As his words fell, a group of heavenly soldiers, heavenly generals and many strong men rushed out one after another, and without the leader, the demon army and the strong men and troops under the command of the Destruction Demon God suddenly turned into a pot of porridge.

Some choose to escape, some choose to resist, but they just can't unify their opinions. In this case, they were killed by the great army and turned their backs on their backs. It can definitely be called a mess.

Among them, Sun Wukong, holding a golden hoop stick, directly picked a strong man under the command of the original Destruction Demon God in the early Primordial Yuan Dynasty, and then fought with him. The strength of the two sides is actually similar. The opponent who is not Sun Wukong can also last for a long time.

It is a pity that the fall of the Demon God of Destruction has caused too much harm to them, and they have lost their will to fight again. In this case, they are naturally defeated by Sun Wukong.

It didn't take long for Sun Wukong to find the loophole of this strong man, and with a swing, he beat this strong man to the early stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, his brain burst, and he fell on the spot.

It is a pity that such a strong powerhouse should end up in such a situation. It can be seen how important the Demon God of Destruction is to support the pillars in their hearts. Now that the Demon God of Destruction is perishing before their eyes, it has also plunged them into despair and lost the will to fight.

In other places, under the joint strangulation of a group of prehistoric powerhouses, whether it is the Demon Race or the army under the Destroyer Demon God, they are all defeated like a mountain, and only a few Primordial Powerhouses are left, under the siege of the Six Saints He also fell one after another, and the army under his command also suffered heavy losses under the attack of the Heavenly Soldiers and the strong men.

After a while, the mighty coalition army was completely wiped out. After eliminating all coalition personnel, the various forces of Honghuang also began to clean the battlefield. After all, the coalition also had a lot of good things.

In this regard, the Heavenly Court rarely fought against it. After all, this battle was prevalent, and the major forces contributed a lot, and they always wanted to give them some benefits. It was necessary for the horses to run and not to feed the horses. This kind of thing It can't be done.

At this moment, there was a sound from Chaos, and then a golden avenue of merit slowly appeared in the sky. The number of these merits is very large, much longer than that of Pangu Kaitian, and more than half of them are about 60%. The left and right entered Haotian's body, and the remaining 40% were scattered among everyone, and half of them entered the body of Sanqing and Hongjun, because this time they also contributed a lot, and they all lent their own treasures, and the rest It is distributed in the hands of various forces.

This also makes these people look happy, because this is the virtue of the Dao, which is more precious than the virtue of the heaven. With these virtues of the Dao, their cultivation will be twice the result with half the effort, and they no longer have to worry about getting into the devil or getting stuck in the realm. .

Therefore, after getting the merits of the Great Dao, everyone put it away one after another, and they did not rush to absorb them, because those who were eager to absorb them were all fools.

At this time, Haotian also absorbed the memory of the Demon God of Destruction, and then raised his head to look at the people in front of him and said, "Everyone! Everyone who came to participate in this battle deserves credit. Haotian is here to thank you all for your efforts. A hundred years later, Heavenly Court will hold a conference and sincerely invite everyone to come! At that time, we will discuss the follow-up development of Honghuang."

After hearing it, the strong men in Honghuang responded respectfully. Haotian nodded slightly after seeing it, and then disappeared into a stream of light. He did not rush back to the heaven, but first came to Luohu's base camp. The demons here have long since fled, but the treasure house is still here, because there is a restriction set by Rahu himself. Although Rahu has fallen, it is not the guards who can open it, so these people just pick it at will. Haotian didn't care much about something to escape.

After arriving at the door of the treasure house, Haotian waved lightly, and the prohibition set by Luo Hu was destroyed. Then the door of the treasure house slowly opened, and various genius treasures were displayed, among which various grades of innate spirits were displayed. There are hundreds of treasures, of which there are ten top-quality innate spiritual treasures, but some of them are only suitable for the use of demons.

Haotian is not worried about this. He only needs to use the Qiankun Cauldron to remove the magic energy and refine it again. However, there is a treasure at the core of these spiritual treasures that attracts him, because it is a Treasures similar to Qiankun Ding.

After reaching out and taking it over, Haotian was a little surprised, because this was actually a fortune-telling cauldron, but he was not used for refining weapons, but for refining pills. It is even better than Taishang Laojun's nine-turn golden pill, and at the same time can change his qualifications, which is a rare innate treasure.

And for some unknown reason, it was not used by Luo Hu. Thinking about Haotian, you can understand that this treasure is simply tasteless to Luo Hu, because Luo Hu is not very good at alchemy, and its defense is convenient, but it is not comparable to Tianmo Tower. But it has no attack ability like Qiankun Ding, which may be the reason why Luo Hu didn't use it.

But Luo Hu doesn't need it, it doesn't mean he doesn't need this treasure either. At the same time, he still has an idea in his heart, what if the Qiankun Cauldron and the Fortune Cauldron are combined into one? Maybe try it out.

Thinking of this, he put away the fortune cauldron, and then put away the hundreds of innate spiritual treasures in the treasure house, and then put away some of the treasures in the treasure house, a large number of innate spiritual medicines, and innate spiritual materials. , and a small amount of chaos elixir, and the chaos elixir, and then left here.

As for the Demon Realm, he did not destroy it. Instead, he made some changes. Every once in a while, some demons with different strengths would invade the prehistoric land. An Le, if Hong Huang is too relaxed, then he will really answer this sentence.

Appropriately adding some catastrophe to Honghuang can prevent Honghuang from dying in peace in response to this sentence! You can also give those juniors some training, lest they be too idle and cause trouble in the flood, just like the top ten Golden Crows back then.

But speaking of this, Haotian also suddenly remembered that the demon clan performed well this time, and the witch clan was also not bad. Perhaps he could resurrect Kuafu and the Nine Great Golden Crows, which would be considered a reward for them.

Thinking of this, Haotian quickened his pace and rushed back to the Heavenly Court as quickly as possible, and the major forces in the Great Wilderness had also begun to prepare for the conference a hundred years later.

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