Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 345: Nuwa to the demon clan

They will never know the answer. After many great magicians felt bored, they withdrew their spiritual thoughts and stopped paying attention to what happened here.

And in the Yaochi Wonderland of Heavenly Court, Haotian, who had just finished eating a purple-gold grape, looked at Di Jun and Kunpeng in the Haotian Mirror and said with a smile, "Is this a kind of grief? This time I return to Di Jun. It's really changed a lot!"

Nuwa on the side also nodded in agreement. The change in Emperor Jun was indeed great. When she was older, she almost thought it was not Emperor Jun anymore, because the former Emperor Jun was conceited, he was worthy of retribution, and had huge ambitions. At the same time, his eyes were higher than the top. He is arrogant and arrogant, although he often listens to other people's opinions, but if he decides something, he will never allow anyone to change it.

However, the emperor in front of him has become calm, wise and humbly to others, even in the face of the former traitor demon master Kunpeng, he can calmly invite him back to continue to serve as the demon master, which is similar to the original emperor at all. no.

It is rude to say that if Di Jun's life source is not the same as before, he even thought that Di Jun in front of him had been taken away.

But soon Nuwa seemed to think of something? Then he looked at Haotian and said: "Husband, can you lend Hetu Luoshu to Di Jun temporarily, after all, the demon clan will also fight against the demon clan in the future, and Di Jun has just returned, and I am afraid there is no spiritual treasure in hand. I am afraid that the power will be greatly reduced.

Haotian said with a smile: "Everyone says that your Nuwa doesn't care about the demon clan, and now it seems that they misunderstood you. In fact, even if you don't say Hetu Luoshu, I plan to lend it to Di Jun, if not. The Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array needs it to be maintained. What's the harm in returning it to Di Jun? The Chaos Clock cannot be returned to Taiyi, but I still have a bell-shaped spiritual treasure. Although it is only a top-quality innate spiritual treasure, Because it has been contaminated with a certain amount of merit, its power has reached half of the innate treasure, and it can be lent to Taiyi at that time, and even if the demon clan can perform well, it can be given to them."

Hearing this, Nu Wa breathed a sigh of relief. At least she didn't have to worry about the things she was worried about now. This also gave her an explanation for the demon clan. After all, she was too partial to the human clan over the years, and indeed ignored the demon clan's feelings.

Thinking about it, the demon clan has already been punished, why should it be too indifferent to it? Haotian, who was on the side, also guessed Nuwa's thoughts, so he casually moved Hetu Luoshu and the Bell-shaped Spirit Treasure at first sight, and they appeared in Yaochi Wonderland.

Then I saw Haotian saying: "You find an opportunity to hand over these two spiritual treasures to Di Jun and Taiyi. If the performance of the demon clan is good, although Hetu Luoshu will still be taken back, I will give another top-quality one. Innate Lingbao as compensation, in addition, you can also promise them a condition."

Nu Wa nodded, then put away the two spiritual treasures, and gave the grapes to Haotian, and then left here, Haotian shook his head slightly.

Yaochi on the side saw it and said, "Sister Nuwa seems to have some debts to the demon clan."

After hearing this, Haotian said: "It's natural, after all, she was once the demon emperor of the demon clan, but she was angered by what the demon clan did, which made her experience with the demon clan over the years. She stood on the sidelines, but now some changes in the demon clan, the return of Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, made her feel a little guilty again."

Yao Chi nodded thoughtfully and didn't say much, but in the Pingxin Palace, Zhu Jiuyin said with emotion: "I really underestimated Di Jun, but he was able to smile away his grievances and accept Kunpeng again. Returning to the demon clan, this kind of energy is not something that everyone can have."

The other ancestral witches nodded in agreement. Although they and the demon clan are deadly enemies, they are hostile to each other, but the hostility is hostile, but it does not prevent them from agreeing with what Emperor Jun has done. Today's Emperor Jun has indeed changed a lot. Big, and this change is enough to make the demon clan better.

Even they have to admit that if the emperor of the year can be like today, they may not be able to do it together, but will be suppressed one-sidedly! Fortunately, there is no if in the world. If the court is respected today, whether it is the Xuanmen sect, the Buddhist sect, or the two lich clans, there is no possibility of competing for hegemony.

In the base camp of the demon clan, all the demon clan have been waiting here early, and at the same time shouted to welcome the return of the demon master.

Kunpeng nodded slightly, seeing that the eyes of Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi were a little complicated, because these two people really did not know each other, but it seemed not bad, maybe he could really stay in the demon clan to fight.

Thinking of this, Kunpeng made up his mind, and then swore: "The way of heaven is above, my Kunpeng makes an oath here, if the demon clan does not fail me, I will never fail the demon clan, and I will learn from the way of heaven."

The words fell, and there was a rumbling sound in the sky again, which represented that Tiandao acknowledged Kunpeng's oath, and Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were also a little surprised, and they couldn't help but start to re-examine Kunpeng.

At this moment, the purple air came 30,000 miles from the east, and Di Jun and Dong Huangtai saw a change in color, because this was a sign of the coming of a saint, and this saint was Nuwa, the nominal demon saint, but only Because of the slaughter of the human race by the demon clan, Nu Wa was very dissatisfied.

But the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, so Nuwa shouldn't be too punishing the demon clan, but she has not asked about the development of the demon clan since then. Apart from ensuring that the wild demon clan will not be exterminated, she has never helped the demon clan. , I didn't expect this time to come suddenly, and Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi also knew that the current Nuwa is still Haotian's wife.

Therefore, after seeing Nuwa's arrival, Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi both handed over their hands and said, "I will wait to welcome the arrival of Saint Nuwa."

Nuwa glanced at Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun with complicated eyes, and finally said lightly: "Congratulations on your integration of the demon clan! I am here to give you two spiritual treasures this time. My husband asked me to tell you, if the demon The clan can make a great contribution this time, although the Hetu Luoshu among these two spiritual treasures cannot be given to you, but you can choose one of the best innate spiritual treasures, and in addition to this, we can also promise you a condition.”

Di Jun and Dong Huangtai were a little happy when they heard it, because they had already figured out a condition, that is, to resurrect their nine sons (nephews) and the fallen Xihe, if they were saints, I am afraid they could not do this, but It shouldn't be very difficult for Haotian, who has broken through to the Promise Realm, not to mention that they still have some of the origins they left behind from the beginning, maybe the chances will be higher.

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