either killed or injured, because the Zen staff itself was a good innate spiritual treasure, and the cassock was also a defensive innate innate. Lingbao, the two have infinite uses for one attack and one defense.

And Guanyin sitting on the lotus pedestal, just controlled the Sanguang Divine Water in the jade bottle, corroding the surrounding demons, and the willow branches in his hands also brushed everywhere, destroying all the weapons of the demons. The breath brushed away, and then before the demon army could react, they were killed by the nearby heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas also no longer preserved his strength. He took a group of dragon members to turn into giant dragons and began to rampage. The surrounding demons were either swallowed by these giant dragons or drowned by the surging water. a mess.

Li Jing, the Heavenly King of Tota, who was in command of the army, couldn't bear the itch after observing for a while, so he directly sacrificed his exquisite tower, pressed countless demons into the tower, and died of torment with the real fire of three flavors.

With the concerted efforts of many powerful people, some of the only masters of the Demon Race either fell on the spot or were captured directly, and the rest even fled everywhere. Obviously, they were scared and completely lost their ability to fight against the Heavenly Court army. Courage, as for the end of the black-robed Dharma Protector and others, it is also not much better.

Among them, the black robe was pierced through the heart by Yang Jian, and the remaining six spirits were also killed and injured, and none of the fifty disciples under Wutian survived, and the entire army was annihilated, and was originally deployed by the black robe in the second The million-strong army of the road defense line was also defeated by the heavenly soldiers and generals who arrived later, and finally scattered everywhere.

This also led to the basic end of the war. After seeing the surrounding demon army being annihilated, Li Jing, the king of Tota, directly shouted: "All the heavenly soldiers obey the order! Except for those who surrounded the Daxiong Palace, the rest of the people carefully searched the Lingshan Mountain, if there are any omissions. No matter what the devil is killed."

"Follow your orders!" The heavenly soldiers and generals responded after hearing it, and then dispersed to start a careful search. The surrounding shrimp soldiers and crab generals also looked like this.

However, when Guanyin and the others saw this scene, their faces were full of bitterness. As old fritters, how could they not know what Li Jing meant? That is simply telling everyone to search carefully and take away all the benefits that can be found. It is not too much to say that it is not too much to scrape the ground three feet.

It’s okay if it’s just these, but later they know that Buddhism will pay a heavier price, and from then on, it can only develop in the shadow of heaven.

It is no longer possible to compete with the heavenly court like in its heyday, because in this battle, Buddhism can definitely be regarded as a serious injury to its vitality, and its foundation has also consumed more than half of it, and its comprehensive strength is far less than before.

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