After several collisions, Haotian took out the Primordial Sword and swung it out, and then a chaotic air blade that was much more powerful than Pangu Fan came quickly, and the Demon God of Destruction snorted coldly when he saw this! He directly took out something similar to a scepter, and with a little tap, a force of chaos rushed out.

The two attacks collided together, and a huge air wave was formed immediately, and the resulting shock wave spread to all directions. Of course, this kind of shock wave has no effect on Haotian and Ruiner, but it does not mean that it has no effect on others. .

The Primordial Powerhouses on both sides and the Saint-level powerhouses launched defenses one after another. If they didn’t defend, even they couldn’t stop the shock wave, even the powerhouses of this level, not to mention the following ones. strong.

No matter how strong the surrounding corpses were, they were all shaken to ashes by the shock wave. The troops and strong men of both camps had already retreated for a certain distance, but now they found that even if they had retreated, it was still not very safe. , and therefore began to retreat again under the supervision of the powerful from all sides.

And this also appeared a strange phenomenon, the army and the strong on both sides were retreating, and they did not intend to find a new place to start the war again.

Because they know very well that no matter how hard they fight, it is not as important as Haotian and Destroy. It doesn't matter if Haotian wins and they lose, but if Haotian loses, even if they annihilate these troops, it will be useless. .

On the other hand, the army of the Destroyer Demon God and the Demon Race also understand this, so they just confront the army of the Heavenly Court from a distance, and no longer fight like before.

In the front, after the attacks of both sides were neutralized, a cloud of heaven suddenly appeared on the top of Haotian's head, followed by the Chaos Clock, and Haotian Mirror constantly launched attacks, as for the Primordial Yuan in his hand. The sword also did not rest, and under Haotian's control, it displayed a series of qi blades.

"How many treasures does this guy have?" Looking at Haotian, who was wrapped in various treasures, Destroyer complained in his heart full of jealousy.

But Tucao returned to Tucao. Facing the continuous attack and destruction, he did not dare to underestimate it. He hurriedly controlled the Destruction Scepter in his hand to block waves of attacks from Haotian, and at the same time continued to launch various counterattacks.

However, compared to Destruction, Haotian, whose defense has been raised to the top, directly used Zhutian Qingyun and Chaos Bell to take these attacks, instead of blocking left and right like Destruction.

Seeing the destruction here is angry and angry! He also knew that he couldn't go on like this with Haotian anymore, otherwise, with Haotian's blessing, he would be like a turtle's shell, and it would be very difficult for him to move.

Therefore, after hesitating for a while, Destruction made up his mind. Instead of attacking Haotian from a distance, he rushed towards Haotian at the fastest speed.

Haotian also guessed the purpose of destroying the Demon God, but he was already prepared, the Primordial Sword in his hand was no longer the innate treasure it used to be, and he was also raised to the level of the Chaos Spiritual Treasure, so he did not have the slightest attack power. Don't be afraid of each other.

After seeing Destruction rushing over, Haotian also rushed towards Destruction Demon God. Both sides continued to attack in the chaos, which made the surrounding space somewhat unstable, but was quickly stabilized by a strange force. .

Although Haotian and Destruction noticed this, they didn't care too much and just continued to fight with each other.

Just when Haotian destroyed the melee, outside the Chaos Zixiao Palace, the fight between Hong Jun and Luo Hu was also very fierce.

I saw Luo Hu sitting on the black lotus of the 24th grade, and the Heavenly Demon Pagoda above his head kept launching attacks on Hongjun, but these attacks were blocked by Hongjun, and the Jade Butterfly on the top of his head exuded bursts of gods. The dazzling brilliance easily counteracted the attack of the demon ancestor Rahu, and after resisting the attack, he waved the purple bamboo staff to counterattack.

One after another immortal light hit Luo Hu, but was also blocked by Luo Hu's Heavenly Demon Pagoda. Then Luo Hu took out the Innate Supreme Treasure Soul Killing Spear. This gun was the treasure he gathered a lot of heaven and earth, and used some special means to forcibly upgrade it to Innate Supreme Treasure In terms of level, it can be said that it is not comparable to the God-killing spear, in order to kill Hongjun by surprise.

The surging demonic energy rushed towards Hongjun, but was smashed by the latter with Zixiao Divine Thunder, and while smashing, several lines of Zixiao Divine Lightning were released. The thunder shattered and launched a more violent attack.

Between the two sides, it seems that no one can do anything to the other, but in fact, both sides are looking for each other's weaknesses, but no one has shown any flaws.

After fighting for a while, the demon ancestor Luo Hu threw out the Soul Eater Spear in his hand, and Hong Jun threw out the Purple Bamboo Staff without showing weakness after seeing it. Acquired merit is a treasure, one is full of demonic energy, the other is full of merit and virtue. After colliding together, the Soul Eater fell into a disadvantage, because merit completely restrained the devil, so the Soul Eater was directly knocked upside down. Out, there is even a trace of cracks.

Luo Hu, who was damaged by the treasure, was also attacked. He spit out a mouthful of black blood, and his face turned pale. When he looked at Hongjun again, he said in disbelief, "You actually broke through? Even if the treasure of merit restrains me. The magic weapon should not be damaged by being hit, the only explanation is that you have broken through to the late stage of Primordial Promise."

Hongjun took back the purple bamboo stick and nodded, "I did make a breakthrough, and it's not just that simple, even the Jade Butterfly has recovered."

When the words fell, I saw that the original incomplete part of Fortune Jade Butterfly suddenly recovered, so that Fortune Jade Butterfly recovered from the original Chaos Spirit Treasure to the level of Chaos Supreme Treasure in one breath.

Seeing this, Luo Huan's face was pale, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "Older Hongjun, don't be too complacent, even if you can defeat me, will you be able to deal with the destruction? I'm afraid that boy of yours has already fallen. "

After hearing this, Hongjun said with a light smile: "You too underestimate my disciple. His strength is still higher than mine, so your calculus is going to fail."

The words fell to the Jade Butterfly of Fortune, and under the control of Ancestor Hongjun, they slowly suppressed it towards Rahu. Although Luohu tried desperately to resist, he still couldn't stop the Jade Butterfly from approaching.

After glancing at Hongjun resentfully, he suddenly roared: "Old Hongjun! Even if I die, I won't let you suppress it, blow me up!"

The words fell, and Luo Hu's body exploded in the blink of an eye. After seeing it not far away, Hong Jun directly joined hands with Tian Dao to stabilize the surrounding space.

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