Zu Long's face suddenly became not very good-looking after hearing this, and Yuan Feng was also a little puzzled. Just when she was about to say something, she saw Zulong suddenly sneered and said: "That's better than none of your ethnic groups."

When Shi Qilin heard it, his hair immediately exploded. When he was about to retort, Yuan Feng suddenly said, "You two are enough. If you have time to quarrel here, it is better to return to your own clan first."

Zu Long and Shi Qilin glared at each other, then returned to their own clan angrily, while Yuan Feng also returned to the Feng clan at the fastest speed, she couldn't wait to see her child.

And although the great supernatural powers in Honghuang really want to know what the three of them are talking about? But because the method of sound insulation cannot be heard at all, even saints cannot hear any useful information under this secret sound insulation method. Of course, if they know that they have been quarreling before, I am afraid that Not so much interest.

At this time on the battlefield outside the territory, a new round of battle has broken out. Yang Jiao, wearing a battle armor, took the lead with an immortal sword, and led a group of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals to fight with the demon army. This is not all the demon army. But even this lineup is not to be underestimated.

I saw a quasi-sacred demon race rampaging in it, constantly attacking, and the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals passing by were either killed or injured, even if they were the golden armored generals who reached the level of Daluo Jinxian, it was difficult to resist a few tricks. .

And this Demon Race was naturally noticed by Yang Jiao who was not far away, and he rushed over quickly and started a melee with this Demon Race powerhouse. Although Yang Jiao's talent was not as good as Yang Jian's, it still reached the standard. In the middle stage of the sage, it is still no problem to deal with the demons in the early stage of the quasi-sage. In addition, there are many spiritual treasures blessing, even the strong in the later stage of the quasi-sage can fight.

As these two scuffled together, the other quasi-sage powerhouses in the heavenly court also scuffled with the demon powerhouses, and this also led to more and more fierce battles between the two sides, but instead of Emperor Ziwei sitting in the north Emperor Zhenwu did not take action, but kept an eye on the fierce battle between Yang Jiao and the demon powerhouse.

Others don't know, but he knows very well that Yang Jiao is the nephew of the Great Heavenly Venerate. If something really happens, even if the Great Heavenly Venerate does not blame him, he will feel sorry for it, so she did not participate in this battle for the first time, but always Set your sights here.

In the place where Yang Jiao and the demons were fighting, Yang Jiao, who stepped on the ninth-grade white lotus, was unparalleled in defense, and it was useless to let the demon powerhouses who had killed the Quartet before attack. The Innate Spirit Treasure is only a mid-rank Innate Spirit Treasure, and it is simply not enough to break through the defense of the ninth-rank White Lotus.

In desperation, he could only widen the distance from Yang Yangjiao, but Yang Jiao did not give him this chance, sticking to the demon powerhouse, constantly launching attacks, only to see Yang Jiao holding a long sword constantly. waved a sword light.

The silver-white sword light attacked quickly, forcing the demon strongman to give up his retreat and instead deploy all-out defense, but this was just as Yang Jiao intended. At that time, it suddenly turned into a streamer and rushed over, and the immortal sword in his hand stabbed at the opponent like a spear.

The previous Demon Clan powerhouse hurriedly launched the defense, but due to the lack of time, Yang Jiao broke through the defense and pierced his chest before he could fully mobilize his mana, thus falling on the spot.

This scene directly boosted the morale of the surrounding Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, while some of the Demonic Army and Demonic Generals of the Demon Race suffered a sharp drop in morale, and were defeated by the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals of the same level and strength as their own.

At this moment, another demon powerhouse rushed over with lightning speed. Yang Jiao, who was about to leave, changed his face, and then raised the defense of the ninth-rank white lotus to the highest level.

With the touch, there was a violent explosion where Yang Jiao was located. When the flames dissipated, Yang Jiao, who was a little embarrassed, barely stabilized his body, but when he saw the demon powerhouse in front of him I was a little surprised after that.

Because the demon powerhouse in front of him is not someone else, it is the Demon Flame who wounded him at the beginning. If Emperor Ziwei hadn't shot in time, he would have perished on the spot. I didn't expect to encounter this guy now.

However, this is exactly what Yang Jiao wanted. Ever since he broke through to the middle stage of Quasi-Saint, he has always wanted to fight this guy again. Unfortunately, the demons have been shrinking their forces at that time, which has resulted in no news of gold on the battlefield outside the territory for hundreds of years. The sound of drums, I didn't expect this war to come true.

Mo Yan looked at Yang Jiao coldly. At the beginning, he could almost kill him. If it wasn't for the **** Ziwei spoiling the situation, he would have succeeded. Now that he has another opportunity, he will never miss it.

And he is not worried that someone will disrupt the situation, because he specially invited a quasi-sage peak powerhouse to monitor the surroundings at all times, so that he can take care of this guy.

But what he didn't know was that the current Yang Jiao had broken through to the middle stage of the quasi-sage, but in the previous battle, he deliberately maintained the initial cultivation level, which caused Mo Yan to make a misjudgment, and the price of the misjudgment was to lose himself. life, but all this is not mentioned for the time being.

I saw Mo Yan said coldly: "I let you, this guy, survive by luck, this time I won't let you go again."

Yang Jiao snorted coldly after hearing this: "It's still unclear who will win and who will lose."

After the words fell, Yang Jiao rushed directly to Mo Yan, which made Mo Yan a little surprised. Is it possible that you have forgotten the loss you suffered at the beginning? Or get a better Lingbao or strength has made greater progress.

But no matter which of these two is the same, it is not what he wants to see, but at this time the other party has rushed over, and he can't retreat, otherwise, he will lose the face of the entire Demon Race, and even if he goes back, he will be punished.

At this time, Mo Yan was somewhat regretful. If he knew earlier, he would not be so excited. It was unlucky to find this guy. Looking at the other party's confident appearance, he knew that this matter could not be done well.

Thinking of this, Mo Yan gritted his teeth, and finally took out the black magic tower that had just been repaired, and started a melee with Yang Jiao, while on the other side, the demon quasi-sage peak powerhouse hidden in the dark was also with Zhenwu Emperor. The melee started, and both sides were strong at the quasi-sage peak level, and the battle was naturally more intense, and it might even end in a draw.

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