Decades have passed, and the Peach Festival is about to be held. Many strong people in the prehistoric wilderness have prepared gifts and rushed to the heaven, because after the catastrophe of the demons, the strength of the heaven has developed to the limit, and no one is allowed. underestimate.

In the land of Lingshan in the West, after decades of recuperation, Buddhism has begun to slowly restore its vitality, but it is destined to be unable to return to its heyday.

Because of this catastrophe, the vitality of Buddhism has been greatly damaged. It is not an exaggeration to say that it hurts the muscles and bones. Even the peak powerhouses like Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha have fallen, and other quasi-sage powerhouses have also lost a lot. Moreover, a large number of treasures were also paid to Heavenly Court, leaving very little of the Buddhist heritage.

Under such circumstances, Buddhism naturally has no way to recover quickly, not to mention the original Buddhist guardian Sun Wukong, who has officially left Buddhism and returned to Huaguo Mountain, causing Buddhism, which was already unstable in luck, to lose some luck. .

Due to the reason of Heavenly Court, they did not dare to be **** Sun Wukong. They could only watch Sun Wukong leave Buddhism and lose a lot of luck with Buddhism. It can be said that Buddhism basically has no possibility of returning to its heyday. .

What's more, the two Western sages know in their hearts that even if Buddhism can recover, they will lose the ability to compete with Heavenly Court, because Buddhism is only slowly recovering its strength, while Heavenly Court is actually strengthening its strength. In the long run, the gap between the two sides will only be It will get bigger and bigger, so the best choice for Buddhism now is to attach to the heaven.

Because there is no one person or force in the whole prehistoric world that can compete with the heavenly court, maybe the ancestor of Hongjun who fits the heavenly way can, but just looking at Hongjun's deliberate partiality over the years, it can be seen that there is no drama at all.

Besides, in their opinion, surrendering to the Heavenly Court is not without benefits, at least they can drink a few mouthfuls of soup when they eat meat in Heavenly Court, or if they are lucky, they can eat a small mouthful of meat, but if they do not submit to the pressure of Heavenly Court, don’t do it. Speaking of meat, there is not even a little soup, and even in times of crisis, Heavenly Court may even help.

Although it is far from being able to compare with the benefits obtained in the heyday of Buddhism, in today's situation, the two Western sages are very clear that neither they nor Buddhism have a choice, which is why they promised Buddhism to surrender to Heaven.

In contrast, the three religions of Xuanmen are not so exclusive. In any case, Tianting and the three religions are Xuanmen forces, and they can take care of each other more or less, but Buddhism is probably not as good as them. .

Because no matter how you cover it up, Buddhism has never been able to remove the identity of the betrayer. Even if you submit to the heavenly court, the benefits you get are probably not as good as those of the three religions of the Xuanmen. This is also the price of their betrayal.

In the Yaochi Wonderland of Heavenly Court, a lot of loose immortals have come, and these are all invited to participate in the Peach Fair. At the same time, they also learned some scattered information, that is, all the Peach Fairs are different from usual, because women Empress Wa had already given birth to a child for Haotian and was named Haochen.

Therefore, in addition to celebrating the birthday of the golden mother of Yaochi, this year's Peach Festival is also to celebrate the birth of Haochen. Therefore, some careful people have prepared two gifts, which also motivated others.

The specifications of the Peach Festival are basically the same as usual. The number of Peach Peach trees is very large, and it can be regarded as eating as much as you want, and there will never be a limit. Of course, this is only the specifications of Daluo Jinxian.

The things obtained by the great supernatural powers are naturally better, and can be divided into some Huangzhongli, ginseng fruit, needle dew condensed by five-needle pine, laurel wine made from laurel flowers picked from the laurel tree, as well as peach and star fruit from the peach mother tree, And some golden pills that taste great, and some enlightenment tea leaves.

As for the powerhouses below Daluo Jinxian, most of these people are disciples of many great supernatural powers, or some juniors. With their cultivation base, it is naturally impossible to get so many things, at most one can get a 9,000-year-old peach. In addition, there are some innate spiritual fruits of the upper, middle and lower grades, but these are also of great use to them.

It's just that the event will not be held until these great supernatural powers have arrived, but they are not allowed to wait for long. After a while, some great supernatural powers arrive one after another, and these people seem to be just the beginning.

As these people arrived, more and more great supernatural powers came here, and after the arrival of these great supernatural powers, a burst of purple air drifted away, and the two Western Saints came here first, and after the great supernatural powers saw They all made a bow to show their respect.

Not long after Zhen Yuanzi, the three emperors and five emperors of the human race and Sun Wukong also came here. Among them, Sun Wukong broke the shackles and broke through to the Hunyuan Daluojinxian, which made many supernatural powers secretly smack their tongues.

The Jade Emperor, who was sitting in the first place, saw it and said, "It's rare for you to break through now, and your title of Monkey King is no longer a vain name."

Sun Wukong smiled when he heard it, then found a seat and sat down directly, and directly picked up a peach and ate it. The Jade Emperor didn't say much when he saw this. How many monkeys can endure when they meet peach? living?

Just when the Jade Emperor was thinking about these things, Sanqing and others also came here, and after sending the congratulations, they sat down on the other side, and then the Heavenly Dao Falun slowly descended, and the ancestor Hongjun appeared with a purple bamboo stick. here.

Seeing the arrival of Hongjun, everyone including the Jade Emperor stood up to greet him, but Haotian did not deliberately go out, because he just wanted to create a feeling that he was not in the prehistoric world, so as to let the demon ancestor Luo Hu let go and invade , and then he took another shot and wiped it out.

Ancestor Hongjun naturally knew this in his heart, so he didn't care that Haotian didn't appear, not to mention that Haotian's strength is probably higher than himself, even if he didn't appear, it was reasonable.

Looking at everyone in Yaochi Wonderland, Ancestor Hongjun just smiled lightly, and then said, "Don't worry about it, everyone, Pindao is just here to participate in the Peach Festival, you can do whatever you want."

Everyone in Yaochi Wonderland responded, and the Jade Emperor officially announced the opening of the Pantao event. Then a group of fairies appeared in Changzhong and began to perform. The leader was Hou Yi's wife Chang'e. The sound in the fairyland of Yaochi removes people's tension and fatigue.

Many strong acquaintances began to eat and chat, and the whole Peach Festival was in harmony for a while. As for the gifts they gave, they were put aside.

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